- 自定义配置的属性Bugfix
- 给BarChartBasic、LineBarChart、LineChart的X、Y轴添加自定义配置的属性
- 解决打包问题
- 去除内置的3D人物模型,改为外链加载,减小包体积
- 更新升级AMap API,及兼容性处理
- 升级Echarts版本,及兼容性处理
clear chartInstance when componentWillReceiveProps in LineChart
fix bug when dataZoom.start === 0 in LineChart/BarChartBasic/KLineChart/LineBarChart
hotfix bug in 1.1.3
clear instance when componentWillReceiveProps in KLineChart
Add xLabelCallback in KLineChart
modify HeatList
fix HeatList conflict
add componnets HotWords, DataScatter in Canvas
modify KLineChart, more official
fix isLegendShow bug, add showTooltip and showSymbol two attribute to LineChart
add Basic component WorldCloud
Add Pictogram component ProgressBar
add canvas component RadarSpan
add privilege when y axis is [0] in BarChart3D
modify the map rendering scale in ScatterCurveMap
resolve AMapCluster window.AMap.MarkerClusterer is not a constructor
Fix the map's rendering bug in ScatterCurveMap
use http to request json in ScatterCurveMap
Fix KLineChart's propTypes warning
Run gulp again & Add lib
Modify third-party map js lib from http protocol to https protocol
Fix AMapDistrictCluster async to false
Fix GraphChart's propTypes warning
Fix KLineChart warning (bar undefined)
Fix src/components/index.js