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Luís Gonçalves edited this page May 4, 2017 · 3 revisions

Whenever a time-stamp property is used, XAdES4j uses a TimeStampTokenProvider to actually obtain the time-stamp token. The input calculation is handled by the library and the provider is invoked with the resulting octet-stream.

public interface TimeStampTokenProvider
   public TimeStampTokenRes getTimeStampToken(byte[] tsDigestInput, String digestAlgUri);

As with other providers, a TimeStampTokenProvider is configured in the signing profile.

XadesSigningProfile p = new XadesBesSigningProfile(...)

The library includes a default implementation which obtains tokens from a TSA using HTTP and supports Basic authentication (HttpTimeStampTokenProvider). You can change the TSA URL and (optionally) the username and password for Basic authentication by configuring a TSAHttpData on the signing profile.

XadesSigningProfile p = new XadesBesSigningProfile(...)
  .withBinding(TSAHttpData.class, new TSAHttpData("url", "user", "password"));