The collective noun application software refers to all applications collectively used in a client-side machine, viz. Debuggers, Documentation generators, Desktop User Interface for word processors, GUI spreadsheets, ERP applications, media players, console games, etc..
- ASTInterpreter2.jl :: Re-write of ASTInterpreter for julia v0.6+.
- Gallium.jl :: The Julia debugger for CPP. Demo video.
- DebuggingUtilities.jl :: Simple utilities for debugging julia code.
- Rebugger.jl :: An expression-level debugger for Julia, sans the ability to interact with or manipulate call stacks (see Gallium), but it can trace execution via the manipulation of Julia expressions.
- RR.jl :: Julia interface to mozilla's
. - Suppressor.jl :: Julia macros for suppressing output (STDOUT), warnings (STDERR) or both streams at the same time.
- Traceur.jl.
- ToggleableAsserts.jl :: Assertions that can be turned on or off with a switch, with no runtime penalty when they're off.
- "Debugger" topic threads on discourse:
Julia Documentation tools for documentation driven development
- Julia Documentation README and JuliaDoc :: A Python package providing Sphinx extensions and a theme for the Julia language documentation at RTD that can also be used by Julia packages to create documentation that is visually unified with the language documentation.
- Doc.jl :: Daniel Carrera's modern documentation system for Julia.
- Docile.jl :: Experimental Julia package documentation system.
- DocStringExtensions.jl :: Extensions for Julia's docsystem.
- Documenter.jl :: A documentation generator for Julia.
- Doxygen :: A branch providing support for documenting in Julia using Doxygen and doxyfilter.jl tools. Currently supports (incomplete) function signatures and caller/callee graphs but types and modules are not parsed. Link to Jihao's Dropbox output of doxygen.
- Jocco :: is a simple literate-programming-style documentation generator for Julia.
- JuliaVM :: Simple bash script to manage multiple Julia environments
- Lexicon.jl :: Julia package documentation generator that provides access to the documentation created by the @doc macro from Docile.jl. It allows querying of package documentation from the Julia REPL and building HTML documentation.
- Markdown.jl :: Translate Markdown to HTML from Julia using Sundown.
- Remark.jl :: A Julia package to create presentations from markdown using Remark.
- Roxygen.jl :: A Roxygen-like documentation package for automatically generating documentation from Julia source files.
- sphinx-julia :: Documenting Julia projects with Sphinx.
- Tuxedo.jl :: Dressing up your algorithms with documentation-driven development.
- Weave.jl :: Scientific reports/literate programming for Julia.
Generic Syntax Highlighter
- Making nice documentation for a Julia Package.
Widget toolkits and other graphical user interfaces for desktops.
- Blink.jl :: Web-based GUIs for Julia.
- Canvas.jl :: Composable UIs in Julia.
- Electron.jl :: Julia wrapper for Electron.
- JGUI.jl :: Simplified interface for making GUI's in Julia.
- JuliaTools.jl :: A toolkit for viewing Julia packages, modules, etc....
- Module linker for Julia.
- PySide.jl :: A julia interface for accessing Qt via PyCall and PySide.
- QML.jl :: Small example for starting an interface to Qt5 QML.
- Qt5.jl :: A wrapper around C++ library
. {Usable: 1, Robust: 1, Active: 1} - Table.jl :: Display Tables in plain text, HTML, LaTex.
- Tk.jl :: The Julia interface for the Tk windowing toolkit.
- XClipboard.jl :: Xlib clipboard bindings to drag and drop in X11(X-Window System for bitmap displays).
GIMP Toolkit
- GI.jl :: Julia bindings using libgobject-introspection.
- Gtk.jl :: Julia interface to the GTK windowing toolkit.
- GtkApps.jl :: GTK Apps by @tknopp.
- GtkInteract.jl :: Part of Interact.jl functionality with Gtk.
Braille, REPL shells, GUI, IDE/Text editors, WIDE, Desktop User Interface, GUI, &c..
- Acorn.jl :: A pure julia text editor.
- BlinkEditor.jl :: A simple Blink editor based on Mike Innes' JuliaCon 2015 presentation.
- CSSUtil
- jEdit-julia :: A jEdit mode for Julia.
- Jewel.jl :: is the Julia package which handles communication with Light Table for Jewel.
- JuliaDT.jl :: Julia Development Toolkit for Eclipse.
- julia-ide :: YAJI.
- Jewel.jl :: IDE backend for Julia.
- Julia-LT :: Julia plugin for Light Table.
- June-LT :: The June themes for Light Table.
- JunoLTDistro :: Juno-LT Distribution & Installer.
- Juno-LT :: A Julia environment built on Light Table. JunoLab.
- Julia-Studio :: Julia Studio by and Tutorials for Julia-Studio and its source on github.
- Julia.tmbundle :: Julia language support for TextMate 2 (and Sublime Text).
- Julia-Vim.
- Julietta.jl :: An integrated developement environment (IDE) for the programming language Julia.
- Juno-LT :: A Julia environment built on Light Table.
- Interact.jl :: Library for interactive widgets in IJulia.
- InteractNext.jl :: is a lot like Interact.jl, except that as well as running in IJulia, it also works in the Atom/Juno IDE, in a desktop window with
, and served in a webpage viaMux.jl
. - Liclipse :: LiClipse, Eclipse plus some customizations, supports Julia.
- Neovim.jl by @bfredl :: Neovim client for Julia.
- Reminisce :: Sublime-style saving of tabs and content for Light Table.
- Sublime-Julia :: Sublime Syntax, Build, Snippets, and REPL for the Julia language.
- JuliaCompletions :: Make all of Julia's UTF-8 autocompletions available in Sublime Text.
- vim-notebook :: Vim users can use Julia from the
plugin. - WebIO.jl : A DSL for web-based widgets in Julia.
- Atom.jl :: Julia Client for Atom.
- atom-language-julia :: A Julia language support package for the Atom editor.
- atom-julia-client :: Julia Eval in Atom.
- Electron.jl :: Provides easy access to atom/electron from Julia.
- Jude :: A set of development extensions for Julia in the Atom editor to improve developer productivity. Currently, it provides
andjump to definition
. - Juno-Bundle-for-Windows :: This bundle uses PortableApps as a platform and combines AtomPortable, julia, Atom.jl, as well as other necessary plugins for julia in Atom.
- emacs-ess-julia.el :: ESS support for julia language, includes font-lock, indentation, sending code to sub-process, interactive documentation, imenu, completion and eldoc.
- julia-emacs :: Julia support in Emacs.
- julia-repl :: Run an inferior Julia REPL in a terminal inside Emacs.
- Jupyter 'nee IJulia.jl :: Julia kernel and magics for IPython.
- Autoreload.jl :: A package for autoreloading files for interactive work in IJulia - Modeled after IPython's autoreload extension, it will automatically reload any specified julia source files that have been modified.
- Colaboratory :: Create and store notebooks in Google Drive and allow for collaborative editing of notebooks.
- ErrorLineNumber.jl :: Address line number bug in Julia 0.4 error reporting.
- Hydra.jl :: Hosted Multi-user IJulia distribution.
- IJuliaWidgets.jl :: Interactive widgets for IJulia.
- IPython.jl :: Launch IPython in Julia.
- jlbox :: uses node.js to provide a mechanism for automatically reloading julia source and test files via gulp.js and a ZMQ socket.
- Multiuser-server :: Multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks.
- NBInclude.jl :: Import code from IJulia Jupyter notebooks into Julia programs.
- Sublime-IJulia :: is an IJulia Frontend to run julia from within Sublime Text-3 through the IJulia backend.
- WeavePynb.jl :: Simple package to convert markdown files to IJulia notebooks.
- How to create a Custom IJulia Widget
- Run Jupyterhub on a Supercomputer.
- :: A code formatter for Julia.
- JuliaBox :: Jupyter/IJulia sandboxed by Docker containers that allows you to run Julia on the browser. Here is the source code, installation instructions, a collection of example notebooks.
- JuliaBoxUtils.jl :: JuliaBox utility methods.
- Julia on the SageMath cloud server.
- koding has an interactive online Julia REPL.
- CodeBunk supports Julia for collaborative screen-sharing on the cloud.