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Python Wrapper for LIPSedge SDK

In order to run these python samples you need to do following requirements:

Find out LIPSedge SDK for your LIPSedge 3D camera, check here to download latest SDK.

Linux installation:

  1. Once SDK is downloaded, untar it and enter the SDK folder, use below command to launch installation.
$ sudo ./
  1. A development config file 'OpenNIDevEnvironment' is created for you to setup OpenNI2 software development environment. Two env. parameters OPENNI2_INCLUDE and OPENNI2_REDIST are exported to locate OpenNI2 include headers and library. Next time if you want to setup development env. quickly, source it in your shell before compilation.
$ source OpenNIDevEnvironment
  1. Copy the required OpenNI2 and LIPSedge driver libraries to here. You will get and directory OpenNI2/Drivers in current folder.
$ cp -r $OPENNI2_REDIST/* ./

Windows installation:

  1. Once SDK (.exe file) is downloaded, click it to launch installation.

  2. Copy the following OpenNI2 and LIPSedge driver libraries from C:/Program Files/OpenNI2/Redist/ to here.

    • OpenNI2.dll
    • OPENNI2/Drivers/DeviceModule2.dll (this is for LIPSedge camera DL/M3, replace it to your actual camera driver files)
    • OPENNI2/Drivers/RvcLib.dll

Dependent python modules intallation:

In both Linux and Windows, you will need Python 3 with the following python modules:

  • openni==2.3.0

    • $ pip install openni==2.3.0
    • if you are interesting this package OpenNI2 and NiTE2 python bindings, visit its Source and the Release 2.3.0
  • numpy

    • $ pip install numpy
  • cv2

    • $ pip install --upgrade opencv-python

Running samples:

To run sample, use python3 to run it.

$ python3 ./