Releases: lokesh/lightbox2
Releases · lokesh/lightbox2
- [Add] maxWidth and maxHeight options added #197
- [Add] Enable target attribute in caption links #299
- [Change] Switched to The MIT License from Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
- [Change] Add CSS and images to bower.json main property.
- [Change] Dropped version property from bower.json. #453
- [Change] Use src -> dist folder structure for build.
- [Fix] Remove empty src attribute from img tag #287
- [Fix] Correct grammatical error in comment #224
- [Fix] Clear the jquery animation queue before hiding the .lb-loader #309
- [Remove] Remove releases's zips from repo.
- Set caption with data-title or title attribute
- Support wrapAround option with keyboard nav
- Make next click target bigger than prev
- Add option: positionFromTop
- Add option: alwaysShowNavOnTouchDevices
Bug fixes
- Fix #116: .lb-dataContainer fade in bug
- Fix: Overlay causing horizontal scrollbar on resize
- Removed the resizeDuration if there is no resize nessesary
Dev workflow
- Back to plain ole Javascript from Coffeescript
- Back to plain ole CSS from SASS for lightbox CSS
- Upgrade jQuery
- Switch to Grunt from Rake
Demo page
- Design page design refresh
- Support for latest versions of jQuery.
- New @fitImagesInViewport option. Set to 'true' by default.
- New @wrapAround option. Set to 'false' by default.
- Support for HTML5 valid data-lightbox attribute alongside rel="lightbox".
- Moved close and loading images references out of js and into css
- FIX: Incorrect loader image jQuery reference causes loading spinner to only appear once.
- Redesigned and simpler demo page.
- Switch to jQuery from Prototype and Scriptaculous
- Switch from Javacript to Coffeescript
- Switch from CSS to SASS
- Repo created on Github. 👍