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Sidebar Example Application, Lurch Web Platform


To know what's going on here, you should first have read the documenation for the other example applications (one, two, and three) built on the Lurch Web Platform (LWP).

See a live version of this application online here.

Set the app name with the same function we used in the simple example app.

setAppName 'SidebarApp'

Add a source code link to the help menu, as in the simple example app.

addHelpMenuSourceCodeLink \

We also change the Help/About menu item to be specific to this demo app.

window.helpAboutText =
    '<p>See the fully documented <a target="top"
    >source code for this demo app</a>.</p>'

This application needs the equation editor plugin, so we must tell the setup script to load it, by modifying the following global variable.

window.pluginsToLoad.push 'equationeditor'

Infrastructure for code forms and categories

A code form is an abstract syntactic element that will be represented in the document as a group, and represented in the right sidebar as code in a programming language or text in a natural language. Examples of code forms include "assignment statement," "loop through a list," "two-part conditional statement," "block of statements," and so on.

A category is simply a collection of code forms or other categories that are topically related. Thus the set of top-level categories is a forest. It will be represented in the GUI as a set of toolbar buttons with menus and optionally submenus whose leaf items represent code forms.

Both code forms and categories are given string names that are globally unique across the application. Register them with the functions below, which update the following global data structure.

formsAndCategories = { }

That data structure can be converted into a set of toolbar buttons and items using the following functions. First, one to compute the set of categories that are not nested inside any others.

topLevelCategories = ->
    allCategories = [ ]
    innerCategories = [ ]
    for own name, data of formsAndCategories
        if data.type is 'category'
            allCategories.push name
            for name in data.contents
                if name not in innerCategories
                    innerCategories.push name
    ( name for name in allCategories when name not in innerCategories )

Next, one to compute an array of top-level menus built recursively from those categories. Note that we take measures to avoid infinite recursion through cyclic data.

The parameter is optional. If provided, it is a function mapping form names to actions that should be taken when those forms are chosen. If omitted, it creates actions that insert boilerplate code at the cursor point, or if there is a selection, then wrap the selection in the given group type.

codeFormHierarchy = ( makeFormAction ) ->
    categoriesProcessed = [ ]

First, we define a function that can convert any code form to a menu (or toolbar) item.

    formToMenuItem = ( name ) ->
        text : name
        onclick : if makeFormAction?
            -> makeFormAction name
                editor = tinymce.activeEditor
                boilerplate = codeFormTranslators[name]['example']['en']

If the user has highlighed some document content, or if there is no boilerplate code available to insert, then just wrap the current selection (or the cursor) in an empty group of the given type.

                if not boilerplate? or \
                   not editor?.selection?.getRng()?.collapsed
                    group = editor.Groups.groupCurrentSelection 'codexp'
                    group.set 'tagName', name

The following code inserts boilerplate content for the chosen code form. It expects HTML text, plus tags of the form <X>...</X> for any code form name X (even if it is multiple words, unlike in normal XML). For example, if you have a form called "First name" you can create groups of that type with pseudo-HTML code of the form <First name>Jane</First name>.

You can also use <math>LaTeX code here</math> to insert MathQuill instances containing the given LaTeX mathematics.

The following loop simply finds tags of that form and replaces them with tags for open and close groupers, keeping a stack of types and IDs so that it generates correct code.

                idStack = [ ]
                idToTag = { }
                html = ''
                while nextTag = /<(\/?)([^>]+)>/.exec boilerplate
                    html += boilerplate[...nextTag.index]
                    if codeFormTranslators.hasOwnProperty nextTag[2]
                        if nextTag[1] is ''
                            openClose = 'open'
                            idStack.push id = editor.Groups.nextFreeId()
                            openClose = 'close'
                            id = idStack.pop()
                        idToTag[id] = nextTag[2]
                        html += grouperHTML 'codexp', openClose, id, no,
                            editor.Groups.groupTypes \
                        html += nextTag[0]
                    after = nextTag.index + nextTag[0].length
                    boilerplate = boilerplate[after...]
                html += boilerplate
                editor.insertContent html
                for own id, tagName of idToTag
                    editor.Groups[id].set 'tagName', tagName

This final section of code creates MathQuill instances.

                ( $ editor.getDoc() ).find( '.math' )
                .each ( i, block ) ->
                    block.setAttribute 'contenteditable', 'false'
                    ( $ block ).addClass 'rendered-latex'
                    ( $ block ).mathquill()

That completes the function that converts any code form to a menu (or toolbar) item.

Second, we define a function that converts any category to a menu (or toolbar) item.

    categoryToMenuItem = ( name ) ->
        if name in categoriesProcessed
            text : name
            menu : [ ]
            categoriesProcessed.push name
            text : name
            menu : for item in formsAndCategories[name].contents
                toMenuItem item

The following function dispatches to either the function or category method given above, based on the type of its input.

    toMenuItem = ( name ) ->
        if formsAndCategories[name].type is 'form'
            formToMenuItem name
            categoryToMenuItem name

Finally, the actual work: Apply that general function to every top-level category in the hierarchy of code forms, returning the resulting list of menu/toolbar items.

    toMenuItem category for category in topLevelCategories()

Now we provide a function that adds that set of top-level menus to the app toolbar. It calls the previous function to convert the form hierarchy into a menu/toolbar hierarchy, then adds it to the toolbar.

addFormsAndCategoriesToToolbar = ->
    window.groupToolbarButtons = { }
    count = 1
    for menu in codeFormHierarchy()
        menu.type = 'menubutton'
        window.groupToolbarButtons["category#{count++}"] = menu

It also adds one new toolbar item, for toggling the visibility of the code sidebar.

    window.groupToolbarButtons.toggleSidebar =
        text : 'Toggle code view'
        onclick : ->
            sidebar = document.getElementById 'sidebar'
            splitbar = window.splitter.find( '.vsplitter' ).get 0
            if is 'none'
       = 'block'
       = 'block'
                splitter.position splitter.position()
       = 'none'
       = 'none'
       = '100%'

A code form may come with an optional validator. This can be a function to be run to validate the group, or if none is provided then all instances pass validation; no checks are performed. Or the validator can instead be an array of types (names of other code forms), each with an optional name, in which case a validation function will be created, which checks group contents against this array as a function signature.

Validators will take a group as input, and a boolean flag as a second argument, called "verbose." They must return objects with these members:

  • result: a string, "valid" or "invalid"
  • message: a plain text string briefly describing the reason for the result
  • verbose: only necessary if the second argument was true, an HTML string describing the reason for the result in much more detail
  • Other members in the object are permitted for application-specific needs.

This function returns its first parameter, so that calls to it can be nested inside calls to window.registerCategory, defined below.

window.registerCodeForm = ( name, validator ) ->
    formsAndCategories[name] =
        type : 'form'
        validator : validator

A category is simply a name and an array of strings, the names of categories or code forms inside this category.

This function returns its first parameter, so that calls to it can be nested inside others.

window.registerCategory = ( name, contents ) ->
    formsAndCategories[name] =
        type : 'category'
        contents : contents

Infrastructure for translators

A translator maps an instance of a form to another language. It has these attributes.

  • form: a text string, the name of the code form that this translator can process, which should be registered with registerCodeForm, above.
  • language: a text string, globally unique, either the name of a programming language or the standard code for a natural language.
  • output: a text string, one of three choices, "code," "structure," or "explanation", with the following meanings.
    • "Code" means the translator outputs code in the language given in the previous attribute.
    • "Structure" means the translator outputs HTML that can be used in the document to phrase the interior contents of the group accurately and readably.
    • "Explanation" means the translator outputs HTML that can be used in popup dialogs to help teach users the meanings of the code forms in the document, and will generally be more verbose than structure translators, and may use HTML more freely.
  • translator: a way to convert an instance of the form into the target language. This may be given in one of two ways.
    • It may be a function that takes two parameters, the first being the form instance, which is a group in the document, and the second being a function that can be called recursively on child groups to translate them. (That function will dispatch the correct code form translator for the child group, so that each translator does not need to figure out how to do so on its own.) If the first parameter is null, generic or boilerplate code should be generated, using __A__, __B__, __C__, and so on as parameter placeholders. Such a function is permitted to read and re-use data stored in a group during validation. If at all possible, translators should attempt to give output. Even if the form of the group or its inner groups is invalid, it would generally be better to create bad output code, including comments that say why it's bad and won't run, to maximize user feedback and understanding.
    • It may be a text string containing placeholders of the form __A__, __B__, __C__, and so on, for which the results of recursive calls on the child groups will be replaced.

We store translators in this global variable.

codeFormTranslators = { }

Register a new translator using the following function.

window.registerTranslator = ( form, language, output, translator ) ->
    codeFormTranslators[form] ?= { }
    codeFormTranslators[form][output] ?= { }
    codeFormTranslators[form][output][language] ?= translator

Perform translation with the following function. The parameters are named just as in the explanation at the top of this section. So, for example, you might call runTranslation G, 'en', 'explanation' or runTranslation G, 'javascript', 'code'.

runTranslation = ( group, language, output ) ->
    recur = ( g ) -> runTranslation g, language, output

Verify that there exists a translator of the type requested.

    formName = group.get 'tagName'
    if not codeFormTranslators.hasOwnProperty formName
        return "Translation error: Form #{formName} has no translators
    if not codeFormTranslators[formName].hasOwnProperty output
        return "Translation error: Form #{formName} has no translators
            of type #{output} registered"
    if not codeFormTranslators[formName][output].hasOwnProperty language
        return "Translation error: Form #{formName} has no #{language}
            translators of type #{output} registered"
    translator = codeFormTranslators[formName][output][language]

For string translators, iteratively replace __A__-type patterns with the results of recursive calls on child groups.

    if typeof translator is 'string'
        numArgs = 0
        while -1 < translator.indexOf "__#{letters[numArgs]}__"
        if group.children.length isnt numArgs
            return "Translation error: Form #{formName} requires
                #{numArgs} parts, but contains only
        for child, index in group.children
            pattern = "__#{letters[index]}__"
            childText = recur child
            return childText if /^Translation error/.test childText
            translator = translator.replace RegExp( pattern, 'g' ),

Otherwise the translator is a function that can be run on its own.

            translator group, recur
        catch e
            console.log 'User-defined translator error:', e

Event handlers

Handler for when users edit the contents of a group: revalidate it.

window.groupContentsChanged = ( group, firstTime ) ->
    window.validate group

Handler for when users remove a group: revalidate the parent.

window.groupDeleted = ( group ) ->
    if group.parent? then window.validate group.parent

Handler for both the context menu and the tag menu of a group. It creates three different items for such menus, each documented separately below.

menuItems = ( group ) ->

First, a menu item for changing the type of the selected group to any other form type.

        text : 'Change this to...'
        menu : codeFormHierarchy ( formName ) ->
            group.set 'tagName', formName

Second, a menu item that asks the app to explain the meaning of the code form selected. This pops up a modal dialog displaying in HTML form all the various explanations of the code form on which this was invoked.

        text : 'Explain this...'
        onclick : ->
            explanation = ''
            for language in allNaturalLanguages()
                explanation +=
                    "<h2>Language: #{language}</h2>\n" + \
                    groupToExplanation group, language
                title : 'Explanation of one structure'
                message : addMathQuillCSS explanation
                width : 600
                height : 450

Third, a menu item that functions just like the previous, but it explains all top-level code forms in the entire document, in order. This provides an interpretation of all the meaning in the document.

        text : 'Explain all...'
        onclick : ->
            explanation = ''
            for language in allNaturalLanguages()
                explanation += "<h2>Language: #{language}</h2>\n"
                for group in tinymce.activeEditor.Groups.topLevel
                    if explanation isnt '' then explanation += '<hr>'
                    explanation += groupToExplanation group, language
                title : 'Explanation of all structures'
                message : addMathQuillCSS explanation
                width : 600
                height : 450

Utilities used by the functions above:

Get all languages that appear in any registered "explanation" form, which should therefore be natural languages (such as English) as opposed to programming languages (such as Python).

allNaturalLanguages = ->
    languages = [ ]
    for own formName, data of codeFormTranslators
        for own language of data['explanation']
            if language not in languages then languages.push language

The following function wraps given HTML in tags that import two necessary CSS files for appropriate viewing of document content. The first is the MathQuill CSS for viewing typeset equations. The second is the CSS for the Groups plugin, for viewing open and close groupers.

addMathQuillCSS = ( html ) ->
    currentPath = window.location.href.split( '/' )[...-1].join '/'
        <head><link rel='stylesheet'

Convert a group in the document into an explanation of it in the given natural language.

groupToExplanation = ( group, language ) ->
    <p style='margin-left: 2em;'>#{group.groupAsHTML()}</p>\n
    <p style='margin-left: 2em;'
        >#{runTranslation group, language, 'explanation'}</p>\n"

Define one group type

window.groupTypes = [

Basic appearance attributes for the group, which have been documented in the simpler example applications linked to at the top of this source file.

    name : 'codexp'
    color : '#6666cc'
    text : 'Code expression'
    tooltip : 'Tag the selection'
    imageHTML : '<font color="#6666cc">[ ]</font>'
    openImageHTML : '<font color="#6666cc">[</font>'
    closeImageHTML : '<font color="#6666cc">]</font>'
    onToolbar : no

Install event handlers, most of which are defined earlier in this file.

    contentsChanged : window.groupContentsChanged
    deleted : window.groupDeleted
    tagContents : ( group ) -> group.get 'tagName'
    tagMenuItems : ( group ) -> menuItems group
    contextMenuItems : ( group ) -> menuItems group

Validating groups

We will need three functions, one for marking a group as without problems, one for marking a group as having problems (with explanations of them), and one for detecting whether a group has problems.

markGroupRight = ( group ) ->
    group.set 'valid', yes
    group.clear 'closeDecoration'
    group.clear 'closeHoverText'
markGroupWrong = ( group, reason ) ->
    group.set 'valid', no
    group.set 'closeDecoration', '<font color="red">&#10006;</font>'
    group.set 'closeHoverText', reason
markGroupWith = ( group, validationData ) ->
    group.set 'validationResult', validationData
    if validationData.result is 'valid'
        markGroupRight group
        markGroupWrong group, validationData.message
isGroupRight = ( group ) -> group.get 'valid'

This function validates the given group, and stores the results in the group's closing tag using one of the above functions.

window.validate = ( group, verbose ) ->

If the group does not even have a children array, then it probably just appeared, and is still being initialized. In that case, just do validation in 100ms isntead of now.

    if not group.children
        setTimeout ( -> window.validate group ), 100

If this group does not have a tag name, we cannot even tell if it belongs here or not, and it cannot be converted to source code. That is a problem.

    if not ( groupTag = group.get 'tagName' )?
        return markGroupWith group,
            result : 'invalid'
            message : "Each group must have a tag, but this one does
                not.  Add a tag using the context menu."

If the group does have a tag name, run the validation routine for that code form, and add any problems it reports to our list of problems. We convert array validators into functions that check inner groups against that array as a function signature. Each entry in the signature must be a string containing either a single type or a slash-separated list of types (e.g., "A/B/C") to indicate multiple options.

    validator = formsAndCategories[groupTag].validator
    if validator instanceof Array
        validation =
            result : 'valid'
            message : 'All inner groups have the correct types.'
        args = group.children
        if validator.length isnt args.length
            return markGroupWith group,
                result : 'invalid'
                message : "This form needs #{validator.length} parts:
                    #{validator.join ', '}."
        for arg, index in args
            argType = arg.get 'tagName'
            options = validator[index].split '/'
            if argType not in options
                return markGroupWith group,
                    result : 'invalid'
                    message : "Part #{index+1} must be of type
                        #{validator[index]}, but it is of type
                        #{argType} instead."

Or if they gave us a validator function, run it.

        validation = validator group, verbose

And store the result, valid or invalid, which automatically updates the visual feedback.

    markGroupWith group, validation

GUI modifications and setup

The next two lines tell the default app setup routine to avoid filling the entire window, but instead to just fill one particular element, the one named. (See [index.html] for where that element is defined.)

window.fullScreenEditor = no
window.editorContainer = -> document.getElementById 'editorContainer'
window.afterEditorReady = ( editor ) ->

Create a resize handler that will be called whenever a user drags the splitter between the editor and the sidebar. This will ensure that the editor fills the DIV into which it's been placed.

    mainContainer = window.editorContainer.parentNode
    handleResize = ->
        editorContainer = editor.getContainer()
        iframe = editor.getContentAreaContainer().firstChild
        vp = tinymce.DOM.getViewPort() = =
   = '100%' = = '' = mainContainer.clientHeight - 2 \
            - ( editorContainer.clientHeight - iframe.clientHeight )
        window.scrollTo vp.x, vp.y

Create the splitter, which will notice that the editor is adjacent to a second DIV defined in [index.html], and resize them appropriately.

    window.splitter = ( $ mainContainer ).split
        orientation : 'vertical'
        limit : 100
        position : '75%'
        onDrag : handleResize
    ( $ window ).resize handleResize

Filling the sidebar with content

The main function that does so, iterating through all top-level groups in the document, and calling an auxiliary function below on each. For some languages, it adds extra functionality.

window.createSidebarContent = ->
    sidebar = document.getElementById 'sidebar'

The heading of the sidebar contains a selector for the output (programming) language, and links to click to either run the code (if and only if it is JavaScript) or to copy the code to the clipboard.

    sidebar.innerHTML = '''
        <div style="border-bottom: solid 1px black;
                    text-align: center;">
            <p>Choose a language:
            <select onchange='updateSidebarContent();'
                <option value='javascript'>JavaScript</option>
                <option value='python'>Python</option>
                <option value='r'>R</option>
            <p id='runJSLink'><a href='#'
                >Run this code</a></p>
            <p><a href='#' onclick='copyGeneratedCode();'
                >Copy this code</a></p>
    ( $ '#languagePicker' ).val lastLanguageChoice
    ( $ '#runJSLink' ).get( 0 ).style.display = \
        if lastLanguageChoice is 'javascript' then 'block' else 'none'

We now regenerate the content of the sidebar by looping through the top-level groups in the document, calling createSidebarEntryHTML on each, and wrapping it in a DIV with an appropriate ID and click handler. The click handler makes it so that clicking one of the generated-code DIVs highlights the corresponding structure in the user's document.

    window.lastSidebarContent = ''
    for group in tinymce.activeEditor.Groups.topLevel
        entry = document.createElement 'div'
        entry.setAttribute 'id', "codeForGroup#{}"
        ( $ entry ).click, ( event ) ->
            group = tinymce.activeEditor.Groups[]
            tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setRng group.innerRange() = '1em' = 'dotted 1px black'
        entry.innerHTML = window.createSidebarEntryHTML group
        sidebar.appendChild entry
        lastSidebarContent += entry.textContent + '\n'
    ( $ sidebar ).find( 'pre' ).each ( i, block ) ->
        hljs.highlightBlock block

The default output language is JavaScript, but whenever the user changes it, we will regenerate all the contents of the sidebar based on their choice.

lastLanguageChoice = 'javascript'
window.updateSidebarContent = ->
    lastLanguageChoice = ( $ '#languagePicker' ).val()

When the user clicks the "Run" button, it is safe to simply call the notorious JavaScript eval in this case, because this demo app never speaks to a server side, and thus any harm the user wanted to do via code injection attacks could simply be done from their browser's console anyway.

window.runGeneratedJavaScript = ->
        eval lastSidebarContent
    catch e
        alert "Error when running code:\n\n#{e.message}"

When the user clicks the "Copy" button, we place the code into a modal dialog and select it, so that the user can easily press Ctrl+C and then close the window.

window.copyGeneratedCode = ->
        title : 'Copy the code, then close'
        width : 600
        message : """
            <textarea id='codeToCopy'
                      style='width: 100%; height: 100%;
                             font-family: monospace;'
                var T = document.getElementById( 'codeToCopy' );

The createSidebarContent function uses the following to create each entry, based on one given top-level group. It should encode the entirety of that top-level group, and return it as HTML to be placed inside a DIV.

window.createSidebarEntryHTML = ( group ) ->
    code = runTranslation group, lastLanguageChoice, 'code'
    comment = codeFormTranslators['COMMENT']['code'][lastLanguageChoice]
    result = comment.replace '__A__', niceText group.contentNodes()...
    result += '\n' + if not /^Translation error/.test code
        comment.replace '__A__', code
    "<pre class='javascript'>#{result}</pre>"

The following utility function takes a list of HTML nodes (usually the content nodes of some group) and converts them to plain text, with special handling of MathQuill instances, converting them to their LaTeX form (surrounded by dollar signs).

niceText = ( nodes... ) ->
    result = ''
    for node in nodes
        if node?.nodeType is 3 # HTML Text node
            result += node.textContent
        else if ( $ node ).hasClass 'mathquill-rendered-math'
            result += node.childNodes[0].textContent
            result += niceText node.childNodes...

Every 0.1 seconds, highlight the DIV in the sidebar that corresponds to the current cursor location, if there is such a DIV. If there isn't, highlight none of them.

setInterval ->
    range = tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getRng()
    ( $ sidebar ).find( 'div' ).css 'background-color', '#fff'
    if group = tinymce.activeEditor.Groups.groupAboveSelection range
        while group.parent then group = group.parent
        ( $ "\#codeForGroup#{}" ).css 'background-color',
, 100

The following function used to be able to open any given JavaScript code in a new JSFiddle. It is modeled after code by the creator of JSFiddle, located here, but that code seems to no longer function (even on that fiddle), and so this code is not currently used in this app. I leave it here for reference, in case that fiddle gets fixed, then this can be updated to use it.

window.openInJSFiddle = ( jsCode ) ->
    nbsp = String.fromCharCode 160
    jsCode = jsCode.replace RegExp( nbsp, 'g' ), ' '
    form = document.createElement 'form'
    form.setAttribute 'method', 'post'
    form.setAttribute 'action',
    form.setAttribute 'target', '_blank' = 'none'
    form.appendChild makeSelect 'panel_html', 0 : 'HTML'
    form.appendChild makeTextarea 'html'
    form.appendChild makeSelect 'panel_js',
        0 : 'JavaScript'
        1 : 'CoffeeScript'
        2 : 'JavaScript 1.7'
    form.appendChild makeTextarea 'js', jsCode
    form.appendChild makeSelect 'panel_css', 0 : 'CSS', 1 : 'SCSS'
    form.appendChild makeTextarea 'css'
    form.appendChild makeText 'title', 'Fiddle Title Here'
    form.appendChild makeTextarea 'description',
        'Fiddle Description Here'
    form.appendChild makeTextarea 'resources'
    form.appendChild makeText 'dtd', 'html 4'
    form.appendChild makeText 'wrap', 'l'
    document.body.appendChild form
    document.body.removeChild form

The previous function uses the following utilities.

Create an HTML "select" element with the given value-to-text mapping.

makeSelect = ( name, options ) ->
    result = document.createElement 'select'
    result.setAttribute 'name', name
    for own value, representation of options
        option = document.createElement 'option'
        option.setAttribute 'value', value
        option.innerHTML = representation
        result.appendChild option

Create an HTML text area with the given content.

makeTextarea = ( name, content ) ->
    result = document.createElement 'textarea'
    result.setAttribute 'name', name
    result.innerHTML = content or ''

Create an HTML text input with the given content.

makeText = ( name, value ) ->
    result = document.createElement 'input'
    result.setAttribute 'type', 'text'
    result.setAttribute 'name', name
    result.setAttribute 'value', value