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Report for the project-based exam for DM882: Text Mining

Option 1 : News Articles

Luca Demma


The goal of this project is to implement a Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipeline to classify news articles taken from the front pages of 172 outlets in 11 countries using the semi-structured data source made by this project , data used is present at this link provided by the teacher

The implementation of the pipeline should provide 3 types of results:

  • Text classification starting from natural language text and the formal calculation of its accuracy

  • Based on the text classification execute data analysis to get insights from the data to get the proportion of articles on COVID-19, more specifically:

    • How many COVID-19 news have been issued as proportion of all articles in 2020
    • How many COVID-19 news have been issued as proportion of all articles in each month of 2020
    • How many COVID-19 news have been issued as proportion of articles in an outlet (e.g. CNN) in 2020
  • Getting the most commonly mentioned Named Entities in COVID-19 news doing Named Entity Recognition (NER)

For the implementation I used the Python programming language because is the most used language for NLP and there are a lot of libraries easily importable as the ones I used:

  • NLTK ( and its modules:
    • word_tokenize
    • WordNetLemmatizer
    • pos_tag
    • ne_chunk
    • stopwords
    • punkt
  • contractions

Having to deal with huge quantity of data I chose to implement most of the scripts in a multi-process way using the power of parallelism. This has been possible mainly because the majority of the operations are parallelizable not handling sequential data. Using this technique permits to speed up the whole process up to 8 times in modern computers with multiple CPUs. To implement multiprocessing I used the Python module pqdm.


The following picture describes the pipeline of the processing implemented by the code divided into 6 macro steps:

  • File cleaning
  • Extraction
  • Normalization
  • Classification
  • Classification accuracy
  • Analysis


Each step saves its output result in the data folder in the json format. For the steps that have as output a big quantity of data it has been chosen to split the results into sub-files for each news outlet to avoid problems related to out-of-memory.

Step 0 : File cleaning

The first step is related to file cleaning and preparation, in this step I started to clean the source data and make it easily consumable by the Python implementation of the pipeline.

To do so I followed the following actions:

Removing old articles

Removing all the articles issued before 2019, as stated in the project description to handle a reasonable count of news we use only the 2019 and 2020 ones.

To do so I run a simple bash command that finds all the files names that don't start with 2019 and 2020:

find . -type f ! -name '2019*' -and ! -name '2020*' -delete

Unzipping all the files

To speed up and make the processing easier I choose to pre-decompress all the files present in the .gzip format.

To do so I used a simple bash command to decompress all the files found in the folders recursively

gunzip -rv .

Remove all the non-english news outlets

My implementation is based on the handle of just a single language of news, for this reason in this step I'm gonna remove from the news outlets list all the outlets that are not in the english language.

To do so I wrote a Python script that uses the file provided by the teacher AvailableOutlets.txt to delete all the folders that use non english language. After this removal the news outlets became 91.

After this steps the data has been prepared to be consumed by the pipeline in a more convenient way.

Step 1 : Extraction

In this step I aim to clean the data source from all the unnecessary fields and to give a structure that can make it easier the handling.

I had to think about how to handle all the data to avoid out-of-memory problems because my first thought has been to save every cleaned news data in a single json file but this idea fastly showed its limitations because of the data size-related problems, the python script was often crashing when creating the huge single json file with out-of-memory error.

For this reason I chose to handle the data by steps for every outlet, this required some more reasoning but it made possible the handling of the huge data source.

My goal here was to strip down the input data giving a structure, to do this I use a Python script where I read all the articles for each outlet and I keep only the following fields in the following json format:

    "newspaper": "",
    "date": "20190101",
    "title": "Shutdown talks broken between...",
    "description": "As the government shutdown en...",
    "is_covid_source": false  // comes from the source, keyword based

I save all the articles in the format shown previously in an array of objects in ./data/structured_resource/outlet_name where outlet_name is the file name of the json represented by the outlet name e.g.

In this script I used multiprocessing to speed up considerably the execution speed.

Step 2 : Normalization

This step is crucial to transform natural language into a structured data source that can be handled by software.

In my pipeline I used the following normalization techniques for titles and descriptions in the following order (implementation in file):

  • to lower case : transforming the texts to lower case to make easier matching for the same words with different casing

  • expanding contractions : expanding the english language contractions (e.g. I'm -> I am). I used the the module contractions

  • tokenization : using nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize that uses the NLTK's reccomended tokenizer to split a sentence in tokens. Internally it uses a series of regular expressions to split the tokens by white spaces and punctuations.

  • removing punctuations : using Python list comprehensions to remove all the tokens that contain punctuations. For this I'm using the Python built-in function isalnum() that returns true if a string contains only alphanumeric characters, I added a condition to not remove the occurrences of 'covid-19'.

    [token for token in tokens_list if (token.isalnum() or token == "covid-19")]
  • lemmatization : using WordNet corpus lemmatizer WordNetLemmatizer to lemmatize the tokens got in the previous step. I choose to lemmatize instead of stemming because stemming is not so efficient due to the fact that tends to stem to unwanted words.

  • removing stopwords : stop words are commonly used words that occure frenquently and usually don't provide additional information. For doing this I used the NLTK corpus stopwords that contains a list of stopwords in 11 languages.

    This is the list for english (Taken from:

    ['i', 'me', 'my', 'myself', 'we', 'our', 'ours', 'ourselves', 'you', 'your', 'yours',
    'yourself', 'yourselves', 'he', 'him', 'his', 'himself', 'she', 'her', 'hers',
    'herself', 'it', 'its', 'itself', 'they', 'them', 'their', 'theirs', 'themselves',
    'what', 'which', 'who', 'whom', 'this', 'that', 'these', 'those', 'am', 'is', 'are',
    'was', 'were', 'be', 'been', 'being', 'have', 'has', 'had', 'having', 'do', 'does',
    'did', 'doing', 'a', 'an', 'the', 'and', 'but', 'if', 'or', 'because', 'as', 'until',
    'while', 'of', 'at', 'by', 'for', 'with', 'about', 'against', 'between', 'into',
    'through', 'during', 'before', 'after', 'above', 'below', 'to', 'from', 'up', 'down',
    'in', 'out', 'on', 'off', 'over', 'under', 'again', 'further', 'then', 'once', 'here',
    'there', 'when', 'where', 'why', 'how', 'all', 'any', 'both', 'each', 'few', 'more',
    'most', 'other', 'some', 'such', 'no', 'nor', 'not', 'only', 'own', 'same', 'so',
    'than', 'too', 'very', 's', 't', 'can', 'will', 'just', 'don', 'should', 'now']

    and I used this list comprehions command to check if a token is included in the list to remove it:

    [token for token in tokens_list if not token in stop_words]

Step 3 : Classification

To classify the news articles I used the normalized data produced in the previous step to implement a Naive Bayes classifier from scratch.

A Naive Bayes classifier is a supervised learning algorithm that is based on Bayes Theorem. It's a probabilistic classifier because it choses the class of an input based of the probability of its features.

Bayes Theorem formula: Bayes Theorem formula


  • P(A|B) is Posterior probability
  • P(B|A) is Likelihood probability
  • P(A) is Prior Probability:
  • P(B) is Marginal Probability

Getting the training sets

To use the formula for the text classification problem we need to calculate the probabilities that each word has in covid and non covid articles. To do so two training sets are needed for the training, the TRUE training set and the FALSE one, that represent respectively the set of articles that are covid related and the one that is not.

To get the training set I wrote a script where i divide the normalized articles data in the TRUE and FALSE set.

In the FALSE set I used the articles written before 2020 because covid was still undetected and for the TRUE set I used the articles that contain in the title or in the description the keywords covid-19 or coronavirus.

The training sets have been saved respectively in ./data/training_covid and ./data/training_NOT_covid

Getting the words probabilities

Having the FALSE and TRUE training sets I can loop on them to calculate the frequencies of the words occurences and from them calculate the probability for each word using

I'm using a Python default_dict data structure to ease the process of creating the dictionary to save the frequencies and probabilities of the words.

I chose to treat in the same way the words found in the title and the ones found in the description.

Having the words frequencies I calculate the probability of each word for both sets (diving the frequency of the word by the sum of all the occurrences):

for word in tqdm(isCovidFreq):
    isCovidProb[word] = isCovidFreq[word] / isCovidWordsLength

in this way I get the most common words in covid news and non covid saved in ./data/prob_covid.json and ./data/prob_NOT_covid.json.

The most 20 common words for covid news:

"coronavirus": 0.043835909923861924,
"covid-19": 0.015808012474694544,
"news": 0.010715819839904057,
"ha": 0.009922155787593942,
"new": 0.008365884681941676,
"pandemic": 0.008240723643182362,
"case": 0.006377259274490732,
"time": 0.005009907138240168,
"say": 0.004845602728821659,
"trump": 0.004683742003155996,
"people": 0.004504464476924605,
"lockdown": 0.004464077049082143,
"health": 0.004126004509529567,
"outbreak": 0.0041117867131493825,
"wa": 0.0039550355080578475,
"death": 0.0037163542513254984,
"said": 0.003695160848596286,
"world": 0.0035532938990902566,
"state": 0.0033374499777935793,
"online": 0.003325098267188294,

The most 20 common words for NON covid news:

"news": 0.010683131939110142,
"ha": 0.008041611622448533,
"wa": 0.006844409412116912,
"new": 0.006049156914812433,
"time": 0.005171104253908384,
"online": 0.005122369938670393,
"trump": 0.004485226975135559,
"daily": 0.003886308735628415,
"say": 0.0037605308472398883,
"year": 0.0036743987658769293,
"mail": 0.0034204825461542467,
"star": 0.0031140344278150615,
"one": 0.002730815712720413,
"said": 0.0027005474477373444,
"world": 0.002651965678131895,
"video": 0.0026342061550171606,
"president": 0.0026308260649487596,
"first": 0.002223248220952618,
"day": 0.002182060900166639,
"woman": 0.002161523440796165,


Now that we have the tokens probabilities for the TRUE and the FALSE sets we can use them to calculate the probability of each token set being part of one of the two sets by multiplying the probabilities for each token and multiplying by prior probability and see which classification gives us a higher score. The script that handles this is

Doing like this I found 2 problems:

  • Tokens that are in a set and not in the other crash the script because the value is not found in the dictionary. To solve this problem for tokens that don't have a probability value I use the lowest probability for that tokens set.
  • Using the multiplications of probabilities we can incur in numerical underflow: being the values very small and multiplyng them by each other with large inputs the result is a very small number and it can get unstable. To fix this I used the sum of the logs of the probabilities instead of the multiplication of them. This fixes the small number problem and gives more reasonable classification scores.
P(yi | x1, x2, …, xn) = log(P(x1|y1)) + log(P(x2|y1)) + … log(P(xn|y1))+ log(P(yi))

To get the prior probabilities I used the provided flag is_covid.

The result of the classification is stored in ./data/classification_results for each outlet in json format. The class is of every news is found in the field class and can be IS COVID or NOT COVID. Is also possible to see the calculated score for each news for both classes.

It's important to note the Naive Bayes classifier doesn't take care of the position of the words and their relations because we provide the data as a bag of words but it's an algorithm that has low variance also having high bias, which means that works well in classification despite this.

Step 4 : Classification Accuracy Verification

After the classification we need to verify how correct is the classification, to do so I used two formal ways to calculate correctness using

  • Accuracy : tells us how many inputs have been classified correctly with the following formula: accuracy formula

    This gives us a general view of the correctness of the classification because is not efficient in class-imbalanced data set.

    The accuracy calculated by the script using the flag is_covid from the source is of 0.95

  • Precision / Recall : this method gives us better insight because tells us:

    • Precision : which proportion of the TRUE set is correct (i.e. it's high if the model produces few false positives)


      The precision calculated by the script using the flag is_covid from the source is of 0.73

    • Recall : which proportion of the "real" positives has been correctly classified. (i.e. it's high if the model produces few false negatives)


      The precision calculated by the script using the flag is_covid from the source is of 0.95

    From the results (saved in ./data/accuracy_results.json) we can see that the classifier tends to be more oriented in classyfing articles to be about covid because of the not sho how precision. But if an article is about covid the model classifies it correctly 95% of the time.

Step 5 : Analysis

Now that we have the classified data we can execute data analysis on it for this project we are going to:

  • Getting proportions of:

    • How many COVID-19 news have been issued as proportion of all articles in 2020
    • How many COVID-19 news have been issued as proportion of all articles in each month of 2020
    • How many COVID-19 news have been issued as proportion of articles in an outlet (e.g. CNN) in 2020
  • Getting the most commonly mentioned Named Entities in COVID-19 news doing Named Entity Recognition (NER)


The script that reads the classyfied data and returns the proportions is the file and saved as json files in ./data/analysis

How many COVID-19 news have been issued as proportion of all articles in 2020?

total_2020 covid_2020 percentage_2020
4249012 1407326 33.12%

How many COVID-19 news have been issued as proportion of all articles in each month of 2020?

month total covid percentage
1 440797 37223 8.44
2 420264 59917 14.25
3 473143 236532 49.99
4 461819 271744 58.84
5 469991 220139 46.83
6 467633 146521 31.33
7 469513 146564 31.21
8 435350 123191 28.29
9 403165 103845 25.75
10 205976 61303 29.76

How many COVID-19 news have been issued as proportion of articles in an outlet (e.g. CNN) in 2020?

outlet total covid percentage 41826 10410 24.888825132692585 103835 21978 21.166273414551934 113842 19036 16.721420916709125 105897 16525 15.604785782411211 65290 11458 17.549395006892325 158115 20946 13.247319988615882 117145 17224 14.703145674164498 116534 18877 16.198705957059744 13089 890 6.799602719841088 145339 22448 15.445269335828648 118619 25666 21.637343090061457 45757 7228 15.796490154511877 116566 21337 18.30465144210147 7175 1673 23.317073170731707 107117 13425 12.533024636612302 110345 28890 26.181521591372512 30797 4606 14.956002208007273 74349 18693 25.142234596295847 608931 44763 7.3510791863117495 186203 8846 4.750729043033679 65231 12850 19.699222762183624 26007 3942 15.157457607567194 68227 11652 17.07828279127032 89274 12762 14.295315545399557 247580 37685 15.221342596332498 223856 31809 14.209581159316704 51711 10215 19.754017520450194 83252 22147 26.6023639071734 72479 13583 18.740600725727454 95415 12939 13.560760886653043 104749 8436 8.053537503937985 62919 12987 20.640823916464026 52872 6027 11.399228325011348 21271 1494 7.023647219218654 98651 14930 15.134159815916716 28321 5476 19.335475442251333 137335 24979 18.18837150034587 80657 11474 14.225671671398638 14993 3888 25.93210164743547 117775 12794 10.863086393547018 277786 23103 8.316833821718877 52976 2857 5.393008154636061 15395 1637 10.633322507307568 74369 17599 23.664430071669646 98405 20243 20.57110919160612 106349 16531 15.54410478706899 63026 16221 25.736997429632215 285447 54633 19.139454960115188 56246 13216 23.496781993386197 104713 15537 14.837699235052 40125 9035 22.517133956386292 124737 16872 13.526058827773635 56931 14589 25.62575749591611 131757 19697 14.949490349658841 92790 14583 15.716133204009052 17250 3295 19.10144927536232 168841 42059 24.910418677927755 19179 7779 40.559987486313155 32156 8992 27.963677074262968 65232 10037 15.386620063772382 19888 4072 20.474658085277554 38595 8372 21.691929006347973 139235 15549 11.167450712823644 37910 5305 13.99366921656555 47229 5589 11.833830908975418 139672 17625 12.618849876854345 116295 13015 11.191366782750762 153814 20955 13.623597331842355 198279 23807 12.006818674695756 124252 18327 14.74986318127676 60181 6612 10.98685631677772 139550 23619 16.92511644571838 176381 29780 16.883904728967405 96405 19995 20.740625486229966 62828 7621 12.129942064047876 53139 5633 10.60050057396639 330374 33992 10.288945255982613 194499 19842 10.201594866811655 279829 32993 11.790414860504093 86792 12005 13.831919992626048 61556 9851 16.003314055494183 66162 7268 10.985157643360237 72692 9546 13.13211907775271 139840 22940 16.40446224256293 50976 2117 4.152934714375393 94705 12933 13.65608996357109 189905 28805 15.168110370974961 94438 13882 14.699591266227579 43038 5225 12.140434035038803 75712 8899 11.753751056635672 122570 25730 20.99208615485029

Named Entity Recognition (NER)

The goal of NER is to find the most common entities in a text using corpora to distinguish words that refer to some entity.

I used NLTK ne_chunk and pos_tag in the script to extract the most common entities of covid related news.

Before using NLTK's NER I tried with the Stanford one but it was extremely slow for the data size.

The NLTK NER pipeline requires to provide to the ne_chunk function pos-tagged text.

The NLTK module for NERing the text is based on a supervised machine learning model named MaxEnt classifier. This algorithm uses a manually annotated corpus specifically for Entity Recognition.

For the training of the model have been provided various features as: the POS tag, if the words start with a capital letter, if the word is a lemma, the pos tag of the previous and next word.

The result of the execution of the script is saved in

Here the most common Entities found by the script:

"Coronavirus / GPE": 207047,
"Trump / PERSON": 86396,
"China / GPE": 80622,
"U.S. / GPE": 75092,
"ABCNews / ORGANIZATION": 40700,
"DailyMailOnline / PERSON": 40337,
"Australia / GPE": 38269,
"FoxNews / PERSON": 33981,
"Guardian / GPE": 31284,
"US / GSP": 30735,
"LosAngeles / GPE": 29122,
"WashingtonPost / ORGANIZATION": 28962,
"DonaldTrump / PERSON": 27477,
"NewYork / GPE": 25263,
"Chinese / GPE": 24996,
"Globe / ORGANIZATION": 24954,
"Mail / PERSON": 23939,
"Trump / GPE": 23750,
"BusinessInsider / ORGANIZATION": 23298,
"Irish / GPE": 22612,
"Ireland / GPE": 22520,
"CBSNews / ORGANIZATION": 22408,
"Reuters / ORGANIZATION": 21283,
"Italy / GPE": 21232,

The NER found a lot of names related to the newspapers titles that could be omitted from the list.

How to run the code

The code expects as input pre-cleaned files following the Step 0 steps in a folder specified in RESOURCE_PATH variable for the file and DIRS_BASE_PATH for the file.

After this pre-configuration the code can be launched by executing the script that executes the steps from 1 to 5.

Sometimes the complete script can fail especially after the last call of file. If this happens the file contains the name of the scripts to be launched in the correct order

The results of the various scripts are saved in the ./data folder as described in the steps.


Text Mining Project for the Exam






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