The idea is to run the script on a server with fix IP address that can store and serve IP addresses of machines to avoid the need for an external dynamic dns service provider.
It serves the data from memory, so no database backend needed, no external dependencies either.
Don't forget to open the chosen port on the server and replace the host name value in the client script with the host server's domain name.
It's also a good idea for security reasons to run this script with a non-privileged user in a separated environment if possible.
Run server script on server side at boot time.
Run client script on client machines at boot time with a name parameter, this goes into an infinite loop updating the IP address periodically.
mydns_client.rb hello
Run client script with name parameter starting with a question mark for name resolution, so server answers back with the matching IP address if it exists.
mydns_client.rb ?hello
Ruby 1.8+