- Hanyang University ERICA majored in Robotics Engineering.
- I like doing things, so I'm studying various fields and trying simple projects myself.
- (Individual) Creating a simple game using Pygame Small Hell
- (Individual) Creation of NFT Mining Site using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web3 MetaGirls
- (Individual) A digit classification program using RISK-V Computer System
- (Individual) Numerical calculation program for each joint angle required for a biped walking robot to climb stairs using Matlab Numerical Computation
- (Team) Produced YOROKE, a platform that calculates the dance accuracy of users and people in video using Pose-Esetimation - Pose analysis using Tensorflow, accuracy calculation, Web development Youtube Notion
- (Team) Production of Metaverse exercise education platform using Pose-Esetimation and Unity - Responsible for building Metaverse environment using Unity PEIMF
- (Individual) AI midterm and final project - Pacman AI creation using DFS, BFS, UCS, Greedy and Q-learning Artificial Intelligence
- Field practice (July-September) - Machine learning model development and company program GUI, Web development