Used to run jobs on clusters.
TOURQUE is a fork of openPBS. Get the version on a cluster with
qstat --version
Documentation: -> Archived Documentation
Command | Result |
qsub myPBSScript |
Submits a job to the cluster |
qsub -W depend=afterok:pid myOtherPBSScript |
Submits a job to the cluster after pid is done |
qstat |
Prints jobs currently running on the cluster |
qstat -u username |
Prints the jobs submitted by username |
qstat -f pid |
Displays full info of job with process id pid |
`qstat -f pid | grep -i Job_name` |
qhold pid |
Prevent job pid to run until released |
qrls pid |
Releases job pid from a hold |
qdel pid |
Delete the job with process id pid |
qdel `seq -f "%.0f" 512173 512175` |
Delete the jobs 512173 , 512174 and 512175 |
qdel all |
Delete all jobs (your jobs if you are not admin) |
qstat -q |
Shows available queues and their walltime-limit |
showq |
Show the queue (works at least with Maui scheduler) |
### Three #'s denotes a comment, one # denotes a PBS command
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### Job name
#PBS -N name
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### Number of nodes and processors per node
### For optimal run, should run so that whole machines are
### occupied
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=12
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### Maximum wallclock time, format HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS
#PBS -l walltime=50:00:00
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### Queue name (depends on cluster)
# PBS -q workq
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### Output
### PBS -o is the terminal output
### PBS -e is the error produced by the code
#PBS -o nameOfLogfile.log
#PBS -e nameOfErrorfile.err
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### Mail notification when job is done
#PBS -m e
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### $PBS_O_WORKDIR enables writing in the folder you do qsub from
### Command you want to run on the cluster, for example
mpirun -np 16 myCommand
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