diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 9c87dc2f7e..41f328f3f0 100755
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
# misc auto generated folders
# misc auto generated files
diff --git a/performance/liberty/build.xml b/performance/liberty/build.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c5a957376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/performance/liberty/build.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ Liberty Tests
diff --git a/performance/liberty/configs/benchmark.sh b/performance/liberty/configs/benchmark.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..65dcd7bb57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/performance/liberty/configs/benchmark.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+echo "***** Running Benchmark Script *****"
+echo "Current Dir: $(pwd)"
+#TODO: Remove these once the use of STAF has been eliminated from all the benchmark scripts
+export PATH=/usr/local/staf/bin:$PATH
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/staf/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+export JDK="j2sdk-image"
+echo "JDK=${JDK}"
+export JDK_DIR="${TEST_JDK_HOME}/.."
+echo "JDK_DIR=${JDK_DIR}"
+######### Generated Script #########
+#TODO: Need to do some cleanup and restructure some files for adding other configs
+echo ""
+echo "********** START OF NEW TESTCI BENCHMARK JOB **********"
+echo "Benchmark Name: LibertyStartupDT Benchmark Variant: 17dev-4way-0-256-qs"
+echo "Benchmark Product: ${JDK}"
+echo ""
+#TODO: Need to tune these options. Keeping them simple for now
+export JDK_OPTIONS="-Xmx256m"
+export COLD="0"
+export WARMUP="0"
+export NO_SETUP="false"
+export SETUP_ONLY="false"
+export WARM="1"
+export INSTALL_DIR=""
+export LIB_PATH=""
+export HEALTH_CENTRE=""
+export COGNOS_WAIT=""
+export REQUEST_CORE=""
+export SCENARIO="DayTrader7"
+export SERVER_NAME="LibertySUDTServer-$JDK"
+export PETERFP="false"
+export RESULTS_MACHINE="lowry1"
+export RESULTS_DIR="libertyResults"
+export LIBERTY_HOST="$(hostname)"
+export LAUNCH_SCRIPT="server"
+export LIBERTY_BINARIES_DIR="$1/libertyBinaries"
+export LIBERTY_VERSION="openliberty-"
+export APP_VERSION="daytrader-ee7"
+#TODO: Need to soft-code these configs. Need to add various affinity tools in the perf pre-reqs ()
+export AFFINITY="numactl --physcpubind=0-3 --membind=0"
+bash ${1}/scripts/bin/sufp_benchmark.sh
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/performance/liberty/playlist.xml b/performance/liberty/playlist.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d18469261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/performance/liberty/playlist.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ OpenLibertyStartupDT7
+ bash $(TEST_RESROOT)/../../../openjdk-tests/performance/liberty/configs/benchmark.sh $(TEST_RESROOT); \
+ os.linux,arch.x86,bits.64
+ extended
+ perf
diff --git a/performance/liberty/scripts/bin/common_utils.sh b/performance/liberty/scripts/bin/common_utils.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5544e5f93d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/performance/liberty/scripts/bin/common_utils.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,1883 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+#TODO: verify that all alternative ssh commands work if using them instead of staf
+# Identifies that this script is for Liberty Benchmark
+# Note: Backslashes need to be escaped so it looks properly formatted when actually printed
+ local header="
+ _ ___ ____ _____ ____ _______ __
+ | | |_ _| __ )| ____| _ \\_ _\\ \\ / /
+ | | | || _ \\| _| | |_) || | \\ V /
+ | |___ | || |_) | |___| _ < | | | |
+ |_____|___|____/|_____|_| \_\\|_| |_|
+ printf '%s\n' "$header"
+## Identify what platform this benchmark script is currently running on
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Setting Machine Platform
+ export PLATFORM=`/bin/uname | cut -f1 -d_`
+ echo "Platform identified as: ${PLATFORM}"
+## Identify the directory in which the benchmark script is located in
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Setting Benchmark Top Level Directory
+ if [ -z "$PLATFORM" ]; then
+ echo "Machine platform not set. Terminating."
+ exit
+ fi
+ # find out the absolute path to the scripts
+ local REL_DIR=$(dirname $0)
+ BENCHMARK_DIR=`cd "${REL_DIR}"/..; pwd`
+ # handle special case for windows
+ if [ "$PLATFORM" = "CYGWIN" ]; then
+ fi
+## Environment variable setup common to all Liberty benchmarks
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Common Environment Setup
+ if [ -z "$VERBOSE_MODE" ]; then
+ echo "VERBOSE_MODE not set. Defaulting to true"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$JDK_DIR" ]; then
+ echo "JDK_DIR not set"
+ usage
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$JDK" ]; then
+ echo "JDK not set"
+ usage
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$JDK_OPTIONS" ]; then
+ echo "JDK_OPTIONS not set"
+ exit
+ fi
+ #warn about no affinity, but continue anyway
+ if [ -z "$AFFINITY" ]; then
+ case $PLATFORM in
+ OS/390)
+ echo "AFFINITY not set. On z/OS so is ok"
+ ;;
+ SunOS|HP-UX)
+ echo "AFFINITY not set. On Sun/HP so is ok"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "AFFINITY not set"
+ usage
+ exit
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "$PROFILING_TOOL" ]; then
+ if [ -z "$PROFILING_JAVA_OPTION" ]; then
+ echo "Optional PROFILING_JAVA_OPTION not set."
+ if [[ "${PROFILING_TOOL}" = jprof* ]]; then
+ export PROFILE_TYPE=$(awk -F " " '{print $2}' <<< ${PROFILING_TOOL})
+ PROFILING_JAVA_OPTION="-agentlib:jprof=${PROFILE_TYPE},logpath=${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp"
+ elif [[ "${PROFILING_TOOL}" = perf* ]]; then
+ fi
+ else
+ # If there are multiple logpaths, then the last one takes effect.
+ # We append this logpath so that we know where to copy the files from
+ # and use them for archiving so that they can be viewed later.
+ if [[ "${PROFILING_TOOL}" = jprof* ]]; then
+ echo "Appending ',logpath=${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp' to PROFILING_JAVA_OPTION"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$LAUNCH_SCRIPT" ]; then
+ echo "Optional LAUNCH_SCRIPT not set. Setting to 'server'"
+ LAUNCH_SCRIPT="server"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$LIBERTY_BINARIES_DIR" ]; then
+ echo "Optional LIBERTY_BINARIES_DIR not set. Setting to '${LIBERTY_BINARIES_DIR}'"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$LIBERTY_VERSION" ]; then
+ case $PLATFORM in
+ OS/390)
+ LIBERTY_VERSION="liberty_zos"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo "Optional LIBERTY_VERSION not set. Setting to '${LIBERTY_VERSION}'"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$LIBERTY_HOST" ]; then
+ echo "LIBERTY_HOST not set"
+ usage
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$SERVER_NAME" ]; then
+ echo "SERVER_NAME not set."
+ usage
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$SCENARIO" ]; then
+ echo "SCENARIO not set. Exiting"
+ exit
+ fi
+ # Handle only dt3 for now
+ if [ -z "$APP_VERSION" ]; then
+ if [[ "${SCENARIO}" = DayTrader* ]] && [[ ! "${SCENARIO}" = DayTrader7 ]]; then
+ echo "Daytrader 3 Application Version not set. Setting to daytrader3.0.10.1-ee6-src"
+ APP_VERSION="daytrader3.0.10.1-ee6-src"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$RESULTS_DIR" ]; then
+ echo "Optional RESULTS_DIR not set. Setting to 'libertyResults'"
+ RESULTS_DIR="libertyResults"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$RESULTS_MACHINE" ]; then
+ echo "Optional RESULTS_MACHINE not set. Setting to 'webber'"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$ROOT_RESULTS_DIR" ]; then
+ echo "Optional ROOT_RESULTS_DIR not set. Setting to '/was_results/libertyResults'"
+ ROOT_RESULTS_DIR="/was_results/libertyResults"
+ fi
+ if [ "${SETUP_ONLY}" = "false" ]; then
+ echo "Optional SETUP_ONLY set to false. Proceeding with full run."
+ elif [ "${SETUP_ONLY}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "SETUP_ONLY MODE SET. Proceeding with a setup only run."
+ else
+ echo "Optional SETUP_ONLY not set. Setting to false and proceeding with full run."
+ SETUP_ONLY="false"
+ fi
+ if [ "${NO_SETUP}" = "false" ]; then
+ echo "Optional NO_SETUP set to false. Proceeding with liberty server setup before the run. Creating a Liberty server if it doesn't exist and replacing Liberty server default server.xml and bootstrap.properties (if available)"
+ elif [ "${NO_SETUP}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "NO_SETUP MODE SET. No liberty server setup will be done before the run. A server will NOT be created if it doesn't exist and the Liberty server default server.xml and bootstrap.properties will NOT be replaced."
+ else
+ echo "Optional NO_SETUP not set. Proceeding with liberty server setup before the run. Creating a Liberty server if it doesn't exist and replacing Liberty server default server.xml and bootstrap.properties (if available)"
+ NO_SETUP="false"
+ fi
+ # Conflict if both are set to true as there is nothing to do
+ if [ "${NO_SETUP}" = "true" ] && [ "${SETUP_ONLY}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "NO_SETUP and SETUP_ONLY both set to true. This is a conflicting option set, run cannot proceed. Exiting"
+ exit
+ fi
+ # if using healthcenter, need to allow more time to write hcd on JVM shutdown
+ if [[ `echo ${JDK_OPTIONS} | grep -c "healthcenter"` -gt 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Healthcenter in use. Allowing an extra 45 seconds on shutdown"
+ export HEALTHCENTER=true
+ fi
+ "jprof tprof"
+ "jprof scs"
+ "jprof callflow"
+ "jprof calltree"
+ "jprof rtarcf"
+ "perf stat"
+ "perf record"
+## Check if the given profiling tool is supported
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Validating Given Profiling Tool for Support
+ SUPPORTED_PROFILING_TOOLS_OUTPUT="List of Supported Profiling Tools: "
+ # check the given profiling tool is found in the supported tools list
+ if [ "${PROFILING_TOOL}" = "${i}" ]; then
+ echo "Profiling Tool '${PROFILING_TOOL}' is supported"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # unsupported profiling tool
+ if [ "${PROFILING_TOOL_SUPPORTED}" != "true" ]; then
+ echo "Profiling Tool '${PROFILING_TOOL}' is not supported. Terminating."
+ exit
+ fi
+## Check if the given scenario is valid
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Validating Given Scenario
+ # check the scenario is recognised
+ for i in "${VALID_SCENARIOS[@]}"; do
+ if [ "${SCENARIO}" = "${i}" ]; then
+ echo "Scenario ${SCENARIO} is valid"
+ local VALID_SCENARIO="true"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # invalid scenario
+ if [ "${VALID_SCENARIO}" != "true" ]; then
+ echo "The scenario \"${SCENARIO}\" was not recognised. Terminating."
+ exit
+ fi
+## Platform dependent checks, setup routines, and environment variables that need to be set
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Platform Specific Setup
+ if [ -z "$PLATFORM" ]; then
+ echo "Machine platform not set. Terminating."
+ exit
+ fi
+ #Server script should ebcdic of OS390 and ascii for other platforms
+ case $PLATFORM in
+ OS/390)
+ echo "Platform ${PLATFORM} requires the Liberty server tool to be in ebcdic format"
+ cat ${LIBERTY_DIR}/bin/server | grep "\r" > /dev/null
+ if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then
+ if [ "${LIBERTY_VERSION}" = "liberty_zos" ]; then
+ echo "Server tool in ${LIBERTY_DIR} is not in ebcdic. This is the default tool, so something has gone wrong with copying the scripts. Exiting"
+ exit
+ else
+ echo "Server tool in ${LIBERTY_DIR} is not in ebcdic. This will not work. Please provide a valid Liberty binary. Exiting"
+ exit
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Server tool in ${LIBERTY_DIR} is in valid ebcdic format. Proceeding with benchmark run"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Platform ${PLATFORM} requires the Liberty server tool to be in ascii format"
+ cat ${LIBERTY_DIR}/bin/server | grep "\r" > /dev/null
+ if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then
+ if [ "${LIBERTY_VERSION}" = "liberty" ]; then
+ echo "Server tool in ${LIBERTY_DIR} is not in ascii. This is the default tool, so something has gone wrong with copying the scripts. Fail job."
+ exit
+ else
+ echo "Server tool in ${LIBERTY_DIR} is not in ascii. This will not work. Restoring to liberty folder."
+ export LIBERTY_VERSION="liberty"
+ setLibertyServerDirs
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Server tool in ${LIBERTY_DIR} is in a valid ascii format. Proceeding with benchmark run"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # HP-UX: Hostname to ip conversion for staf
+ # STAF on HP-UX has some problem looking up our private hostnames from /etc/hosts, so
+ # below is a hack to convert the machine names to IP addresses. Note that this requires
+ # STAF on the other machines trust the HP machine's private IP address too.
+ if [ "$PLATFORM" = "HP-UX" ] && [ "$BENCHMARK_TYPE" = "THROUGHPUT" ]; then
+ echo "Converting private hostnames to IP addresses for HP-UX"
+ echo "CLIENT = $CLIENT"
+ CLIENT=`nslookup $CLIENT | grep Address | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f3`
+ DB_MACHINE=`nslookup $DB_MACHINE | grep Address | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f3`
+ LIBERTY_HOST=`nslookup $LIBERTY_HOST | grep Address | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f3`
+ RESULTS_MACHINE=`nslookup $RESULTS_MACHINE | grep Address | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f3`
+ echo "CLIENT = $CLIENT"
+ fi
+## Set the enviornment variables for the Liberty directory and Liberty Server directories
+## If no Liberty directory is found, try finding an archive of the same name in LIBERTY_BINARIES_DIR and extract it
+## Benchmark will terminate if no Liberty directory or corresponding archive is found
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Setting Liberty Directories
+ # Remove "@" from SERVER_NAME - liberty doesn't like this
+ export SERVER_NAME=`echo "${SERVER_NAME}" | sed 's/@//g'`
+ if [ ! -d "${LIBERTY_BINARIES_DIR}" ]; then
+ echo "Liberty Binaries Directory does not exist. Exiting"
+ exit
+ fi
+ # Check if liberty folder exists, otherwise extract it if the archive is available
+ if [ -d "${LIBERTY_DIR}" ]; then
+ echo "Using existing ${LIBERTY_DIR}"
+ else
+ echo "${LIBERTY_VERSION} directory not found in ${LIBERTY_BINARIES_DIR}"
+ echo "Looking for ${LIBERTY_VERSION} archive in ${LIBERTY_BINARIES_DIR}"
+ # Search for and extract an existing archive matching given LIBERTY_VERSION
+ case $PLATFORM in
+ OS/390)
+ # Handle PAX.Z files
+ if [ -e "${LIBERTY_DIR}.pax.Z" ]; then
+ echo "Found ${LIBERTY_DIR}.pax.Z"
+ echoAndRunCmd "cd ${LIBERTY_BINARIES_DIR}"
+ echoAndRunCmd "pax -r -f ${LIBERTY_VERSION}.pax.Z"
+ echoAndRunCmd "cd -"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Handle ZIP files
+ if [ -e "${LIBERTY_DIR}.zip" ]; then
+ echo "Found ${LIBERTY_DIR}.zip"
+ echoAndRunCmd "cd ${LIBERTY_BINARIES_DIR}"
+ echoAndRunCmd "unzip -q ${LIBERTY_VERSION}.zip"
+ echoAndRunCmd "cd -"
+ # Handle TAR files
+ elif [ -e "${LIBERTY_DIR}.tar.gz" ]; then
+ echo "Found ${LIBERTY_DIR}.tar.gz"
+ echoAndRunCmd "cd ${LIBERTY_BINARIES_DIR}"
+ echoAndRunCmd "tar -xzf ${LIBERTY_VERSION}.tar.gz"
+ echoAndRunCmd "cd -"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ "$FOUND_LIBERTY_ARCHIVE" = true ]; then
+ if [ -d "${LIBERTY_DIR}" ]; then
+ echoAndRunCmd "chmod -R 755 ${LIBERTY_DIR}"
+ echo "Using extracted ${LIBERTY_DIR}"
+ else
+ echo "Error extracting ${LIBERTY_VERSION} archive in ${LIBERTY_BINARIES_DIR}. Exiting"
+ exit
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "${LIBERTY_VERSION} archive not found in ${LIBERTY_BINARIES_DIR}. Exiting"
+ exit
+ fi
+ fi
+ #handle special case for windows
+ if [ "$PLATFORM" = "CYGWIN" ]; then
+ WIN_SERVER_DIR=$(cygpath -m "${SERVER_DIR}")
+ echo "Windows Server Dir is ${WIN_SERVER_DIR}"
+ fi
+ # Add execute permission to the liberty start script
+ echoAndRunCmd "chmod +x ${LIBERTY_DIR}/bin/${LAUNCH_SCRIPT}"
+## Determine the correct location of the java executable in the given JDK_DIR/JDK path
+## Benchmark will terminate if no java executable is found or if it returns an error on java -version
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Java Environment Setup
+ JAVA_PATH=$(dirname `find ${JDK_DIR}/${JDK} \( -name java -o -name java.exe \) -type f | grep -i 'bin/java'| awk '{ print length, $0 }'|sort -n | cut -d " " -f2 | head -n1`)
+ if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo "JDK not found. Terminating."
+ exit
+ fi
+ echo "Java executable found in ${JAVA_PATH}"
+ export JAVA_HOME="${JAVA_PATH}/.."
+ ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -version > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "Found JDK is valid"
+ else
+ echo "Found JDK but invalid return code received from ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -version. Terminating."
+ exit
+ fi
+ # Remove -xdump jdk option for OS/390
+ if [ "$PLATFORM" = "OS/390" ]; then
+ local newOptions=""
+ for option in $JDK_OPTIONS; do
+ newOptions="${newOptions} `echo $option|grep -v -- "-Xdump:"`"
+ done
+ if [ "$JDK_OPTIONS" != "$newOptions" ]; then
+ echo "Removed -Xdump options from JDK_OPTIONS, as not supported on z/OS"
+ echo "Old JDK Options : ${JDK_OPTIONS}"
+ echo "NewJDK Options : ${newOptions}"
+ export JDK_OPTIONS="${newOptions}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Set corresponding environment variables
+ echo "NOTE: JAVA_HOME is an environment variable also used in the Liberty/bin scripts"
+ echo ""
+ export JVM_ARGS="${JDK_OPTIONS}"
+ echo "JVM_ARGS=${JVM_ARGS}"
+ echo "NOTE: JVM_ARGS is an environment variable also used in the Liberty/bin scripts"
+ echo ""
+ export PID_FILE="${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/server.pid"
+ echo "PID_FILE=${PID_FILE}"
+ echo "NOTE: PID_FILE is an environment variable also used in the Liberty/bin scripts"
+ echo ""
+ export LOG_FILE="console.log"
+ echo "LOG_FILE=${LOG_FILE}"
+ echo "NOTE: LOG_FILE is an environment variable also used in the Liberty/bin scripts. It points to a file that is located inside the Liberty server's logs directory"
+ # check SDK for Xjit support
+ ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -Xjit:verbose -version 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
+ export SDK_SUPPORTS_XJIT=false
+ echo "Currently running a VM that doesn't recognise -Xjit"
+ echo "All non-Xjit runs will proceed as normal. Xjit runs will be skipped"
+ else
+ export SDK_SUPPORTS_XJIT=true
+ fi
+ # check SDK for Shared Class Cache support
+ ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -Xshareclasses:name=pma-test-scc-name -version 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
+ export SDK_SUPPORTS_SCC=false
+ echo "Currently running a VM that doesn't recognise -Xshareclasses"
+ else
+ ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -Xshareclasses:name=pma-test-scc-name,destroy 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null
+ export SDK_SUPPORTS_SCC=true
+ fi
+## Work out scc name. Safer than relying on generating it from build name
+## TODO: Check for Oracle
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Getting the Shared Class Cache Name from JVM_ARGS
+ SCCNAME=`echo "$JVM_ARGS"|sed 's/ /#/g'|tr "#" "\n" |grep Xshareclasses|sed 's/,/#/g'|tr "#" "\n" |grep name|sed 's/name=//g'`
+## Destroy any present Java shared class cache with the same name as SCCNAME and Liberty usr/servers/.classCache
+## TODO: Check for Oracle
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Destroying Shared Class Cache
+ # No SCCNAME found
+ if [ -z "$SCCNAME" ]; then
+ echo "SCCNAME has not been set. Exiting"
+ exit
+ fi
+ # Destroy Java shared class cache
+ echo "Destroying Shared Class Cache: ${SCCNAME}"
+ local CLEAR_SHARED="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -Xshareclasses:name=${SCCNAME},destroy"
+ echo ${CLEAR_SHARED}
+ # Destroy Liberty class cache
+ echo "Destroying Liberty Servers Class Cache: ${LIBERTY_DIR}/usr/servers/.classCache"
+ local RemoveLibertySCC="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -Xshareclasses:cacheDir=${LIBERTY_DIR}/usr/servers/.classCache,destroyAll"
+ echo ${RemoveLibertySCC}
+ ${RemoveLibertySCC}
+ # Destroy cognos specific shared class cache if any
+ if [ "${SCENARIO}" = "Cognos" ]; then
+ echo "Destroying Shared Class Cache: cognos10%u"
+ local CogCLEAR_SHARED="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -Xshareclasses:name=cognos10%u,destroy"
+ echo ${CogCLEAR_SHARED}
+ fi
+## Print SCC info
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Printing shared class cache stats:
+ echo "${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -Xshareclasses:name=${SCCNAME},printStats"
+ ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -Xshareclasses:name=${SCCNAME},printStats
+## Print the Liberty and Java version
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Application Version Information
+ # Liberty version
+ echo "Using Liberty Version:"
+ ${LIBERTY_DIR}/bin/${LAUNCH_SCRIPT} version
+ echo ""
+ # JDK version
+ echo "Using Java Version:"
+ ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -version
+## Set TR_PrintCompStats and TR_PrintCompTime to allow Jit Thread Utilization info
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Enable JIT Thread Utilization Information
+ echo "Setting TR_PrintCompStats and TR_PrintCompTime to 1 to allow Jit Thread Utilization info"
+ export TR_PrintCompTime=1
+ export TR_PrintCompStats=1
+## Unset TR_PrintCompStats and TR_PrintCompTime to disable Jit Thread Utilization info of future Java processes
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Disable JIT Thread Utilization Information
+ echo "Unsetting TR_PrintCompStats and TR_PrintCompTime to disable Jit Thread Utilization info of future Java processes"
+ unset TR_PrintCompTime
+ unset TR_PrintCompStats
+## Calculate a processes memory footprint
+## For linux: Footprint =
+## (Processe's Resident Set Size + System Huge Pages in use currently - System Huge Pages in use before given process started)
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Calculating Footprint
+ # add footprint collection to end of Liberty throughput - this is a cut+paste from sufpdt.sh
+ case ${PLATFORM} in
+ # FULL_MEM=`pslist -m ${WINDOWS_PID} | tail -n 2`
+ # echo "${FULL_MEM}"
+ # uncomment this line if reporting on pslist throughput
+ # FOOTPRINT=`echo "${FULL_MEM}" | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $4 }'`
+ if [ -z ${WINDOWS_PID} ]; then
+ echo "No windows PID - not running footprint tool"
+ else
+ echo "vmmap output:"
+ vmmap -64 -PID ${WINDOWS_PID} vmmap.out
+ local VMMAP_MEM=`head -n 15 vmmap.out`
+ echo "${VMMAP_MEM}"
+ rm vmmap.out
+ local FOOTPRINT=`echo "${VMMAP_MEM}" | head -n 5 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $5}' | sed "s/,//g"`
+ echo ""
+ if [ "$SCENARIO" = "Cognos" ]; then
+ local running_total=$FOOTPRINT
+ local Other_PIDS=`ps -W |grep 'jre/bin/java'|grep -v 'grep'| grep -v '${SERVER_PID}'|awk '{print $1}'`
+ echo $Other_PIDS
+ ps -W |grep java
+ for PID in $Other_PIDS
+ do
+ local tmpWINDOWS_PID=`ps -W | grep java | grep ${PID} | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $4 }'`
+ vmmap -64 -PID ${tmpWINDOWS_PID} tmpvmmap.out
+ local tmpVMMAP_MEM=`head -n 15 tmpvmmap.out`
+ echo "${tmpVMMAP_MEM}"
+ rm tmpvmmap.out
+ local tmpFOOTPRINT=`echo "${VMMAP_MEM}" | head -n 5 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $5}' | sed "s/,//"`
+ local tmpProcName=`ps -W |grep ${PID}| grep -v 'grep'|grep -v 'ws-server.jar'`
+ #some logic should go here
+ case $tmpProcName in
+ *NetworkServerControl*)
+ tmpProcName="Derby DB Server"
+ ;;
+ *CGSServer*)
+ tmpProcName="CGSServer"
+ ;;
+ *ws-server.jar*)
+ tmpProcName="Liberty why is this here!?"
+ ;;
+ *DQServer*)
+ tmpProcName="DQServer"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo "${tmpProcName}=${tmpFOOTPRINT}"
+ let running_total=$running_total+$tmpFOOTPRINT
+ done
+ fi
+ local command=`tasklist /V /FI "IMAGENAME eq java*"`
+ echo "Running : tasklist /V /FI \"IMAGENAME eq java*\""
+ echo $command
+ echo "Reporting on vmmap data"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ AIX)
+ procmap ${SERVER_PID} > footprint.tmp
+ svmon -P ${SERVER_PID} -O segment=category,unit=KB,mapping=on,format=80 >> footprint.tmp
+ awk -f ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/resource/aix_footprint.awk footprint.tmp > footprintAwk.tmp
+ echo "ps output for reference" >> footprintAwk.tmp
+ ps -T ${SERVER_PID} -o rssize,vsz,comm,pid >> footprintAwk.tmp
+ # we want to store the procmap, svmon and awk outputs
+ cp footprint.tmp ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/footprint.out
+ cat footprintAwk.tmp >> ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/footprint.out
+ # now find the footprint figure from the awk output
+ local FOOTPRINT=`awk '/JTC footprint/ { print $8 }' footprintAwk.tmp`
+ # TODO: Once verified, remove variables not used
+ #local free=`vmstat -l | sed -e 's/ */ /g' |tr ' ' '\n' | tail -n 1 | tail -c 10`
+ #active=`vmstat -l | sed -e 's/ */ /g' |tr ' ' '\n' | tail -n 2 | head -n 1| tail -c 10`
+ if [ "$SCENARIO" = "Cognos" ]; then
+ local running_total=$FOOTPRINT
+ local Other_PIDS=`ps -ef -o pid,comm,args |grep 'jre/bin/java'|grep -v 'grep'| grep -v 'ws-server.jar'|awk '{print $1}'`
+ for PID in $Other_PIDS
+ do
+ procmap ${PID} > footprint.tmp
+ svmon -P ${PID} -O segment=category,unit=KB,mapping=on,format=80 >> footprint.tmp
+ awk -f ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/resource/aix_footprint.awk footprint.tmp > footprintAwk.tmp
+ echo "ps output for reference" >> footprintAwk.tmp
+ ps -T ${PID} -o rssize,vsz,comm,pid >> footprintAwk.tmp
+ # we want to store the procmap, svmon and awk outputs
+ cp footprint.tmp ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/${PID}.footprint.out
+ cat footprintAwk.tmp >> ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/${PID}.footprint.out
+ local tmpFOOTPRINT=`awk '/JTC footprint/ { print $8 }' footprintAwk.tmp`
+ # TODO: Once verified, remove variables not used
+ # local tmpfree=`vmstat -l | sed -e 's/ */ /g' |tr ' ' '\n' | tail -n 1 | tail -c 10`
+ #ps -ef -o pid,comm,args| grep ${PID} | grep -v 'grep'
+ local tmpProcName=`ps -ef -o pid,comm,args |grep ${PID}| grep -v 'grep'|grep -v 'ws-server.jar'`
+ #some logic should go here
+ case $tmpProcName in
+ *NetworkServerControl*)
+ tmpProcName="Derby DB Server"
+ ;;
+ *CGSServer*)
+ tmpProcName="CGSServer"
+ ;;
+ *ws-server.jar*)
+ tmpProcName="Liberty why is this here!?"
+ ;;
+ *DQServer*)
+ tmpProcName="DQServer"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo "${tmpProcName}=${tmpFOOTPRINT}"
+ let running_total=$running_total+$tmpFOOTPRINT
+ done
+ fi
+ local processOutput=`ps -ef | grep java`
+ echo "Listing Process CPU usage"
+ echo $processOutput
+ ;;
+ SunOS)
+ local FOOTPRINT=`/usr/bin/pmap ${SERVER_PID} 2>/dev/null | /usr/bin/tail -1 | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ ;;
+ OS/390)
+ echo "Sleeping 10 seconds to make sure we get RMF data"
+ sleep 10
+ if [ "${IS_COLD_RUN}" = "true" ] || [ "${CLEAN_RUN}" = "true" ];then
+ local RUN_TYPE="cold"
+ else
+ local RUN_TYPE="warm"
+ fi
+ echo "using RMF ID = ${RMF_ID}"
+ local ID=`date +%H%M%S`
+ mkdir ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/rmfLogs
+ echo "SDSF.rexx output active rmf ${RMF_ID} > ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/rmfLogs/file.txt${ID}"
+ local var=`SDSF.rexx output active rmf ${RMF_ID} > ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/rmfLogs/file.txt${ID}`
+ echo $var
+ echo "Using file file.txt${RUN_ID}"
+ local TIME_STAMP=$(getStartTimeStamp ${SERVER_DIR}/logs/messages.log daytrader3)
+ echo "Contents of rmflog:"
+ echo "Running cat ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/rmfLogs/file.txt${RUN_ID} | grep ${PROCESS_NAME}"
+ cat ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/rmfLogs/file.txt${RUN_ID} | grep ${PROCESS_NAME}
+ echo "perl rmfLogStdOut.pl ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/rmfLogs file.txt${ID} ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/rmfLogs log.out${RUN_TYPE}${j} ${PROCESS_NAME} ${TIME_STAMP}"
+ var=`perl rmfLogStdOut.pl ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/rmfLogs file.txt${ID} ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/rmfLogs log.out${RUN_TYPE}${j} ${PROCESS_NAME} ${TIME_STAMP}`
+ local FOOTPRINT=`echo "$var"|grep "Control_Real_Storage"|awk {'print $3'}`
+ FILES_TO_STORE="${FILES_TO_STORE} ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/rmfLogs/file.txt${RUN_ID} ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/rmfLogs/log.out${RUN_TYPE}${j}"
+ echo "$var"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ local FOOTPRINT=`ps -p ${SERVER_PID} -o rss,vsz,comm,pid | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+ local HPTOTAL=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep ^HugePages_Total | sed 's/HugePages.*: *//g' | head -n 1`
+ local HPFREE=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep ^HugePages_Free | sed 's/HugePages.*: *//g' | head -n 2 | tail -n 1`
+ # Once verified, confirm that HPRESVD is not used anywhere
+ local HPRESVD=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep ^HugePages_Rsvd | sed 's/HugePages.*: *//g' | head -n 3 | tail -n 1`
+ local HPINUSE
+ echo "HPs in use by liberty: "${HPINUSE}
+ local HPSIZE=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep ^Hugepagesize | sed 's/[a-zA-Z :]*//g'`
+ echo "HP size in kb "${HPSIZE}
+ if [ "$SCENARIO" = "Cognos" ]; then
+ local running_total=$FOOTPRINT
+ local Other_PIDS=`ps -o pid,comm,args |grep 'jre/bin/java'|grep -v 'grep'| grep -v 'ws-server.jar'|awk '{print $1}'`
+ for PID in $Other_PIDS
+ do
+ local tmpFOOTPRINT=`ps -p ${PID} -o rss,vsz,comm,pid | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+ #ps -o pid,comm,args| grep ${PID} | grep -v 'grep'
+ local tmpProcName=`ps -o pid,comm,args |grep ${PID}| grep -v 'grep'|grep -v 'ws-server.jar'`
+ #some logic should go here
+ case $tmpProcName in
+ *NetworkServerControl*)
+ tmpProcName="Derby DB Server"
+ ;;
+ *CGSServer*)
+ tmpProcName="CGSServer"
+ ;;
+ *ws-server.jar*)
+ tmpProcName="Liberty why is this here!?"
+ ;;
+ *DQServer*)
+ tmpProcName="DQServer"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo "${tmpProcName} (${PID}) =${tmpFOOTPRINT}"
+ let running_total=$running_total+$tmpFOOTPRINT
+ done
+ fi
+ echo "Displaying top output:"
+ local command="top -b -n 1 -p ${SERVER_PID}"
+ for PID in $Other_PIDS
+ do
+ command="$command -p ${PID}"
+ done
+ echo "Command to run : ${command}"
+ ${command}
+ #adding sum of smaps Rss values for sanity checking
+ echo "RSS from smaps:"
+ for PID in $SERVER_PID $Other_PIDS
+ do
+ local SMAPS_RSS=`grep Rss /proc/${PID}/smaps | awk '{x+=$2} END {print x}'`
+ echo "SMAPS_RSS ${PID}: ${SMAPS_RSS}"
+ local SMAPS_PSS=`grep Pss /proc/${PID}/smaps | awk '{x+=$2} END {print x}'`
+ echo "SMAPS_PSS ${PID}: ${SMAPS_PSS}"
+ done
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ "$xjitMode" = true ]; then
+ echo "XjitFootprint is ${FOOTPRINT}"
+ else
+ # footprint must be composed of decimal digits
+ if ! [[ "${FOOTPRINT}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [ -z "${FOOTPRINT}" ]; then
+ echo "Failed to get footprint information."
+ echo "Footprint string was: ${FOOTPRINT}"
+ else
+ echo "Footprint (kb)=${FOOTPRINT}"
+ fi
+ fi
+## Converts DayTrader start message to a timestamp for RMF
+## Expects two parameters:
+## $1 = messages.log file - in ascii
+## $2 = application name to search on
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Calculating Start Timestamp
+ local messagesLog=$1
+ #TODO: Once verified, unused variable:
+ #local appName=$2
+ #TODO: Once verified, unused variable:
+ # local convert=`iconv -fISO8859-1 -tIBM-1047 $messagesLog > ${messagesLog}.ebcdic`
+ iconv -fISO8859-1 -tIBM-1047 $messagesLog > ${messagesLog}.ebcdic
+ local timeStamp=`cat $messagesLog.ebcdic | grep "Application $2 started in"|awk {'print $2'}`
+ local split=`echo $timeStamp | sed 's/:/ /g'`
+ local total=0
+ local multiply=3600
+ for part in $split
+ do
+ total=`echo "$total+($part*$multiply)"|bc`
+ multiply=`echo "$multiply/60"|bc`
+ if [[ $multiply -le 1 ]]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ local TIME_STAMP=$total
+ echo $TIME_STAMP
+## Add the jprof/perf jvm option for runtime analysis
+## Note: Order of precedence (from highest/rightmost to lowest/leftmost) given within Liberty "Launch Script" (Server):
+## OPENJ9_JAVA_OPTIONS, JVM_ARGS, JVM_OPTIONS_QUOTED (those within the jvm.options file)
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Configuring Java Options for Profiling.
+| NOTE: Make sure you have the profiling tools on your path.
+| Otherwise, the tools will fail to run.
+ if [ -e ${SERVER_DIR}/jvm.options ]; then
+ cp ${SERVER_DIR}/jvm.options ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/backup_jvmoptions
+ rm ${SERVER_DIR}/jvm.options
+ export OPTIONS_EXISTED=true
+ else
+ echo "jvm.options doesn't exist. Creating new file"
+ export OPTIONS_EXISTED=false
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "$PROFILING_TOOL" ]; then
+ echo "Adding ${PROFILING_JAVA_OPTION} to jvm.options"
+ echo "${PROFILING_JAVA_OPTION}" > ${SERVER_DIR}/jvm.options
+ fi
+## Calculate huge pages in use before the Liberty server is started
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Pre-Benchmark Huge Pages
+ case ${PLATFORM} in
+ Linux)
+ local HPPRETOTAL=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep HugePages_Total | sed 's/HugePages.*: *//g' | head -n 1`
+ local HPPREFREE=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep HugePages_Free | sed 's/HugePages.*: *//g' | head -n 2|tail -n 1`
+ echo "HP IN USE : " ${HPPREINUSE}
+ ;;
+ OS/390)
+ #TODO: Once verified, keep this restartRMF enabled or disabled?
+ #restartRMF
+ echo "RMF restarted already - test"
+ ;;
+ esac
+## Analyze verbosegc log with the Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer tool
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Running GCMV
+ if [[ "$GCMV_ENABLED" = "true" ]] && [ -f ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tools/gcmv/summarizer/scripts/gcmv_summarizer.pl ] && [ -f ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tools/gcmv/gcmv.jar ] && [ -f ${SERVER_DIR}/verbosegc.xml ]; then
+ echo "Found files required for headless GCMV"
+ if [ "$PLATFORM" = "OS/390" ]; then
+ sh ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/bin/encode.sh -execute ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tools/gcmv/summarizer/scripts/gcmv_summarizer.pl
+ sh ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/bin/encode.sh -execute ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tools/gcmv/summarizer/lib/GCMV/Common.pm
+ fi
+ local OUTPUT_FILE=${SERVER_DIR}/gcmv-parser.out
+ local ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE=${SERVER_DIR}/gcmv-errors.out
+ # Run Headless GCMV against the verbosegclog
+ echo "File ${SERVER_DIR}/verbosegc.xml exists" >> ${OUTPUT_FILE} 2>>${ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE}
+ echo "" >> ${OUTPUT_FILE} 2>>${ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE}
+ echo "Running Headless GCMV" >> ${OUTPUT_FILE} 2>>${ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE}
+ echoAndRunCmd "cd ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp"
+ case ${PLATFORM} in
+ echo "Platform is Cygwin" >> ${OUTPUT_FILE} 2>>${ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE}
+ ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -jar `cygpath -w ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tools/gcmv/gcmv.jar` -f `cygpath -w ${SERVER_DIR}/verbosegc.xml` -p `cygpath -w ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tools/gcmv/pauseTimeTemplate.epf` >> ${OUTPUT_FILE} 2>>${ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE}
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -jar ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tools/gcmv/gcmv.jar -f ${SERVER_DIR}/verbosegc.xml -p ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tools/gcmv/pauseTimeTemplate.epf >> ${OUTPUT_FILE} 2>>${ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echoAndRunCmd "cd -"
+ # Parse the generated data
+ perl -I ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tools/gcmv/summarizer/lib ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tools/gcmv/summarizer/scripts/gcmv_summarizer.pl -f ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/gcmvData.txt >> ${OUTPUT_FILE} 2>>${ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE}
+ echo "*********************************" >> ${OUTPUT_FILE}
+ echo "* GCMV Summarizer has completed *" >> ${OUTPUT_FILE}
+ echo "*********************************" >> ${OUTPUT_FILE}
+ #check if ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE is empty
+ if [ -f ${ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE} ] && [ `wc -c < ${ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE}` -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo "GCMV errors have been found and recorded in ${ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE}" >> ${OUTPUT_FILE}
+ else
+ echo "No GCMV errors have been found." >> ${OUTPUT_FILE}
+ fi
+ cat ${OUTPUT_FILE}
+ else
+ echo "Did not find files required for headless GCMV"
+ echo "Error: File ${SERVER_DIR}/verbosegc.xml or Headless GCMV installation does not exist"
+ echo "Error: Headless GCMV cannot operate"
+ fi
+## Analyze the verbosejit files to get JIT CPU utilization stats
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Calculating JIT CPU Utilization
+ echo "Displaying JIT CPU Utilization from verbosejit files:"
+ if [[ "$JVM_ARGS" = *"%pid" ]]; then
+ echo "The vm args seem to contain %pid"
+ if [ -e "${SERVER_DIR}/verbosejit_${SERVER_PID}.txt" ]; then
+ cat ${SERVER_DIR}/verbosejit_${SERVER_PID}.txt | grep "Time spent in compilation thread"
+ else
+ echo "I couldnt find the file. I was looking for ${SERVER_DIR}/verbosejit_${SERVER_PID}.txt"
+ fi
+ else
+ for file in `ls -S ${SERVER_DIR}/verbosejit*.txt*`
+ do
+ echo "Displaying from ${file}"
+ cat $file | grep "Time spent in compilation thread"
+ done
+ fi
+## Use 1: Provide a list of files as arguments
+## Use 2: storeFiles -d
+## can be relative to the working dir or absolute
+## Note: Use 1 moves files, Use 2 moves the whole directory
+## Assumes the following are set:
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Storing Files to a Local Temporary Directory
+ if [ -z $1 ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo "WARNING in storeFiles function: Please provide at least 1 file to store"
+ echo ""
+ return
+ fi
+ # remove a pre-pending / from results dir if exists
+ RESULTS_DIR=$(echo ${RESULTS_DIR} | sed 's%^/%%')
+ # check if the directory needs creating, or if the name is in use but not a directory
+ if [ ! -e "${DIR}" ]; then
+ mkdir -p ${DIR}
+ elif [ ! -d "${DIR}" ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo "ERROR in storeFiles function: Specified path exists but is not a directory: ${DIR}"
+ echo "Cannot write to path. Function returning."
+ echo ""
+ return
+ fi
+ # Handle the -d (directory) option differently to files.
+ if [ "$1" = "-d" ] && [ -z $2 ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo "WARNING in storeFiles function: Please provide a directory and folder name for the -d option"
+ echo ""
+ return
+ # storing a directory
+ elif [ "$1" = "-d" ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo "Moving $2 to ${DIR}"
+ mv $2 ${DIR}
+ # storing a list of files
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo "Moving files to ${DIR}"
+ # loop over the files provided and move them to the local results dir
+ for file in $@
+ do
+ # check if file already exists
+ if [ -e "${DIR}/$(basename ${file}).${SERVER_PID}" ]; then
+ # TODO: Once verified, test this
+ echo "${file} -> ${DIR}/$(basename ${file}).${SERVER_PID}.$(date +'%s')"
+ mv ${file} ${DIR}/$(basename ${file}).${SERVER_PID}.$(date +'%s')
+ else
+ echo "${file} -> ${DIR}/$(basename ${file}).${SERVER_PID}"
+ mv ${file} ${DIR}/$(basename ${file}).${SERVER_PID}
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+## Zips up the results directory, removes original files then moves the zip to the results directory.
+## Assumes the following are set:
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Zipping Result Files
+ # remove a pre-pending / from results dir if exists
+ RESULTS_DIR=$(echo ${RESULTS_DIR} | sed 's%^/%%')
+ local ZIPNAME="results.zip"
+ echo "Creating zip ${ZIPNAME}"
+ if [ "$PLATFORM" = "OS/390" ]; then
+ echoAndRunCmd "zip -rq ${ZIPNAME} ${DIR}"
+ else
+ echoAndRunCmd "zip -rjq ${ZIPNAME} ${DIR}"
+ fi
+ echo "Removing original files"
+ # TODO: Once verified, replace wildcard with proper /. to remove ALL files in folder
+ echoAndRunCmd "rm -r ${DIR}/*"
+ echo "Moving zip to results dir"
+ echoAndRunCmd "mv ${ZIPNAME} ${DIR}"
+## Copies the contents of this run's results dir to the remote results machine
+## Assumes the following are set:
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Copying Result Files to Remote Machine
+ # remove a pre-pending / from results dir if exists
+ RESULTS_DIR=$(echo ${RESULTS_DIR} | sed 's%^/%%')
+ echo ""
+ echo "Storing results remotely on ${RESULTS_MACHINE}"
+ # If we are on windows, we need to give STAF the windows path, not the cygwin path
+ if [ "${PLATFORM}" = "CYGWIN" ]; then
+ DIR=$(cygpath -m "${DIR}")
+ fi
+ # create results dir on the results machine (if exists, staf stil returns success)
+ # copy the files to the results machine - while the staf command says copy directory, it copies the
+ # files in the directory, not the directory itself, into the todirectory location
+ if [ -f ${DIR}/results.zip ]; then
+ elif [ -d $DIR ]; then
+ fi
+ echo ""
+## Moves the contents of this run's results dir to the remote results machine
+## Options:
+## -z Zips the results before moving.
+## Assumes the following are set:
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Moving Result Files To Remote Machine
+ if [ "$1" = "-z" ]; then
+ zipResults
+ fi
+ # call the copy results function, then delete the local results
+ copyResultsToRemoteMachine
+ echo ""
+ echo "Removing results from local machine"
+## Remove all files created during the run of this benchmark on the host
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Removing Result Files from Host
+ # list of files to remove
+ local TMP_FILES=(
+ "${BENCHMARK_DIR}/bin/verbosejit*.txt*"
+ "${BENCHMARK_DIR}/bin/verbosejit*.xml*"
+ "${BENCHMARK_DIR}/bin/verbosegc*.xml*"
+ )
+ # names of verbosejit files kept in the benchmark bin folder
+ local TMP_BIN_FILENAMES=(`ls ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/bin |grep '\'`)
+ # add all verbosejit files in bin folder to the list of files to remove
+ do
+ done
+ # Remove files not found in ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp
+ for TMPFILE in "${TMP_FILES[@]}"
+ do
+ if [ -e ${TMPFILE} ]; then
+ echo "Removing previous file ${TMPFILE}"
+ echoAndRunCmd "rm -f ${TMPFILE}"
+ else
+ echo "No ${TMPFILE} file to remove"
+ fi
+ done
+ # Remove benchmark tmp directory
+ if [ -d "${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp" ]; then
+ echo "Removing ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp"
+ echoAndRunCmd "rm -fR ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp"
+ else
+ echo "No ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp directory to remove"
+ fi
+## Create a liberty server with name being SERVER_NAME
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Liberty Server Creation
+ #if the server doesn't exist, create it
+ if [ -d ${SERVER_DIR} ]; then
+ echo "Using already existing Liberty server ${SERVER_NAME}"
+ else
+ echo "Liberty server ${SERVER_NAME} does not exist - creating it"
+ echoAndRunCmd "${LIBERTY_DIR}/bin/${LAUNCH_SCRIPT} create ${SERVER_NAME}"
+ fi
+## Configure the Liberty port in the Liberty server's bootstrap.properties file
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Setting Liberty Listening Port in bootstrap.properties
+ # TradeApp, TradeAppDerby and Primitive use the same bootstrap properties for now, so do this here.
+ # If that changes in the future, copy into the if blocks above and change accordingly
+ echo "Setting the following values in bootstrap.properties:"
+ # convert from ascii for os390
+ if [ "$PLATFORM" = "OS/390" ]; then
+ ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/bin/encode.sh ${SERVER_DIR}/bootstrap.properties
+ fi
+ #replace liberty port
+ local BOOTSTRAP=`sed "s/LIBERTY_PORT_HERE/${LIBERTY_PORT}/g" ${SERVER_DIR}/bootstrap.properties`
+ # check if placeholders replaced correctly
+ if [ -n "${BOOTSTRAP}" ]; then
+ echo "${BOOTSTRAP}" | tee ${SERVER_DIR}/bootstrap.properties
+ else
+ echo "Could not match required placeholders in bootstrap.properties. File before sed replace:"
+ cat ${SERVER_DIR}/bootstrap.properties
+ exit
+ fi
+ # convert back to ascii for os390
+ if [ "$PLATFORM" = "OS/390" ]; then
+ ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/bin/encode.sh -toascii ${SERVER_DIR}/bootstrap.properties
+ fi
+## Waits two minutes, then kills tail
+## (if startup hasnt finished in two minutes it probably isn't going to)
+# TODO: Once verified if function is actually used
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Waiting for Tail
+ local x=0
+ while [ $x -le 120 ]
+ do
+ sleep 1
+ x=`expr $x + 1`
+ if [ "$foundComplete" = "true" ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ ! "$foundComplete" = "true" ]; then
+ export WaitJobFail="true"
+ echo "killing tail. 2 minutes has elapsed"
+ kill $(ps -e | grep tail | awk '{print $1}')
+ fi
+## Pipe a file into the function
+## Assumes the following are set:
+## searchCriteria
+## Optional:
+## WaitTimeOut
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Waiting for Log
+ if [ -z $WaitTimeOut ]; then
+ export WaitTimeOut=120
+ fi
+ if [ $finishTime -le `date +%s` ]; then
+ echo "Giving up waiting. Job fail"
+ echo "killing tail. 2 minutes has elapsed"
+ kill $(ps -e | grep tail | awk '{print $1}')
+ export WaitJobFail="true"
+ break
+ fi
+ while read line
+ do
+ if [ $finishTime -le `date +%s` ]; then
+ echo "Giving up waiting. Job fail"
+ echo "killing tail. 2 minutes has elapsed"
+ kill $(ps -e | grep tail | awk '{print $1}')
+ export WaitJobFail="true"
+ break
+ fi
+ if echo $line|grep -q "${searchCriteria}"
+ then
+ echo "${searchCriteria} found in line ${line}. Carrying on."
+ kill $(ps -e | grep tail | awk '{print $1}')
+ export foundComplete=true
+ break
+ fi
+ # TODO: Once verified remove this i
+ # i=$(($i + 1))
+ sleep 1
+ done
+## Start the liberty server with the given number of attempts
+## Params:
+## 1- Attempts
+## 2- OPTIONAL - Attempt number (default: 0) - Internal function use only.
+## Assumes the following are set:
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Starting the Liberty Server
+ # Number of attempts must be given as first paramter to function
+ if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ echo "BENCHMARK SCRIPT ERROR in startLibertyServer function: Must specify number of Liberty server startup attempts as first paramter of function. Exiting"
+ exit
+ # Number of attempts must be positive
+ elif [ ${1} -lt 0 ]; then
+ echo "BENCHMARK SCRIPT ERROR in startLibertyServer function: Negative startup attempts given. Must specify a positive number of Liberty server startup attempts as first paramter of function. Exiting"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local NO_ATTEMPTS=$1
+ local MAX_WAIT=30
+ local WAIT_TIME=5
+ local WAIT_TOTAL=0
+ local CUR_ATTEMPT=0
+ while [ ! -s ${PID_FILE} ] && [ ${CUR_ATTEMPT} -lt ${NO_ATTEMPTS} ]; do
+ # TODO: Add STARTUP_FOOTPRINT_MODE to env variables
+ if [ "${STARTUP_FOOTPRINT_MODE}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "Removing previous trace logs"
+ rm -f ${SERVER_DIR}/logs/trace*.log
+ rm -f ${SERVER_DIR}/logs/message*.log
+ fi
+ # Start Liberty server
+ echo "Starting server ${SERVER_NAME} (attempt ${CUR_ATTEMPT})"
+ LIBERTY_START_TIME=`perl ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/bin/time.pl`
+ echo "Current time is: ${LIBERTY_START_TIME}"
+ if [ "${STARTUP_FOOTPRINT_MODE}" = "true" ] && [ "$PLATFORM" = "OS/390" ]; then
+ unset _CEE_RUNOPTS
+ else
+ case ${PLATFORM} in
+ # need to use sh to start the script, otherwise the .bat one is launched
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # Wait for the Liberty server to start until MAX_WAIT limit is reached
+ while [ ${WAIT_TOTAL} -lt ${MAX_WAIT} ]; do
+ sleep ${WAIT_TIME}
+ echo "Waited ${WAIT_TOTAL} seconds for Liberty to start"
+ if [ -s ${PID_FILE} ]; then
+ echo "Liberty started: Found pid file"
+ echo "******************************************************
+*** NOTE *** Ignore the Jit Thread Utilization info shown above (if any). This is from the Liberty server start process and not the Liberty server itself
+ return
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "!!! ERROR !!! Liberty did not start after waiting ${WAIT_TOTAL} seconds"
+ # Reset wait variables
+ # Increment attempt counter
+ echo "Sleeping for 60s, then retrying to Liberty start"
+ sleep 60
+ done
+ # Failed to start Liberty server
+ echo "Maximum startup attempts have failed. Exiting."
+ echo "Storing logs directory"
+ storeFiles -d ${SERVER_DIR}/logs
+ copyResultsToRemoteMachine
+ exit
+## Terminate the running Liberty server with pid being the same as the one contained in PID_FILE
+# TODO: Once verified, combine with stop liberty server?
+# TODO: Once verified, check with acutal ps command??
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Forcing Liberty Server Termination
+ if [ -e ${PID_FILE} ] ; then
+ # check that this server is not still running then remove the PID file
+ echo "Just making sure the last liberty instance actually terminated"
+ echoAndRunCmd "kill -9 `cat ${PID_FILE}`"
+ echoAndRunCmd "rm -f ${PID_FILE}"
+ else
+ echo "No ${PID_FILE} file found: No Liberty server with this pid is running"
+ fi
+## Liberty will start with the --clean option removing any Liberty specific cache
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Setting Liberty Clean Run Option
+ echo "CLEAN_RUN=true. Liberty will start with the \"--clean\" option. Liberty's shared class cache will be cleared"
+ CLEAN="--clean"
+## Get the pid of the currently running Liberty server
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Calculating Running Liberty Server PID
+ case ${PLATFORM} in
+ # Get the PID according to zOS
+ OS/390)
+ PROCESS_NAME=`oeconsol 'D OMVS,U=BENCH'|grep $SERVER_PID|awk {'print $2'}|grep BENCH`
+ if [ -z ${PROCESS_NAME} ]; then
+ echo "Couldn't get process name. Script is configured to use username BENCH"
+ else
+ echo "Process name for ${SERVER_PID} is ${PROCESS_NAME}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ # Get the PID according to Microsoft
+ local PS_VERSION=`ps --version|grep cygwin|awk {'print $3'}`
+ echo "PS version is ${PS_VERSION}"
+ #PS changed returning Cygwin PID & Windows PID on same line sometime between 1.1.1 and 1.7.32
+ if [ "$PS_VERSION" = "1.1.1" ]; then
+ WINDOWS_PID=`ps -W | grep java | grep ${SERVER_PID} | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $4 }'`
+ else
+ local WINDOWS_CMD=`ps -W | grep java | grep ${SERVER_PID}| grep -v grep | awk '{ print $8 }'`
+ #Get server command for Cygwin process (rather than assuming there's only one JVM running)
+ WINDOWS_CMD=`cygpath -w ${WINDOWS_CMD}|sed 's|\\\|\\\\\\\\|g'`
+ #Get the Windows path, and pad with extra \'s so grep can use it....
+ WINDOWS_PID=`ps -W | grep java|grep "${WINDOWS_CMD}" |awk {'print $4'}`
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+## Print the currently running Liberty process command
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Printing the Liberty Process
+ # Get the full liberty command line
+ # - use wmic for windows otherwise only executable name given, not args
+ echo "Liberty command line:"
+ case ${PLATFORM} in
+ wmic process where\(processid="${WINDOWS_PID}"\) get commandline
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ps -ef | grep java | grep -v grep
+ ;;
+ esac
+## Stop the liberty server properly via the Liberty stop script.
+## Terminate the process if it is still running after trying to stop it.
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Stopping the Liberty Server
+ # stop the server properly using Liberty's launch script
+ case ${PLATFORM} in
+ # Need to use the sh script to stop liberty, because sh was used to start
+ echoAndRunCmd "sh ${LIBERTY_DIR}/bin/${LAUNCH_SCRIPT} stop ${SERVER_NAME}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echoAndRunCmd "${LIBERTY_DIR}/bin/${LAUNCH_SCRIPT} stop ${SERVER_NAME}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo "Waiting an additional 10 seconds"
+ echoAndRunCmd "sleep 10"
+ # wait for healthcenter to finish up
+ if [ "$HEALTHCENTER" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "Sleeping 45 seconds more for healthcenter to finish writing HCD"
+ echoAndRunCmd "sleep 45"
+ fi
+ # if server is still running, terminate it
+ kill -0 ${SERVER_PID} 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
+ echo "Killing server manually (PID=${SERVER_PID})"
+ echoAndRunCmd "kill -9 ${SERVER_PID}"
+ echoAndRunCmd "sleep 10"
+ # check if the server still exists
+ kill -0 ${SERVER_PID} 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
+ echo "!!! WARNING !!! Server kill failed. Please check machine for PID=${SERVER_PID}"
+ # exit early in case this server process affects any iterations left to do
+ exit
+ else
+ echo "Server killed successfully"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Server shutdown successful"
+ fi
+## Sets the following values for a run:
+## RUN_DATE - date at time of function call
+## RUN_ID - time of function call
+## startRMF - Command to start RMF on z/OS
+## stopRMF - Command to stop RMF on z/OS
+## startII - Command to start RMF II on z/OS
+## modifyII - Command to modift RMF II on z/OS
+## addrUsage - Command to get address space usage on z/OS
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Setting Local Environment Variables
+ RUN_DATE=$(date +%y%m%d)
+ echo "RUN_DATE=${RUN_DATE}"
+ RUN_ID=$(date +%H%M%S)
+ echo "RUN_ID=${RUN_ID}"
+ # TODO: Once verified, remove this block as it's not used anywhere (could be used in restartRMF as those are hardcoded?)
+ if [ "$PLATFORM" = "OS/390" ]; then
+ startRMF="s rmf.rmf,reusasid=yes";
+ stopRMF="p rmf.rmf";
+ startII="f rmf,start II";
+ modifyII="F RMF,MODIFY II,SINTV(10S),STOP(90S)";
+ addrUsage="F AXR,DISPASID";
+ fi
+## Echos the command passed to it if VERBOSE_MODE=true is set in the environment. Then runs the command.
+## Command MUST be passed in quotes.
+ if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ if [ "${VERBOSE_MODE}" = "true" ] || [ "$2" = "-alwaysEcho" ]; then
+ echo "$1"
+ fi
+ $1
+ fi
+ # else just ignore
+## Restart the Resource Measurement Facility for z/OS
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Restarting z/OS Resource Measurement Facility (RMF)
+ local var=`oeconsol 'F AXR,DISPASID'`
+ echo "$var"
+ sleep 5
+ echo "Stopping RMF"
+ var=`oeconsol 'p rmf.rmf'`
+ echo "$var"
+ sleep 5
+ echo "Starting RMF"
+ var=`oeconsol 's rmf.rmf,reusasid=yes'`
+ echo "$var"
+ sleep 5
+ echo "Starting II"
+ var=`oeconsol 'f rmf,start II'`
+ echo "$var"
+ sleep 5
+ if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ echo "Modifying II"
+ var=`oeconsol 'F RMF,MODIFY II,SINTV(10S),STOP(90S)'`
+ echo "$var"
+ sleep 5
+ else
+ if [ -z "$2" ]; then
+ local INTERVAL=60
+ else
+ local INTERVAL=$2
+ fi
+ local TIME=$1
+ echo "Modifying II with ${TIME}"
+ echo "$var"
+ sleep 5
+ fi
+ var=`SDSF.rexx list active rmf`
+ echo $var | grep ACTIVE
+ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+ export RMF_ID=`echo $var|awk {'print $2'}`
+ echo "Restarted RMF: ID = ${RMF_ID}"
+ fi
+## Helper function for terminateRunningJavaProcs which gets the Java pids to terminate depending on the platform.
+## Ignore Jenkins' Java processes.
+ case $PLATFORM in
+ AIX)
+ ps -ef -o pid,args | grep 'java' | grep -v 'grep' | grep -v 'slave.jar' | grep -v 'remoting.jar' | grep -v 'sufp' | grep -v 'throughput_benchmark' | grep -v 'durable' | awk '{print $1;}'
+ ;;
+ ps | grep '/java' | grep -v 'grep' | grep -v 'slave.jar' | grep -v 'remoting.jar' | grep -v 'sufp' | grep -v 'throughput_benchmark' | grep -v 'durable' | awk '{print $1;}'
+ ;;
+ OS/390)
+ ps -ef -o pid,args | grep 'java' | grep -v 'grep' | grep -v 'slave.jar' | grep -v 'remoting.jar' | grep -v 'sufp' | grep -v 'throughput_benchmark' | grep -v 'durable' | awk '{print $1;}'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ps -ef | grep 'java ' | grep -v 'grep' | grep -v 'slave.jar' | grep -v 'remoting.jar' | grep -v 'sufp' | grep -v 'throughput_benchmark' | grep -v 'durable' | awk '{print $2;}'
+ ;;
+ esac
+## Terminate any running Java processes. Jenkins related Java processes are ignored.
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Terminating Any Running Java Processes
+ if [ -z "$PLATFORM" ]; then
+ echo "Machine platform not set. Terminating."
+ exit
+ fi
+ echo "Local date: `date`"
+ echo "List of Java processes to terminate:"
+ local JAVA_PIDS=$(terminateRunningJavaProcs_getJavaPIDS)
+ # Try killing them
+ if [ -n "$JAVA_PIDS" ]; then
+ echo "Killing: $JAVA_PIDS"
+ kill $JAVA_PIDS
+ echo "Waiting 10s for JVMs to exit"
+ sleep 10
+ else
+ echo "No Java processes to terminate"
+ return
+ fi
+ # Check to see if all JVMs exited
+ JAVA_PIDS=$(terminateRunningJavaProcs_getJavaPIDS)
+ local MAX_TRIES=5
+ # If not, try kill -9
+ while [ -n "$JAVA_PIDS" ] && [[ ${TERMINATION_ATTEMPT} -lt ${MAX_TRIES} ]]; do
+ echo "Trying kill -9: $JAVA_PIDS"
+ kill -9 $JAVA_PIDS
+ echo "`date`: Waiting 10s for JVMs to die"
+ sleep 10
+ JAVA_PIDS=$(terminateRunningJavaProcs_getJavaPIDS)
+ done
+ JAVA_PIDS=$(terminateRunningJavaProcs_getJavaPIDS)
+ if [ -n "$JAVA_PIDS" ]; then
+ echo "!!! WARNING !!! Could not terminate running Java processes. Exiting"
+ #TODO: Temporarily commenting exit since the account used with Jenkins
+ #daemon may not have sudo access to kill other processes on Adopt.
+ #Need to request access.
+ #exit
+ fi
+## Prints the thermal information from the sensors program, if the program is installed
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Printing Host Machine Sensor Information
+ which sensors 2>/dev/null
+ if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo "Thermal info not available. Check if the appropriate sensors package is installed on the host machine"
+ else
+ local thermalInfo=`sensors`
+ echo "Current Thermal Info:"
+ echo "${thermalInfo}"
+ fi
+# Check if the Liberty server is still running. Terminate the benchmark if it's not
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Checking if Liberty is Still Running
+ kill -0 ${SERVER_PID} 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+ echo "!!! ERROR !!! Looks like Liberty died - giving up."
+ exit
+ else
+ echo "Liberty is still running"
+ fi
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/performance/liberty/scripts/bin/sufp_benchmark.sh b/performance/liberty/scripts/bin/sufp_benchmark.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82ec011673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/performance/liberty/scripts/bin/sufp_benchmark.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,1317 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+## Print out the help information if all mandatory environment variables are not set
+echo "
+To customize the use of this script use the following environment variables:
+VERBOSE_MODE - Prints all commands before they are executed.
+NO_SETUP - Liberty server creation is skipped if set to true.
+ If false, a new server will be created and the corresponding customized server.xml
+ and customized bootstrap.properties (if exists) files will overwrite the server's default.
+SETUP_ONLY - Only Liberty server creation and replacement of Liberty server default server.xml and bootstrap.properties (if available) is done.
+JDK - Name of JDK build to use.
+JDK_DIR - Absolute path to directory where JDK builds are located.
+ Ex: if the path to a JDK's bin directory is /tmp/all_jdks/jdk8/sdk/bin
+ Then JDK=jdk8 and JDK_DIR=/tmp/all_jdks
+JDK_OPTIONS - JVM command line options
+OPENJ9_JAVA_OPTIONS - OpenJ9 Java options
+PROFILING_TOOL - Profiling Tool to Use (Example: 'jprof tprof', 'perf stat')
+PETERFP - Enable Peter's Footprint Tool (Default: false).
+ Gives a more detailed version of the footprint used, breaking it down so you can tell what component changed the footprint. Only needed for diagnosis when the footprint changes
+WARM - Number of warm runs
+COLD - Number of cold runs
+WARMUP - Number of warmup runs
+COGNOS_INSTALL_DIR - Installation directory for cognos
+COGNOS_WAIT - Seconds to wait for cognos to finish starting up (Default: 120)
+REMOUNTSCRIPT - Only required for AIX
+LIBERTY_HOST - Hostname for Liberty host machine
+LAUNCH_SCRIPT - Liberty script that can create, start, stop a server
+SERVER_NAME - The given name will be used to identify the Liberty server.
+SERVER_XML - Liberty server.xml configuration
+AFFINITY - CPU pinning command prefixed on the Liberty server start command.
+SCENARIO - Supported scenarios: AcmeAir, Cognos, DayTrader, DayTrader7, HugeEJB, HugeEJBApp, SmallServlet, TradeLite
+ - The specific DayTrader 3 application version used for all scenarios
+ involving this particular benchmark. (Default: daytrader3.0.10.1-ee6-src)
+RESULTS_MACHINE - Hostname for results storage machine
+RESULTS_DIR - Name of directory on Liberty host where results are temporarily stored
+ROOT_RESULTS_DIR - Absolute path of Liberty results directory on remote storage machine
+# STARTUP TIME AND FOOTPRINT UTILS - Helper methods that are sufp specific
+## Environment variables setup. Terminate script if a mandatory env variable is not set
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| SUFP Environment Setup
+ if [ -z "$OPENJ9_JAVA_OPTIONS" ]; then
+ echo "OpenJ9 JAVA Options not set."
+ else
+ fi
+ # Peter's Footprint Tool
+ if [ -z "$PETERFP" ]; then
+ echo "Optional PETERFP not set. Setting to 'false'"
+ PETERFP="false"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$WARM" ]; then
+ echo "WARM not set"
+ echo $USAGE
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$COLD" ]; then
+ echo "COLD not set"
+ echo $USAGE
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$WARMUP" ]; then
+ echo "Optional WARMUP not set. Setting to 0"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$REMOUNTSCRIPT" ]; then
+ case $PLATFORM in
+ AIX)
+ echo "Optional REMOUNTSCRIPT not set. Required for AIX."
+ usage
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+## Scenario dependent environment variable setup
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Scenario Specific Liberty Server Setup
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ case ${SCENARIO} in
+ DayTrader)
+ export CLIENT_SERVERXML="sufpdtserver.xml"
+ export CLIENT_BOOTSTRAP="sufpbootstrap.properties"
+ ;;
+ DayTrader7)
+ export CLIENT_SERVERXML="sufpdt7server.xml"
+ export CLIENT_BOOTSTRAP="sufpbootstrap.properties"
+ ;;
+ DayTraderSec)
+ export CLIENT_SERVERXML="sufpdtserver.xml"
+ export CLIENT_BOOTSTRAP="sufpj2secbootstrap.properties"
+ ;;
+ Cognos)
+ export CLIENT_SERVERXML="sufpcogserver.xml"
+ export CLIENT_BOOTSTRAP="sufpcogbootstrap.properties"
+ ;;
+ TradeLite)
+ export CLIENT_SERVERXML="sufpserver.xml"
+ export CLIENT_BOOTSTRAP="sufpbootstrap.properties"
+ ;;
+ TradeLiteSec)
+ export CLIENT_SERVERXML="sufpserver.xml"
+ export CLIENT_BOOTSTRAP="sufpj2secbootstrap.properties"
+ ;;
+ AcmeAir)
+ export CLIENT_SERVERXML="acmeair_server.xml"
+ ;;
+ HugeEJB)
+ export CLIENT_SERVERXML="hugeejbserver.xml"
+ ;;
+ SmallServlet)
+ export CLIENT_SERVERXML="smallservletserver.xml"
+ ;;
+ HugeEJBApp)
+ export CLIENT_SERVERXML="hugeejbappserver.xml"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Scenario not recognized. Terminating."
+ exit
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # If SERVER_XML is given as an environment variable, use that instead
+ #TODO: Once verified, do we also let bootstrap.properties be given via an env variable?
+ if [ -z "${SERVER_XML}" ]; then
+ echo "Using ${CLIENT_SERVERXML} for server.xml"
+ else
+ echo "Server XML defined in job. Using ${SERVER_XML} instead of ${CLIENT_SERVERXML}"
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ # Replace default server.xml and bootstrap.properties (if available)
+ echoAndRunCmd "cp ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/resource/${CLIENT_SERVERXML} ${SERVER_DIR}/server.xml"
+ if [ ! -z "${CLIENT_BOOTSTRAP}" ]; then
+ echo "Using ${CLIENT_BOOTSTRAP} for bootstrap.properties"
+ echoAndRunCmd "cp ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/resource/${CLIENT_BOOTSTRAP} ${SERVER_DIR}/bootstrap.properties"
+ else
+ echo "Liberty server's default bootstrap.properties will be used"
+ fi
+ # replace DayTrader3 App version in server.xml
+ if [[ "${SCENARIO}" = DayTrader* ]] && [[ ! "${SCENARIO}" = DayTrader7 ]]; then
+ if [ "$PLATFORM" = "OS/390" ]; then
+ ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/bin/encode.sh ${SERVER_DIR}/server.xml
+ fi
+ # replace the placeholders in server.xml
+ echo "Setting the following values in server.xml:"
+ local SERVER_XML_TMP=`sed "s/APP_VERSION_HERE/${APP_VERSION}/g" ${SERVER_DIR}/server.xml`
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ if [ ! -z "${SERVER_XML_TMP}" ]; then
+ echo ${SERVER_XML_TMP} | tee ${SERVER_DIR}/server.xml
+ else
+ echo "Could not match required placeholders in server.xml. File before sed replace:"
+ cat ${SERVER_DIR}/server.xml
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ "$PLATFORM" = "OS/390" ]; then
+ ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/bin/encode.sh -toascii ${SERVER_DIR}/server.xml
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Cognos related setup
+ if [ "${SCENARIO}" = "Cognos" ]; then
+ if [ -z $COGNOS_INSTALL_DIR ]; then
+ echo "COGNOS_INSTALL_DIR is not set. Cognos startup will not work. Exiting"
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ -z $LIB_PATH ]; then
+ echo "LIB_PATH is not set. Setting to ${COGNOS_INSTALL_DIR}/bin"
+ fi
+ if [ -z $COGNOS_WAIT ]; then
+ echo "COGNOS\_WAIT not set. Defaulting to 120 seconds"
+ else
+ echo "COGNOS_WAIT set to ${COGNOS_WAIT} seconds"
+ fi
+ case $PLATFORM in
+ AIX)
+ echo "Exporting LIBPATH=${LIB_PATH}:${LIBPATH:-}"
+ export JDK_OPTIONS="-Djava.library.path=${LIBPATH} ${JDK_OPTIONS}"
+ ;;
+ # TODO: confirm LD_LIBRARY_PATH = PATH for cygwin
+ echo "Exporting: PATH=${LIB_PATH}:$PATH"
+ export PATH=${LIB_PATH}:$PATH
+ export JDK_OPTIONS="-Djava.library.path=${PATH} ${JDK_OPTIONS}"
+ ;;
+ Linux)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo "Added java.library.path to JDK_OPTIONS. They now are:"
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ # In case cognos runs on OS390
+ if [ "$PLATFORM" = "OS/390" ]; then
+ ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/bin/encode.sh ${SERVER_DIR}/bootstrap.properties
+ fi
+ echo "Setting the following values in bootstrap.properties:"
+ echo "java.library.path=${LIB_PATH}"
+ echo "install.dir=${COGNOS_INSTALL_DIR}"
+ local BOOTSTRAP=`sed "s%LIBRARY_PATH_HERE%${LIB_PATH}%g" ${SERVER_DIR}/bootstrap.properties | sed "s%INSTALL_DIR_HERE%${COGNOS_INSTALL_DIR}%g"`
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ if [ ! -z "${BOOTSTRAP}" ]; then
+ echo "${BOOTSTRAP}" | tee ${SERVER_DIR}/bootstrap.properties
+ else
+ echo "Couldn't find placeholders in bootstrap.properties. Failing run."
+ cat ${SERVER_DIR}/bootstrap.properties
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ "$PLATFORM" = "OS/390" ]; then
+ ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/bin/encode.sh -toascii ${SERVER_DIR}/bootstrap.properties
+ fi
+ fi
+## Set TRACE_FILE to the most recent Liberty Server logs/message* or logs/trace_
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Set Newest Trace File
+ # Get most recent trace file
+ TRACE_FILE="`ls -t ${SERVER_DIR}/logs/ | grep message | head -1`"
+ # Liberty changed the log file name from trace to messages, so check on trace too for backwards compatibility
+ if [ -z "${TRACE_FILE}" ]; then
+ TRACE_FILE="`ls -t ${SERVER_DIR}/logs/ | grep trace_ | head -1`"
+ fi
+## Stop the cognos database service
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Stopping Cognos
+ case $PLATFORM in
+ echo "Stopping Cognos database service"
+ NET STOP "Cognos Content Database"
+ ;;
+ Linux)
+ echo "Stopping Cognos database service"
+ ${COGNOS_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/derby.sh stop 1527 &
+ ;;
+ AIX)
+ echo "Stopping Cognos database service"
+ ${COGNOS_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/derby.sh stop 1527 &
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # shouldn't get here
+ ;;
+ esac
+## Starts and stops the Liberty server, calculating startup time and memory footprint
+# Requires the following environment set:
+# Optional environment:
+# IS_COLD_RUN=true
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Startup and Footprint
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ #function received "Xjit" as a parameter
+ if [ ! -z $1 ] && [ $1 = "Xjit" ]; then
+ echo "Adding -Xjit:verbose={compilePerformance},disableSuffixLogs,vlog=verbosejit.txt to jvm.options. "
+ #backup jvm.options file if it exists or create new one
+ if [ -e ${SERVER_DIR}/jvm.options ]; then
+ cp ${SERVER_DIR}/jvm.options ${SERVER_DIR}/backupoptfile
+ export restorebkup=true
+ else
+ touch ${SERVER_DIR}/jvm.options
+ fi
+ #add xjit to jvm.options
+ echo "-Xjit:verbose={compilePerformance},disableSuffixLogs,vlog=verbosejit.txt" >> ${SERVER_DIR}/jvm.options
+ export xjitMode=true
+ enableJitThreadUtilizationInfo
+ fi
+ export JVM_ARGS="${JDK_OPTIONS}"
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ #TODO: Once verified, move this to inside the SERVER_DIR instead of LIBERTY_DIR
+ if [ "${PETERFPAR}" = "true" ];then
+ export JVM_ARGS="${JVM_ARGS} -Xdump:system:events=user,request=exclusive+compact+prepwalk -Xverbosegclog:${LIBERTY_DIR}/verbosegc.xml"
+ echo "Settings -Xdump:system:events=user,request=exclusive+compact+prepwalk -Xverbosegclog:${LIBERTY_DIR}/verbosegc.xml to JVM ARGS for Peter's Footprint tool"
+ fi
+ echo "JVM_ARGS=${JVM_ARGS}"
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ # if this is a cold run, determine is we're running with --clean
+ if [ "${IS_COLD_RUN}" = "true" ]; then
+ setLibertyCleanRunOptions
+ # Clear shared class caches
+ if [ "${SDK_SUPPORTS_SCC}" = "true" ]; then
+ destroySharedClassCache
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "WARM RUN. Workarea and shared class caches will be warm."
+ CLEAN=""
+ if [ "${SDK_SUPPORTS_SCC}" = "true" ]; then
+ printSharedClassCacheInfo
+ fi
+ fi
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ # clear up after any previous runs
+ terminateRunningLibertyServer
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ getPreBenchmarkHugePagesInUse
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ # TODO: Once verfied, enableJitThreadUtilizationInfo for runs other than xjit
+ echoAndRunCmd "cd ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp"
+ startLibertyServer 1
+ echoAndRunCmd "cd -"
+ disableJitThreadUtilizationInfo
+ echo ""
+ getRunningServerPID
+ echo ""
+ libertyServerRunningCheck
+ printLibertyServerProcessCommand
+ echo ""
+ setNewestTraceFile
+ # Must wait for liberty to finish starting up. 10s should be fine, since target is 5s
+ echo "Waiting for the Liberty server to finish starting up"
+ echoAndRunCmd "sleep 10"
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ calculateFootprint
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ # Gives a more detailed version of the footprint used, breaking it down so you can tell what component changed the footprint. Only needed for diagnosis when the footprint changes.
+ if [ "${PETERFPAR}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "Running Peter Shipton's footprint tool"
+ case ${PLATFORM} in
+ sh ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tools/fptool/peter_fp.sh ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tools/fptool ${JAVA_HOME} ${LIBERTY_DIR} ${SERVER_PID} ${WINDOWS_PID}
+ ;;
+ AIX)
+ sh ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tools/fptool/peter_fp.sh ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tools/fptool ${JAVA_HOME} ${LIBERTY_DIR} ${SERVER_PID}
+ ;;
+ SunOS)
+ echo "Platform not supported yet"
+ ;;
+ OS/390)
+ echo "Platform not supported yet"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ sh ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tools/fptool/peter_fp.sh ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tools/fptool ${JAVA_HOME} ${LIBERTY_DIR} ${SERVER_PID}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ #remove jvm args so we don't get any verbose logs (GC/JIT) overwritten when running the stopping server command
+ export JVM_ARGS=""
+ # TODO: Once verified, need -Xverbosegclog:stopSerververbosegc.xml like throughput?
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ if [ "$REQUEST_CORE" = "true" ]; then
+ case ${PLATFORM} in
+ echo "Coming soon"
+ ;;
+ OS/390)
+ echo "Coming soon"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ kill -3 ${SERVER_PID}
+ sleep 5
+ mv /proc/${SERVER_PID}/cwd/javacore*${SERVER_PID}*txt ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp/
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ echoAndRunCmd "cd ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp"
+ stopLibertyServer
+ echoAndRunCmd "cd -"
+ echo ""
+ if [ "${SDK_SUPPORTS_SCC}" = "true" ]; then
+ printSharedClassCacheInfo
+ fi
+ # restore previous JVM args
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ if [ "$restorebkup" = "true" ] && [ -e ${SERVER_DIR}/backupoptfile ]; then
+ echo "There was a jvm.options file present already. Restoring from backup"
+ mv ${SERVER_DIR}/backupoptfile ${SERVER_DIR}/jvm.options
+ else
+ if [ -e ${SERVER_DIR}/jvm.options ]; then
+ # TODO: Once verified why we delete it
+ rm ${SERVER_DIR}/jvm.options
+ fi
+ fi
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ setNewestTraceFile
+ if [ "$PLATFORM" = "OS/390" ] && [ ! -z "${TRACE_FILE}" ]; then
+ # TODO: Once verified why this is being stored in a variable. Is it to reduce output?:
+ # convertFile=`iconv -fISO8859-1 -tIBM-1047 ${SERVER_DIR}/logs/${TRACE_FILE} > ${SERVER_DIR}/logs/${TRACE_FILE}.ebcdic`
+ iconv -fISO8859-1 -tIBM-1047 ${SERVER_DIR}/logs/${TRACE_FILE} > ${SERVER_DIR}/logs/${TRACE_FILE}.ebcdic
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${TRACE_FILE}" ]; then
+ echo "!!! WARNING !!! No trace file found. Cannot process startup time. Contents of ${SERVER_DIR}/logs/:"
+ ls -t ${SERVER_DIR}/logs/
+ else
+ echo "Trace file found: ${SERVER_DIR}/logs/${TRACE_FILE}"
+ case $SCENARIO in
+ DayTrader|DayTraderSec)
+ calcTime "${SERVER_DIR}/logs/${TRACE_FILE}" ${LIBERTY_START_TIME} "daytrader3" ${SERVER_NAME}
+ ;;
+ DayTrader7)
+ calcTime "${SERVER_DIR}/logs/${TRACE_FILE}" ${LIBERTY_START_TIME} "daytrader7" ${SERVER_NAME}
+ ;;
+ TradeLite|TradeLiteSec)
+ calcTime "${SERVER_DIR}/logs/${TRACE_FILE}" ${LIBERTY_START_TIME} "tradelite" ${SERVER_NAME}
+ ;;
+ AcmeAir)
+ calcTime "${SERVER_DIR}/logs/${TRACE_FILE}" ${LIBERTY_START_TIME} "acmeair-webapp" ${SERVER_NAME}
+ ;;
+ HugeEJB)
+ calcTime "${SERVER_DIR}/logs/${TRACE_FILE}" ${LIBERTY_START_TIME} "Servlet_35MB" ${SERVER_NAME} NoPrint
+ local ServletSU=${SUTime}
+ calcTime "${SERVER_DIR}/logs/${TRACE_FILE}" ${LIBERTY_START_TIME} "EJB_500" ${SERVER_NAME} NoPrint
+ local HugeEJBSU=${SUTime}
+ local max=`echo "${ServletSU}\n${HugeEJB}"|sort -n|tail -n 1`
+ echo "HugeEJB: ${HugeEJBSU}"
+ echo "ServletSU: ${ServletSU}"
+ echo "Startup time: ${max}"
+ ;;
+ SmallServlet)
+ calcTime "${SERVER_DIR}/logs/${TRACE_FILE}" ${LIBERTY_START_TIME} "Servlet_35MB" ${SERVER_NAME}
+ ;;
+ HugeEJBApp)
+ ;;
+ Cognos)
+ calcTime "${SERVER_DIR}/logs/${TRACE_FILE}" ${LIBERTY_START_TIME} "cognos" ${SERVER_NAME}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ if [ "$xjitMode" = "true" ]; then
+ calculateJitCpuUtilization
+ fi
+ if [ "$PLATFORM" = "OS/390" ]; then
+ local FP_LE=`cat ${SERVER_DIR}/logs/console.log|grep "Total heap storage used"|awk '{SUM+=$NF} END{print SUM/1024}'`
+ echo "Footprint from LE: ${FP_LE}"
+ fi
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ case ${PLATFORM} in
+ AIX)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ #TODO: Once verified if zOS files on webber are ascii
+ # convert backup files to ASCII for os390
+ if [[ "$PLATFORM" = "OS/390" ]]; then
+ echo "Making sure all files are in ascii"
+ ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/bin/encode.sh -toascii ${FILES_TO_STORE}
+ fi
+ storeFiles ${FILES_TO_STORE}
+## Calculates the Liberty server's startup time
+ printf '%s\n' "
+| Calculating Startup Time
+ local FILE=$1
+ local START_TIME=$2
+ local APP_NAME=$3
+ local SERVER_NAME=$4
+ echo "FILE=${FILE}"
+ echo "APP_NAME=${APP_NAME}"
+ echo ""
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ # awk doesn't like the formatting in the trace file name, so make a temp copy
+ cp "${FILE}" trace.log
+ if [ ! -e trace.log ]; then
+ echo "Could not find trace file."
+ exit
+ fi
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ echo "Start time: ${START_TIME}"
+ local START_MILLIS=`echo ${START_TIME} | awk '
+ # idealy use this regex, but requires gawk v4+
+ #regex="[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{9}"
+ regex="[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9][0-9]"
+ }
+ {
+ if(match($0,regex)) {
+ start = RSTART;
+ size = RLENGTH;
+ hours=substr($0,start,start+1);
+ minutes=substr($0,start+3,start+1);
+ seconds=substr($0,start+6,start+1);
+ millis=substr($0,start+9,start+2);
+ fullMatch1=hours":"minutes":"seconds"."millis
+ matched = 0 + millis + (seconds * 1000) + (minutes * 1000 * 60) + (hours * 1000 * 60 * 60);
+ }else{
+ regex="[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9][0-9]"
+ if(match($0,regex)) {
+ start = RSTART;
+ size = RLENGTH;
+ hours=substr($0,start,start);
+ minutes=substr($0,start+2,start+1);
+ seconds=substr($0,start+5,start+1);
+ millis=substr($0,start+8,start+2);
+ fullMatch1=hours":"minutes":"seconds"."millis
+ matched = 0 + millis + (seconds * 1000) + (minutes * 1000 * 60) + (hours * 1000 * 60 * 60);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ END {
+ print matched;
+ }
+ '`
+ echo "Start time in millis: ${START_MILLIS}"
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ local SEARCH
+ case $APP_NAME in
+ cognos)
+ SEARCH="The dispatcher is ready to process requests."
+ ;;
+ *)
+ SEARCH="Application ${APP_NAME} started in"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo "Search string: ${SEARCH}"
+ local END_TIME=$(awk ' /'"${SEARCH}"'/ { print $2 }' trace.log)
+ echo "End time: ${END_TIME}"
+ local END_MILLIS=$(awk '
+ # idealy use this regex, but requires gawk v4+
+ #regex="[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}"
+ regex="[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9][0-9]"
+ }
+ /'"${SEARCH}"'/{
+ if(match($0,regex)) {
+ start = RSTART;
+ size = RLENGTH;
+ hours=substr($0,start,start+1);
+ minutes=substr($0,start+3,start+1);
+ seconds=substr($0,start+6,start+1);
+ millis=substr($0,start+9,start+2);
+ fullMatch1=hours":"minutes":"seconds"."millis
+ matched = 0 + millis + (seconds * 1000) + (minutes * 1000 * 60) + (hours * 1000 * 60 * 60);
+ }else{
+ regex="[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9][0-9]"
+ if(match($0,regex)) {
+ start = RSTART;
+ size = RLENGTH;
+ hours=substr($0,start,start);
+ minutes=substr($0,start+2,start+1);
+ seconds=substr($0,start+5,start+1);
+ millis=substr($0,start+8,start+2);
+ fullMatch1=hours":"minutes":"seconds"."millis
+ matched = 0 + millis + (seconds * 1000) + (minutes * 1000 * 60) + (hours * 1000 * 60 * 60);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ END {
+ print matched;
+ }
+ ' trace.log)
+ echo "End time in millis: ${END_MILLIS}"
+ echo ""
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ # In case the end time is past midnight, add 24 hours then take the % remainder
+ # Have to use awk because maths in bash is rubbish
+ local ELAPSED=`echo ${END_MILLIS} ${START_MILLIS} | awk '
+ {
+ print ( ( ($1 + (24*3600*1000)) - $2 ) % (24*3600*1000) )
+ }
+ '`
+ # if no end time is found, the awk above will always return the start time,
+ # since it takes start to be $1 instead of $2 when end time is missing
+ if [ "${xjitMode}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "Startup time for the run using Xjit:verbose was ${ELAPSED}"
+ else
+ if [ "${ELAPSED}" = "${START_MILLIS}" ] || [ "${ELAPSED}" = "${END_MILLIS}" ]; then
+ echo "An error occurred while trying to calculate startup time. Failing run"
+ export FAILED="true"
+ else
+ if [ "$5" = "NoPrint" ]; then
+ export SUTime=${ELAPSED}
+ else
+ echo "Startup time: ${ELAPSED}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ #This is now the WAS Method of recording startup. Added as a test.
+ if [ "${APP_NAME}" = "cognos" ]; then
+ echo "WAS Perf measurement not relevant to Cognos. Exiting"
+ else
+ SEARCH="The server ${SERVER_NAME} has been launched"
+ echo "Search string: ${SEARCH}"
+ START_TIME=$(awk ' /'"${SEARCH}"'/ { print $2 }' trace.log)
+ echo "START time: ${START_TIME}"
+ START_MILLIS=$(awk '
+ # idealy use this regex, but requires gawk v4+
+ #regex="[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}"
+ regex="[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9][0-9]"
+ }
+ /'"${SEARCH}"'/{
+ if(match($0,regex)) {
+ start = RSTART;
+ size = RLENGTH;
+ hours=substr($0,start,start+1);
+ minutes=substr($0,start+3,start+1);
+ seconds=substr($0,start+6,start+1);
+ millis=substr($0,start+9,start+2);
+ fullMatch1=hours":"minutes":"seconds"."millis
+ matched = 0 + millis + (seconds * 1000) + (minutes * 1000 * 60) + (hours * 1000 * 60 * 60);
+ }else{
+ regex="[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9][0-9]"
+ if(match($0,regex)) {
+ start = RSTART;
+ size = RLENGTH;
+ hours=substr($0,start,start);
+ minutes=substr($0,start+2,start+1);
+ seconds=substr($0,start+5,start+1);
+ millis=substr($0,start+8,start+2);
+ fullMatch1=hours":"minutes":"seconds"."millis
+ matched = 0 + millis + (seconds * 1000) + (minutes * 1000 * 60) + (hours * 1000 * 60 * 60);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ END {
+ print matched;
+ }
+ ' trace.log)
+ echo "Start time in millis: ${START_MILLIS}"
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ SEARCH="The server ${SERVER_NAME} is ready to run a smarter planet"
+ echo "Search string: ${SEARCH}"
+ END_TIME=$(awk ' /'"${SEARCH}"'/ { print $2 }' trace.log)
+ echo "End time: ${END_TIME}"
+ END_MILLIS=$(awk '
+ # idealy use this regex, but requires gawk v4+
+ #regex="[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}"
+ regex="[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9][0-9]"
+ }
+ /'"${SEARCH}"'/{
+ if(match($0,regex)) {
+ start = RSTART;
+ size = RLENGTH;
+ hours=substr($0,start,start+1);
+ minutes=substr($0,start+3,start+1);
+ seconds=substr($0,start+6,start+1);
+ millis=substr($0,start+9,start+2);
+ fullMatch1=hours":"minutes":"seconds"."millis
+ matched = 0 + millis + (seconds * 1000) + (minutes * 1000 * 60) + (hours * 1000 * 60 * 60);
+ }else{
+ regex="[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9][0-9]"
+ if(match($0,regex)) {
+ start = RSTART;
+ size = RLENGTH;
+ hours=substr($0,start,start);
+ minutes=substr($0,start+2,start+1);
+ seconds=substr($0,start+5,start+1);
+ millis=substr($0,start+8,start+2);
+ fullMatch1=hours":"minutes":"seconds"."millis
+ matched = 0 + millis + (seconds * 1000) + (minutes * 1000 * 60) + (hours * 1000 * 60 * 60);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ END {
+ print matched;
+ }
+ ' trace.log)
+ echo "End time in millis: ${END_MILLIS}"
+ echo ""
+ ###############
+ ###############
+ # In case the end time is past midnight, add 24 hours then take the % remainder
+ # Have to use awk because maths in bash is rubbish
+ {
+ print ( ( ($1 + (24*3600*1000)) - $2 ) % (24*3600*1000) )
+ }
+ '`
+ # if no end time is found, the awk above will always return the start time,
+ # since it takes start to be $1 instead of $2 when end time is missing
+ if [ "$xjitMode" != "true" ]; then
+ if [ "${ELAPSED}" = "${START_MILLIS}" ] || [ "${ELAPSED}" = "${END_MILLIS}" ]; then
+ echo "An error occurred while trying to calculate startup time. WAS measurement is just for info at the moment"
+ else
+ echo "Startup time (Launched-Smarter Planet(WAS Perf Measurement): ${ELAPSED}"
+ fi
+ else
+ #TODO: Might need to add a check here for "${ELAPSED}" = "${START_MILLIS}" ] || [ "${ELAPSED}" = "${END_MILLIS}"
+ echo "Was Startup time with Xjit:verbose was ${ELAPSED}"
+ fi
+ rm -f trace.log
+ fi
+# Handle any script arguments given when running the benchmark
+while [ ! $1 = "" ]; do
+ case $1 in
+ -help|--help)
+ usage
+ exit
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Invalid benchmark argument: ${1}"
+ usage
+ exit
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Import the common utilities needed to run this benchmark
+. "$(dirname $0)"/common_utils.sh
+# Print Liberty header for script identification
+# Print Startup and Footprint header with script version
+echo "Startup and Footprint Benchmark Launch Script for Liberty
+# echo the local time, helps match logs up if local time not correct
+echo "Local date: `date`"
+echo "Local time: $(perl $(dirname $0)/time.pl)"
+# Liberty Host Environment Setup
+# remove results files from previous runs
+# Tmp folder stores any files created during the running of the benchmark
+if [ ! -d "${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp" ]; then
+ mkdir ${BENCHMARK_DIR}/tmp
+ "AcmeAir"
+ "Cognos"
+ "DayTrader"
+ "DayTrader7"
+ "HugeEJB"
+ "HugeEJBApp"
+ "SmallServlet"
+ "TradeLite"
+if [ "${SDK_SUPPORTS_SCC}" = "true" ]; then
+ #work out scc name = safer than relying on generating it from build name
+ getSharedClassCacheName
+ if [ -z "$SCCNAME" ]; then
+ case ${SCENARIO} in
+ AcmeAir)
+ SCCNAME=liberty-acmeair-sufp-${JDK}
+ ;;
+ Cognos)
+ SCCNAME=liberty-cognos-sufp-${JDK}
+ ;;
+ DayTrader)
+ SCCNAME=liberty-dt-sufp-${JDK}
+ ;;
+ DayTrader7)
+ SCCNAME=liberty-dt7-sufp-${JDK}
+ ;;
+ HugeEJB)
+ SCCNAME=liberty-hugeejb-sufp-${JDK}
+ ;;
+ HugeEJBApp)
+ SCCNAME=liberty-hugeejbapp-sufp-${JDK}
+ ;;
+ SmallServlet)
+ SCCNAME=liberty-smallservlet-sufp-${JDK}
+ ;;
+ TradeLite)
+ SCCNAME=liberty-tl-sufp-${JDK}
+ ;;
+ *)
+ SCCNAME=liberty-sufp-${JDK}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo "Couldn't work out SCCNAME - setting to ${SCCNAME}"
+ else
+ echo "SCCNAME worked out to be ${SCCNAME} from given JVM_ARGS"
+ fi
+ echo "SCCNAME: ${SCCNAME} will be used for destroying and printing the SCC"
+# set environment vars for this shell
+# Liberty Server Setup
+# perform server setup only if user has requested it
+if [ "${NO_SETUP}" != "true" ]; then
+ # Only create if it doesn't exist
+ createLibertyServer
+ scenarioSpecificServerSetup
+ # TODO: Once verified that sufp has no need to call setBootstrapPropsLibertyPort as nothing should be listening for any client
+ echo "No setup - not changing server"
+# exit if user requested setup only
+if [ "${SETUP_ONLY}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo "SETUP_ONLY flag set. Setup complete. Exiting."
+ exit
+# tprof will be done for Liberty server java process
+#if [ ! -z "$PROFILING_TOOL" ]; then
+# addProfilingOptions
+# print liberty and jdk version
+# display jvm.options
+if [ -e ${SERVER_DIR}/jvm.options ]; then
+ echo "jvm.options file exists. Contains:"
+ cat ${SERVER_DIR}/jvm.options
+#start the cognos db service
+if [ $SCENARIO = "Cognos" ]; then
+ case $PLATFORM in
+ echo "Starting Cognos database service"
+ NET START "Cognos Content Database"
+ ;;
+ Linux)
+ echo "Starting Cognos database service"
+ ${COGNOS_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/derby.sh start 1527 &
+ ;;
+ AIX)
+ echo "Starting Cognos database service"
+ ${COGNOS_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/derby.sh start 1527 &
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "not sure which OS this is. Exiting"
+ exit
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Wait for cognos to start
+ echo "Waiting for log to show Cognos has started."
+ echo "Start time : "`date`
+ export searchCriteria="The dispatcher is ready to process requests."
+ #as the log file sits around waiting for the above message, we need to wait for a line to appear (searchCriteria)
+ #but we don't want to wait for ever. 2 minutes seems a sensible time at the moment, perhaps for -Xint startup
+ #we may need to increase this....
+ if [ -z $COGNOS_WAIT ]; then
+ export waitTime=120
+ else
+ export waitTime=${COGNOS_WAIT}
+ fi
+ finishTime=`date +%s`
+ export finishTime=`expr ${finishTime} + $waitTime`
+ tail -f ${SERVER_DIR}/logs/${TRACE_FILE} | waitForLog
+ if [ "$WaitJobFail" = "true" ]; then
+ exit
+ else
+ echo "Log shows Cognos has started. Current time : "`date`
+ fi
+# Benchmark Cold Runs
+export IS_COLD_RUN="true"
+if [ "${PETERFP}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "Enabling footprint tool for all runs"
+ export PETERFPAR="true"
+if [ "$PLATFORM" = "OS/390" ]; then
+ let TIME=$TIME*60
+ echo "Restarting RMF WITH TIME=${TIME} and INTERVAL=${INTERVAL}"
+while [[ ${j}<${COLD} ]]
+ # Need to keep --------------------------- for backwards compatibility with perffarm parser (splits it into sections)
+ echo "
+Cold run ${j}
+ startupFootprint
+ if [ "${FAILED}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "Cold run failed. Storing files to remote machine and then exiting"
+ moveResultsToRemoteMachine -z
+ if [ $SCENARIO = "Cognos" ]; then
+ stopCognos
+ fi
+ exit
+ fi
+ let j=j+1
+if [ "${COLD}" -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo "All cold runs completed successfully"
+# export a value to let sufp.sh know this is NOT a cold run
+export IS_COLD_RUN="false"
+if [ "${PLATFORM}" = "AIX" ]; then
+ echo "Platform identified as: ${PLATFORM}. Running remount script"
+while [[ ${j} -lt ${WARMUP} ]]
+ echo "
+Warmup run ${j}
+ startupFootprint
+ if [ "${FAILED}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "Warmup run failed. Storing files to remote machine and then exiting"
+ moveResultsToRemoteMachine -z
+ if [ $SCENARIO = "Cognos" ]; then
+ stopCognos
+ fi
+ exit
+ fi
+ let j=j+1
+if [ "${WARMUP}" -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo "All warmup runs completed successfully"
+# export a value to let sufpdt.sh know this is NOT a cold run
+export IS_COLD_RUN="false"
+while [[ ${j} -lt ${WARM} ]]
+ echo "
+Warm run ${j}
+ startupFootprint
+ if [ "${FAILED}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "Warm run failed. Storing files to remote machine and then exiting"
+ moveResultsToRemoteMachine -z
+ if [ $SCENARIO = "Cognos" ]; then
+ stopCognos
+ fi
+ exit
+ fi
+ let j=j+1
+if [ "${WARM}" -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo "All warm runs completed successfully"
+echo $JDK_OPTIONS|grep Xint 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ testXjit=false
+ echo "Currently running with -Xint. No point in doing an Xjit run"
+if [ "${SDK_SUPPORTS_XJIT}" = "false" ]; then
+ testXjit=false
+ echo "Currently running a VM that doesn't recognise -Xjit. Not running Xjit run"
+if [ "$testXjit" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "
+Final Run : with -Xjit:verbose
+ startupFootprint Xjit
+ if [ "${FAILED}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "The Xjit run failed. Storing files to remote machine and then exiting"
+ moveResultsToRemoteMachine -z
+ if [ $SCENARIO = "Cognos" ]; then
+ stopCognos
+ fi
+ exit
+ fi
+ echo "All Xjit runs completed successfully"
+echo ""
+echo "Startup and Footprint Benchmark has completed successfully"
+if [ "$SCENARIO" = "Cognos" ]; then
+ stopCognos
+moveResultsToRemoteMachine -z
+# TODO: Once verified, check for successful transfer to remote before deleting files on host
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/performance/liberty/scripts/bin/time.pl b/performance/liberty/scripts/bin/time.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f69929d115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/performance/liberty/scripts/bin/time.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Perl doesn't seem to have any sensible built in way to display
+# a timestamp formatted HH:mm:ss.SSS (hour:mins:secs.millis)
+# need to get the gmt offset because Liberty logs use the local timezone
+use Time::Local;
+@t = localtime(time);
+$gmt_offset_in_ms = 1000*(timegm(@t) - timelocal(@t));
+use Time::HiRes;
+$epochMillis = int(1000*Time::HiRes::time)+$gmt_offset_in_ms;
+$millis = $epochMillis % 1000;
+$secs = ( $epochMillis / 1000 ) % 60;
+$mins = ( $epochMillis / ( 1000 * 60 ) ) % 60;
+$hours = ( $epochMillis / ( 1000 * 60 * 60 ) ) % 24;
+printf "%02i:%02i:%02i.%03i", $hours, $mins, $secs, $millis;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/performance/liberty/scripts/resource/sufpbootstrap.properties b/performance/liberty/scripts/resource/sufpbootstrap.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7ea1a6f4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/performance/liberty/scripts/resource/sufpbootstrap.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+com.ibm.ws.logging.trace.specification = *=info:osgi=all
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/performance/liberty/scripts/resource/sufpdt7server.xml b/performance/liberty/scripts/resource/sufpdt7server.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33551875a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/performance/liberty/scripts/resource/sufpdt7server.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ ejb-3.2
+ servlet-3.1
+ jsf-2.2
+ jpa-2.1
+ mdb-3.2
+ wasJmsServer-1.0
+ wasJmsClient-2.0
+ cdi-1.2
+ websocket-1.1
+ concurrent-1.0
+ jsonp-1.0
+ beanValidation-1.1
+ localConnector-1.0