diff --git a/compatibility/diff_comp.m b/compatibility/diff_comp.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8c1b20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compatibility/diff_comp.m
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+function y = diff(varargin)
+% Allows first input to be char
+if ischar(varargin{1})
+ varargin{1} = double(varargin{1});
+y = builtin('diff', varargin{:});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/compatibility/mod_comp.m b/compatibility/mod_comp.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..633d48d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compatibility/mod_comp.m
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+function y = mod(varargin)
+% Allows inputs to be char
+if ischar(varargin{1})
+ varargin{1} = double(varargin{1});
+if ischar(varargin{2})
+ varargin{2} = double(varargin{2});
+y = builtin('mod', varargin{:});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/compatibility/repelem_comp.m b/compatibility/repelem_comp.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87aa154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compatibility/repelem_comp.m
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+function y = repelem(varargin)
+% Implements Matlab's `repelem` in Octave
+if nargin==2 && isvector(varargin{1}) && isvector(varargin{2}) && numel(varargin{2})>1
+ ind = repelems(1:numel(varargin{1}), [1:numel(varargin{1}); varargin{2}(:).']);
+ y = varargin{1}(ind);
+elseif nargin==2 && isvector(varargin{1}) && isvector(varargin{2}) && numel(varargin{2})==1
+ ind = repelems(1:numel(varargin{1}), [1:numel(varargin{1}); repmat(varargin{2},1,numel(varargin{1}))]);
+ y = varargin{1}(ind);
+elseif nargin>2
+ ind = cell(1,nargin-1);
+ for k = 2:nargin
+ r = varargin{k};
+ ind{k-1} = ceil(1/r:1/r:size(varargin{1},k-1));
+ end
+ y = varargin{1}(ind{:});
+ error('Inputs not supported')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/MATL_spec.pdf b/doc/MATL_spec.pdf
index edd5478..3c2305b 100644
Binary files a/doc/MATL_spec.pdf and b/doc/MATL_spec.pdf differ
diff --git a/funDef.mat b/funDef.mat
index 52d71ac..ac36c31 100644
Binary files a/funDef.mat and b/funDef.mat differ
diff --git a/funDef.txt b/funDef.txt
index 2f6aeec..7ca78f9 100644
--- a/funDef.txt
+++ b/funDef.txt
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Y' 1 1 1 2 2 2 true true true true data = in{1}(:); run-length encoding run-leng
Z' 0 1 0 1 1 1 true true true true if numel(in)==0, out{1} = now; current date and time \matlab+now+. With $1$ input: the input should be numeric with values from 1 to 6, which are used as indices into the output of \matlab+clock+
elseif numel(in)==1, c = clock; out{1} = c(in{1});
else error('MATL:runtime', 'MATL run-time error: too many inputs'); end
-( 3 inf 3 1 1 1 true true true true arrayDestination = in{1}; assignment () indexing assignment \matlab+( )+ indexing
+( 3 inf 3 1 1 1 true true true true arrayDestination = in{1}; assignment () indexing assignment \matlab+( )+ indexing. Null assignment (\matlab+x(...) = []+) can only be done with a single index
arrayData = in{2};
indices = in(3:end);
Ni = numel(indices);
@@ -89,10 +89,13 @@ Z' 0 1 0 1 1 1 true true true true if numel(in)==0, out{1} = now; current date a
if numel(indices{n})==1, indices{n} = indices{n}{1}; else shape = find(size(indices{n})>1,1); indices{n} = colon(indices{n}{:}); indices{n} = shiftdim(indices{n}(:),1-shape); end
- arrayDestination(indices{:}) = arrayData;
+ if ~isempty(arrayData), arrayDestination(indices{:}) = arrayData;
+ else arrayDestination(indices{:}) = [];
+ end
out{1} = arrayDestination;
% This code above was easy, after the code for ) had been done
% shiftdim is needed to preserve end-index shape (the colon operation gives a row vector both for say [1 0] and [1;0]). I realized this here, with assignment indexing. For referencing indexing and for curly-brace indexing it probably doesn't matter, but I also add the shiftdim operation there just case
+% `data = []; x=[5 4 7]; x([1 3]) = data;` doesn't work. It's has to be `data = []; x=[5 4 7]; x([1 3]) = [];`. In addition, for indexing with various indices, all of them except for one should be `:`. But MATL doesn't have `:`. So assignment with [] only works with one index
X( 3 inf 3 1 1 1 true true true true if numel(in)==3, in{4} = 1; end; Ni = in{end}; assignment {} indexing assignment \matlab+{ }+ indexing
indices = in(end-Ni:end-1);
data = in(2:end-Ni-1);
@@ -113,8 +116,40 @@ X( 3 inf 3 1 1 1 true true true true if numel(in)==3, in{4} = 1; end; Ni = in{en
% This code above was based on that for (.
% An added difficulty is that `[arrayDestination{indices{:}}] = deal(data{:})` doesn't work (but explicitly writing the indices does work!: [arrayDestination{1:2, 3:4}] = deal(data{:}) ). So I had to use () indexing on the LHS and reshape on the RHS
% nnz works for numeric, logical or char indices
+Y( 2 inf 3 1 1 1 true true true true arrayDestination = in{1}; assignment () indexing with final colon assignment \matlab+(..., :)+ indexing. Null assignment (\matlab+x(..., :) = []+) can only be done with a single index (in addition to the colon)
+ arrayData = in{2};
+ indices = [in(3:end) {':'}];
+ Ni = numel(indices);
+ sz = size(arrayDestination);
+ sz = [ sz(1:Ni-1) prod(sz(Ni:end)) ];
+ for n = 1:Ni
+ if ~islogical(indices{n}) && ~all(real(indices{n}(:)))
+ indices{n} = num2cell(real(indices{n})+(sz(n)+imag(indices{n})).*~real(indices{n}));
+ if numel(indices{n})==1, indices{n} = indices{n}{1}; else shape = find(size(indices{n})>1,1); indices{n} = colon(indices{n}{:}); indices{n} = shiftdim(indices{n}(:),1-shape); end
+ end
+ end
+ if ~isempty(arrayData), arrayDestination(indices{:}) = arrayData;
+ else arrayDestination(indices{:}) = [];
+ end
+ out{1} = arrayDestination;
+% The code for Y( is the same as for ( except fot the `indices = ...` line
+Z( 2 inf 3 1 1 1 true true true true arrayDestination = in{1}; assignment () indexing with initial colon assignment \matlab+(:, ...)+ indexing. Null assignment (\matlab+x(:, ...) = []+) can only be done with a single index (in addition to the colon)
+ arrayData = in{2};
+ indices = [{':'} in(3:end)];
+ Ni = numel(indices);
+ sz = size(arrayDestination);
+ sz = [ sz(1:Ni-1) prod(sz(Ni:end)) ];
+ for n = 1:Ni
+ if ~islogical(indices{n}) && ~all(real(indices{n}(:)))
+ indices{n} = num2cell(real(indices{n})+(sz(n)+imag(indices{n})).*~real(indices{n}));
+ if numel(indices{n})==1, indices{n} = indices{n}{1}; else shape = find(size(indices{n})>1,1); indices{n} = colon(indices{n}{:}); indices{n} = shiftdim(indices{n}(:),1-shape); end
+ end
+ end
+ if ~isempty(arrayData), arrayDestination(indices{:}) = arrayData;
+ else arrayDestination(indices{:}) = [];
+ end
+ out{1} = arrayDestination;
+% The code for Z( is the same as for ( except fot the `indices = ...` line
) 2 inf 2 1 1 1 true true true true array = in{1}; reference () indexing reference \matlab+( )+ indexing
indices = in(2:end);
Ni = numel(indices);
@@ -141,9 +176,32 @@ X) 2 inf 2 1 1 1 true true true true array = in{1}; reference {} indexing refere
out = reshape(array(indices{:}),1,[]);
-Y) 1 1 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = in{1}(:); linearize to column array linearize to column array (\matlab+(:)+)
-Z) 1 1 1 1 inf numel(in{1}) true true true true assert(iscell(in{1}), 'MATL:runtime', 'MATL run-time error: a cell array is needed as input'); unbox cell array generate comma-separated list from cell array (\matlab+{:}+) and push each element onto stack
- out = reshape(in{1}(1:nout),1,[]);
+Y) 1 inf 2 1 1 1 true true true true array = in{1}; reference () indexing with final colon reference \matlab+(..., :)+ indexing
+ indices = [in(2:end) {':'}];
+ Ni = numel(indices);
+ sz = size(array);
+ sz = [ sz(1:Ni-1) prod(sz(Ni:end)) ];
+ for n = 1:Ni
+ if ~islogical(indices{n}) && ~all(real(indices{n}(:)))
+ indices{n} = num2cell(real(indices{n})+(sz(n)+imag(indices{n})).*~real(indices{n}));
+ if numel(indices{n})==1, indices{n} = indices{n}{1}; else shape = find(size(indices{n})>1,1); indices{n} = colon(indices{n}{:}); indices{n} = shiftdim(indices{n}(:),1-shape); end
+ end
+ end
+ out{1} = array(indices{:});
+% Y) is the same as ) except for the `indices = ...` line
+Z) 1 inf 2 1 1 1 true true true true array = in{1}; reference () indexing with initial colon reference \matlab+(:, ...)+ indexing
+ indices = [{':'} in(2:end)];
+ Ni = numel(indices);
+ sz = size(array);
+ sz = [ sz(1:Ni-1) prod(sz(Ni:end)) ];
+ for n = 1:Ni
+ if ~islogical(indices{n}) && ~all(real(indices{n}(:)))
+ indices{n} = num2cell(real(indices{n})+(sz(n)+imag(indices{n})).*~real(indices{n}));
+ if numel(indices{n})==1, indices{n} = indices{n}{1}; else shape = find(size(indices{n})>1,1); indices{n} = colon(indices{n}{:}); indices{n} = shiftdim(indices{n}(:),1-shape); end
+ end
+ end
+ out{1} = array(indices{:});
+% Z) is the same as ) except for the `indices = ...` line
* 1 inf 2 1 1 1 true true true true y = in{1}; for n=2:numel(in), y = bsxfun(@times, y, in{n}); end; out{1} = y; clear y n; array product (element-wise, singleton expansion) \matlab+.*+ (\matlab+times+), element-wise with singleton expansion
X* 2 2 2 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = kron(in{:}); Kronecker tensor product \matlab+kron+
Y* 2 2 2 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = in{1}*in{2}; matrix product matrix product, \matlab+*+ (\matlab+mtimes+)
@@ -154,7 +212,7 @@ Z* 1 inf 2 1 1 1 true true true true n = numel(in); combs = cell(1,n); Cartesian
+ 1 inf 2 1 1 1 true true true true y = in{1}; for n=2:numel(in), y = bsxfun(@plus, y, in{n}); end; out{1} = y; clear y n; addition (element-wise, singleton expansion) \matlab|+| (\matlab+plus+), element-wise with singleton expansion
X+ 2 3 2 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = conv(double(in{1}), double(in{2}), in{3:end}); convolution \matlab+conv+. Converts first two inputs to \matlab+double+.
Y+ 2 4 2 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = conv2(in{:}); two-dimensional convolution \matlab+conv2+
+Z+ 2 3 2 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = conv2(in{:}, 'valid'); two-dimensional convolution; part without zero-padded edges \matlab+conv2(..., 'valid')+
X, 1 1 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = cos(in{1}); cosine (radians) \matlab+cos+
Y, 1 1 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = sin(in{1}); sine (radians) \matlab+sin+
@@ -246,13 +304,9 @@ X9 1 1 1 1 1 1 true true true true fn = 'X9'; k = find(preLit.(fn).key==in{1}, 1
: 1 3 1 1 1 1 true true true true if numel(in)==1, out{1} = colon(1,in{1}); else out{1} = colon(in{:}); end vector of equally spaced values \matlab+colon+ (with three inputs \matlab+x+, \matlab+y+, \matlab+z+ produces \matlab+x:y:z+; with two inputs \matlab+x+, \matlab+y+ produces \matlab+x:y+). If one input: produces \matlab+1:x+
-Y: 1 inf 2 1 inf 1 true true true true switch in{1} Higham test matrices and other matrices \matlab+gallery+. Also includes functions \matlab+magic+, \matlab+hilb+, \matlab+invhilb+, \matlab+hadamard+, \matlab+pascal+, \matlab+spiral+
- case {'magic', 'hilb', 'invhilb', 'hadamard', 'pascal', 'spiral'}
- [out{1}] = feval(in{1},in{2:end});
- otherwise
- [out{:}] = gallery(in{:});
- end
+X: 1 1 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = in{1}(:); linearize to column array linearize to column array (index with \matlab+(:)+)
+Y: 1 1 1 1 inf numel(in{1}) true true true true assert(iscell(in{1}), 'MATL:runtime', 'MATL run-time error: a cell array is needed as input'); unbox cell array generate comma-separated list from cell array (index with \matlab+{:}+) and push each element onto stack
+ out = reshape(in{1}(1:nout),1,[]);
Z: 2 4 3 1 1 1 true true true true if ischar(in{1}), in{1} = double(in{1}); end set bit \matlab+bitset+. If first input is \matlab+char+ it is automatically converted to \matlab+double+
out{1} = bitset(in{:});
@@ -283,7 +337,7 @@ Y@ 1 1 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = perms(in{:}); all possible permutati
Z@ 1 3 1 1 1 1 true true true true if numel(in)~=3, out{1} = randperm(in{:}); random permutation \matlab+randperm+ (produces a row vector as output). With $3$ outputs: third output indicates number of permutations, each in a different row.
else [~, p] = sort(rand(in{3},in{1}),2); p = p(:,1:in{2}); out{1} = p; clear p, end
A 1 2 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = all(in{:}); all \matlab+all+
-XA 1 1 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = all(in{:},1); all, along first dimension \matlab+all(...,1)+
+XA 1 1 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = all(in{:},1); all, along first dimension \matlab+all(..., 1)+
YA 2 4 2 1 1 1 true true true true if numel(in{2})==1, out{1} = dec2base(in{:}); convert integer to string representation in given base \matlab+dec2base+. If second input has more than one element: it defines the symbols, which can be characters or numbers. The number of symbols defines the base, which can exceed $36$
else d = in{1}(:); symbols = in{2}(:).'; b = numel(symbols);
if ~(isnumeric(d) || ischar(d)) || any(d ~= floor(d)) || any(d < 0) || any(d > 1/eps)
@@ -380,7 +434,12 @@ YK
L 1 1 1 0 inf numel(CB_L{in{1}}) true true false true out = [CB_L{in{1}}(1:nout)]; paste from multi-level clipboard L paste from multi-level clipboard L. Input specifies level
XL 1 inf 2 0 0 0 false true false true CB_L{in{end}} = in(1:end-1); STACK(end+nin(end)) = []; copy to multi-level clipboard L copy to multi-level clipboard L. Topmost input specifies level
+YL 1 inf 2 1 inf 1 true true true true switch in{1} Higham test matrices and other matrices \matlab+gallery+. Also includes functions \matlab+magic+, \matlab+hilb+, \matlab+invhilb+, \matlab+hadamard+, \matlab+pascal+, \matlab+spiral+
+ case {'magic', 'hilb', 'invhilb', 'hadamard', 'pascal', 'spiral'}
+ [out{1}] = feval(in{1},in{2:end});
+ otherwise
+ [out{:}] = gallery(in{:});
+ end
M 1 1 1 0 inf 1+(in{1}<=numCbM)*(numel(CB_M{mod(in{1}-1,numCbM)+1})-1) true true false true if in{1}>=1 && in{1}<=4 paste from function-input clipboard M paste from function-input clipboard M. Input specifies level ($1$ to $4$) or individual input ($5$ or larger)
out = [CB_M{in{1}}(1:nout)];
@@ -485,7 +544,7 @@ Z` 0 1 0 0 1 1 true true true true if numel(in) && numel(out)==1, out{1} = toc(i
elseif ~numel(in) && numel(out)==0, toc; end
% Matlab R2015b hangs with tic; in = {}; t=toc(in{:}). That's why I distinguish here the no-input version
a 1 2 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = any(in{:}); any \matlab+any+
-Xa 1 1 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = any(in{:},1); any, along first dimension \matlab+any(...,1)+
+Xa 1 1 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = any(in{:},1); any, along first dimension \matlab+any(..., 1)+
b 0 inf 3 0 0 0 false true false true if ~isempty(in), in = in([2:end 1]); STACK(end+nin) = in; end bubble up element in stack bubble up element in stack
@@ -525,7 +584,7 @@ Xg 1 inf 2 1 inf 2 true true true true [out{:}] = ndgrid(in{:}); rectangular gri
Zg 1 1 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = gammaln(in{:}); logarithm of gamma function \matlab+gammaln+
h 1 inf 2 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = horzcat(in{:}); horizontal concatenation \matlab+horzcat+
-Xh 0 inf numel(STACK) 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = in; concatenate into cell array concatenate into cell array (\matlab+{...,...}+)
+Xh 0 inf numel(STACK) 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = in; concatenate into cell array concatenate into cell array (\matlab+{..., ...}+)
Yh 1 2 2 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = hankel(in{:}); Hankel matrix \matlab+hankel+
Zh 3 3 3 1 1 1 true true true true y = hypergeom(in{:}); if any(cellfun(@ischar,in)), y = char(y); end; out{1} = y; hypergeometric function \matlab+hypergeom+. If any input is of type char: returns char output
i 0 2 0 1 1 1 true true true true if isempty(in), in{1} = defaultInputPrompt; end input \matlab+input+ with content checking. If $0$ inputs: uses default prompt string. \sa \matl+j+.
@@ -576,7 +635,7 @@ Yo 1 3 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = round(in{:}); round towards nearest
Zo 1 1 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = fix(in{:}); round to nearest integer towards zero \matlab+fix+
p 1 3 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = prod(in{:}); product of elements \matlab+prod+
Xp 1 3 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = prod(in{1},1,in{2:end}); product along first dimension \matlab+prod(..., 1, ...)+. \sa \matl+p+
-Yp 1 3 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = cumprod(in{:}); cumulative product \matlab+cumprod+
+Yp 1 3 1 1 1 1 true true true true if ischar(in{1}), in{1} = double(in{1}); end; out{1} = cumprod(in{:}); cumulative product \matlab+cumprod+. Allows char input
Zp 1 1 1 1 1 1 true true true true if all(in{1}>0) is prime / totient function For input with positive entries: \matlab+isprime+. For input with non-positive entries: Euler's totient function for absolute value of each entry
out{1} = isprime(in{1});
elseif all(in{1}<=0)
@@ -603,14 +662,14 @@ Yr 1 inf 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = randi(in{:}); pseudorandom integer
Zr 2 4 2 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = randsample(in{:}); random sample \matlab+randsample+. Does not support stream specification
s 1 4 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = sum(in{:}); sum \matlab+sum+. \sa \matl+Xs+
Xs 1 3 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = sum(in{1},1,in{2:end}); sum along first dimension \matlab+sum(..., 1, ...)+. \sa \matl+s+
-Ys 1 3 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = cumsum(in{:}); cumulative sum \matlab+cumsum+
+Ys 1 3 1 1 1 1 true true true true if ischar(in{1}), in{1} = double(in{1}); end; out{1} = cumsum(in{:}); cumulative sum \matlab+cumsum+. Allows char input
Zs 1 4 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = std(in{:}); standard deviation \matlab+std+
t 0 inf 1 0 0 0 false true false true out = in; duplicate elements duplicate elements in stack. The duplicated elements are those specified as inputs
Zt 3 3 3 1 1 1 true true true true [out{:}] = strrep(in{:}); replace substring with another \matlab+strrep+
u 1 4 1 1 3 1 true true true true [out{:}] = unique(in{:}); unique \matlab+unique+. \sa \matl+Xu+.
-Xu 1 3 1 1 3 1 true true true true [out{:}] = unique(in{1},'rows',in{2:end}); unique rows \matlab+unique(...,'rows',...)+. \sa \matl+u+.
+Xu 1 3 1 1 3 1 true true true true [out{:}] = unique(in{1},'rows',in{2:end}); unique rows \matlab+unique(..., 'rows', ...)+. \sa \matl+u+.
Zu 1 2 1 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = strjust(in{:}); justify character array \matlab+strjust+
v 1 inf 2 1 1 1 true true true true out{1} = vertcat(in{:}); vertical concatenation \matlab+vertcat+
diff --git a/genHelp.m b/genHelp.m
index 139c7e0..0ab12f2 100644
--- a/genHelp.m
+++ b/genHelp.m
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
commFormatted = {F.comment};
descrFormatted = {F.description};
descrFormatted = regexprep(descrFormatted, '\\matlab(.)(.*?)(\1)', '$2');
-descrFormatted = regexprep(descrFormatted, '\\matl\+(.*?)\+', '$1'); %***make delimiter arbitrary her too
+descrFormatted = regexprep(descrFormatted, '\\matl\+(.*?)\+', '$1'); %***make delimiter arbitrary here too
descrFormatted = regexprep(descrFormatted, '\\comp{(.*?)}', '$1');
descrFormatted = regexprep(descrFormatted, '\\sa', 'See also');
descrFormatted = regexprep(descrFormatted, '\$(.*?)\$', '$1');
diff --git a/help.mat b/help.mat
index 577ec03..eaac863 100644
Binary files a/help.mat and b/help.mat differ
diff --git a/matl.m b/matl.m
index 9523efa..a3d51c2 100644
--- a/matl.m
+++ b/matl.m
@@ -28,6 +28,15 @@ function matl(varargin)
verNum = version(indMainName).Version; % version number as a string
verNum = str2double(regexp(verNum, '\.', 'split')); % version number as a vector
+useTags = isMatlab && (verNum(1)>7 || (verNum(1)==7 && verNum(2)>=13));
+if useTags
+ strongBegin = '';
+ strongEnd = '';
+ strongBegin = '';
+ strongEnd = '';
if numel(varargin)==0
options = 'r';
inputNeeded = true;
@@ -46,15 +55,15 @@ function matl(varargin)
s = varargin{2};
inputNeeded = false;
elseif numel(varargin)==2 && varargin{1}(1)~='-'
- error('MATL:main', 'MATL error while processing options: two input strings have identified, but the first string does not begin with -')
+ error('MATL:main', 'MATL error while processing options: two input strings have identified, but the first string does not begin with %s-%s', strongBegin, strongEnd)
error('MATL:main', 'MATL error while processing options: the number of inputs cannot exceed 2')
if any(options=='r') && any(options=='d')
- error('MATL:main', 'MATL error while processing options: incompatible options r and d')
+ error('MATL:main', 'MATL error while processing options: incompatible options %sr%s and %sd%s', strongBegin, strongEnd, strongBegin, strongEnd)
if any(options=='l') && any(options=='e')
- error('MATL:main', 'MATL error while processing options: incompatible options l and e')
+ error('MATL:main', 'MATL error while processing options: incompatible options %sl%s and %se%s', strongBegin, strongEnd, strongBegin, strongEnd)
if ~ismember(options,'plecsrdh')
options = [options 'r'];
@@ -65,7 +74,7 @@ function matl(varargin)
verbose = false;
if any(options=='h') && any(ismember(options, ['plecrdf' '0':'9' 'A':'Z']))
- error('MATL:main', 'MATL error while processing options: h is not compatible with specified options')
+ error('MATL:main', 'MATL error while processing options: %sh%s is not compatible with specified options', strongBegin, strongEnd)
if any(options=='o')
online = true; % saffe mode, for online compiler
@@ -207,7 +216,6 @@ function matl(varargin)
% Call help, if required, and quit
-useTags = isMatlab && (verNum(1)>7 || (verNum(1)==7 && verNum(2)>=13));
if any(options=='h')
if nargin>1
matl_help(H, s, verbose, useTags)
diff --git a/matl_compile.m b/matl_compile.m
index 5979b30..a1ffc99 100644
--- a/matl_compile.m
+++ b/matl_compile.m
@@ -258,7 +258,8 @@
if ~isMatlab
appendLines('', 0)
appendLines('% Define subfunctions', 0)
- fnames = {'num2str' 'im2col' 'spiral' 'unique' 'union' 'intersect' 'setdiff' 'setxor' 'ismember' 'triu' 'tril' 'randsample' 'nchoosek' 'vpa' 'sum' 'mean'};
+ fnames = {'num2str' 'im2col' 'spiral' 'unique' 'union' 'intersect' 'setdiff' 'setxor' 'ismember' ...
+ 'triu' 'tril' 'randsample' 'nchoosek' 'vpa' 'sum' 'mean' 'diff' 'mod' 'repelem'};
for n = 1:numel(fnames)
fname = fnames{n};
if any(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(C,fname))) % This may give false positives, but that's not a problem