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Releases: ltrr-arizona-edu/burnr

burnr v0.1.1

01 Sep 17:08
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Changes in this patch:

  • Added option to sort series by their last (or most recent) year with sort().
  • Updated run_sea() to better replicate EVENT Fortran program. Addresses #58. Added detailed description and an example page with graphics. Also fixed issue with percentage confidence intervals in the departure table. Mind you, run_sea() is still very experimental.
  • Several minor changes to documentation and meta data.

burnr v0.1.0

11 Jul 15:36
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Changes in this minor release:

  • Added a vignette!
  • get_ggplot() is being depreciated. Please use plot_demograph().
  • Changed design of fhx objects. They are now data.frame and not lists (nobody used the 'meta', list member anyways). This means that if x is your fhx object and you previously used x$rings, you can now just use x.
  • Added function is.fhx().
  • Updated pgm example data.
  • composite() now returns an fhx object.
  • Added function get_event_years() to find fire and fire injury years in fhx objects. This is especially helpful for composites.
  • concatenate() and combine() were reverted back to '+' at the request of beloved users. This means code like lgr2 + pgm will combine these objects together into a single fhx object!
  • Added examples to all function documentation.
  • resolve_duplicates() is now hidden (i.e. burnr:::check_duplicates()).
  • Added function sample_depth() to get sample depth.
  • Added run_sea function to begin to address issue #58. Has pretty table output. This is still very experimental.
  • Bug fix in series_stats to maintain series IDs for those with no features
  • Changed composite() behavior. Now more similar to FHAES. Can choose to count injuries as "fire events" with the injury_event argument.
  • Added count_recording() function.
  • Fixed minor bugs in series_stats.
  • Removed sorting by default on read_fhx() and '+.fhx'
  • Fixed sort()s non-responsive decreasing argument.
  • Fixed poor sorting function for FHX objects.
  • Added several small utility functions: get_year(), get_series(), series_names(), delete().
  • Improved documentation!
  • Adding series_stats function, closes issue #44.


24 Nov 00:41
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burnr v0.0.2

Changes in this patch:

  • plot() and get_ggplot() should no longer allow the user to plot facets and composite rugs in the same plot. This closes bug #25.
  • Ring types (the rec_type column in x$rings) has "." in all levels replaced with a "_". For example, 'dormant.fs' is now 'dormant_fs.' Closes #45.
  • In get_ggplot() the legend argument is now plot_legend to avoid clash with common functions.
  • In fhx$rings and all functions, type arugment is now rec_type to avoid clash with type function. rec_type is short for "record_type".
  • Can now read FHX files with a single series (closes bug #43).
  • concatenate() has been renamed combine() at the request of beloved users.
  • lgr2 and pgm are available fire-history datasets when you load this package. The metadata for each of these sets is lgr2_meta and pgm_meta. Load the data with data().


18 Nov 12:05
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burnr v0.0.1

  • First github release
  • Added file. Existing users should check back here for changes.
  • rug.filter function is renamed composite.
  • ggplot.fhx is now get_ggplot. This is more descriptive. The following arguments for this function have been changed as a part of this fix: plot.rug is now composite_rug, filter.min is now filter_min, filter.prop is now filter_prop, event.size is now event_size, rugbuffer.size is now rugbuffer_size, rugdivide.pos is now rugdivide_pos. spp argument is renamed to color_group. sppid is now color_id. cluster is now facet_group. clusterid is now cluster_id.
  • read.fhx function is renamed read_fhx.
  • write.fhx function is renamed write_fhx.
  • order.fhx is now sort (see method sort.fhx). Also, added a boolean argument decreasing, which defaults to FALSE. Previously this has been TRUE..
  • + with fhx objects, (+.fhx) is now concatenate. So, a + b should now be concatenate(a, b).
  • Fixed bug that disappeared a series which started or ended with fire scars.


01 Nov 14:23
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v0.0.1.9000 Pre-release

burnr v0.0.1.9000

Trying to get most of the compatibility-breaking code out of the way now. Consider this a beta release. A stable version of this will be released in early November, 2015. The stable release will include fixes for major bugs found during beta testing.

Major changes from earlier code includes:

  • Added file. Existing users should check back here for changes.
  • rug.filter function is renamed composite.
  • ggplot.fhx is now get_ggplot. This is more descriptive. The following arguments for this function have been changed as a part of this fix: plot.rug is now composite_rug, filter.min is now filter_min, filter.prop is now filter_prop, event.size is now event_size, rugbuffer.size is now rugbuffer_size, rugdivide.pos is now rugdivide_pos. spp argument is renamed to color_group. sppid is now color_id. cluster is now facet_group. clusterid is now cluster_id.
  • read.fhx function is renamed read_fhx.
  • write.fhx function is renamed write_fhx.
  • order.fhx is now sort (see method sort.fhx). Also, added a boolean argument decreasing, which defaults to FALSE. Previously this has been TRUE. Change in default behavior makes it makes it more comparable with R's generic sort function.
  • + with fhx objects, (+.fhx) is now concatenate. So, a + b should now be concatenate(a, b).