- Python 3
- https://pypi.org/project/pylink-square/ (Attention: When installing via pip take care that it is named "pylink-square")
- https://github.com/posborne/cmsis-svd => Currently do not use the version from pip, as it does not contain SVDParser.for_mcu but install from repo. Caution: On windows you have to copy the data directory to python\cmsis_svd directory as the symlink does not work correctly for installation
- https://github.com/eliben/pyelftools
- https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib
- JLinkARM.dll needs to be put into the root script directoy
- https://docs.pytest.org/
- https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson
- SeggerRTT https://wiki.segger.com/RTT (BufferSizeDown should be increased to something like 256, BufferSizeUp can be decreased to 256). If RTT needs to be used as print channel, use channel 1 for RPC.
- STM32CUBEMX file parsing (*.ioc) for Pin config/names
- ELF-File parsing for finding symbol names/sizes
- Arbitrary register access by name
- All j-link functionalities (flashing, writing/reading memory, ...)
- GPIO sampling and plotting via JLink Memory Access
- rpc via RTT and json strings
- Ram code execution
- Automatic controller detection (Seems not to be possible)
- IOC parser: Analog signal sorting
- Replace RPC json by cbor or messagepack