- 2023-09-29
- Release 13.0.0
- Switch to jakarta xml stuff for simpler Java 11+ compatibility
- The api remains identical, except the places where javax.xml stuff was exposed They now use the jakarta.xml names
- Bump all dependencies to latest versions, also build environment
- Added Cyclone DX SBOM
- 2023-09-29
- Release 12.0.5, added bearer authentication for non-webdav calls (Thanks to Arnout Engelen)
- 2022-11-29
- Release 12.0.4, upgraded indirect commons-codec dependency
- Release 12.0.3, upgraded jackson dependencies
- 2022-04-01
- Release 12.0.2, upgraded jaxb-runtime to 3.0.2 too because of indirect dependencies
- 2022-04-01
- Release 12.0.1, upgraded various dependencies
- jackson-databind upgraded to to fix CVE-2020-36518 (Thanks to MrRoubous)
- 2021-11-02
- Release 12.0.0, thanks for all contributions (See below)
- 2021-10-28
- Bump version to 12.0.0-SNAPSHOT due to api changes
- We did remove all xml based provision api, since they don't work in many cases, we use JSON now
- The getQuota() method now returns an Optional, to handle the case when no quota is set at all (Allowing unlimited storage) Thanks @kriszman for the patches
- 2021-10-13
- Prepare 11.7.0-SNAPSHOT
- Fix downloadFolder() when having special chars in folder name(s) Thanks to flelayo (Issue #71)
- Adding bearer authentication (Constructors got lost in merge)
- Added support for user quota field, pull request #70, thanks to kriszman
- Fix downloaded file name if URI encoded values are returned, use request file name Thanks to flelayo for the fix to issue #69
- 2021-10-04
- Release 11.6.0
- Merged the webdav path resolver from thestomprock with some fixups
- 2021-10-03
- Added bearer authentication, thanks torshid
- Base path customization, thanks torshid
- 2021-09-09
- Release 11.5.1
- Integrated fix for invalid userlist, pull request #62, Thanks kriszman
- 2021-05-20
- Added rename/move operation for folders and files
- Version bump to 11.5.0 because of added api methods
- 2021-04-27
- Updated various used libraries
- 2020-11-21
- Added methods to access nextcloud instance installed in subfolders (Thanks to helmut8080)
- Version bump to 11.4.0 because of added api methods
- 2020-07-15
- Enanced API to retrieve file and folder meta data (properties)
- Added Version class so you can get the library version and buils infos at runtime
- 2020-07-14
- Added API to upload File objects
- Deprecated the API to upload InputStream, due to some potential server problems
- Added API to retrieve file meta data
- 2020-07-11
- Added jakarta xml bind, since xml bind is no longer existing in java 11
- 2020-05-11
- Added methods to access the application config api (Thanks to col-panic)
- Version bump to 11.3.0 because of added api methods
- 2020-05-05
- Added option to return full path to files in folder listings (Thanks to thepivo)
- Added option to use the continue header in file uploads/puts (Thanks to TobiWineKenobi)
- Version bump to 11.2.0 because of added api methods
- 2020-02-24
- Added option to only return files in folder listings (Thanks to SimonIT)
- Upgraded slf4j to 1.7.30, httpclient to 4.5.11, httpcore to 4.4.13
- Integrated pull request from col-panic for clean shutdown and directory install support
- Release 11.1.0
- 2019-09-07
- Switch to slf4j as logging framework
- fix to also use port in sardine connector
- Upgraded to sardine 5.9
- Added explicit dependencies to http core and http client libraries
- 2018-12-03
- downloadFile now can return an InputStream
- Bump version to 11.1.0-SNAPSHOT to match semantic versioning
- Prepare for next dev cycle 11.0.4-SNAPSHOT
- 2018-12-03
- Release 11.0.3
- Upgrade httpasyncclient to 4.1.4
- Correctly encode URL's in Files and Folder connector
- Use port specs in sharing connector
- Added E-Mail share type
- 2018-08-03
- Release 11.0.2
- Reworked file/folder handling
- 2018-07-25
- Release 11.0.1
- Available via Maven central
- 2018-07-25
- Added to maven central to simplify usage
- 2018-06-14
- Method added to download files
- 2017-08-19
- Added feature to recursive folder handlings
- 2017-06-08
- XML parsing via JAXB, REST user provisioning and share api added
- 2017-05-29
- Async method calls
- 2017-05-22
- Improved Exception generation/handling, user create/delete implemented
- 2017-05-09
- Implemented fileupload
- 2017-03-30
- Initial release
(c) André Schild, Aarboard AG www.aarboard.ch