- workstation
- Redshift - target database
- AWS MSK - message queue
- AWS MSK connect
OhMyTiUP$ more /tmp/tidb2msk2redshift.yaml workstation: cidr: imageid: ami-07d02ee1eeb0c996c # Workstation EC2 instance keyname: public key in the aws # Public key for workstation instance deployment keyfile: private key # Private key to access the workstation instance_type: c5.2xlarge volumeSize: 100 # disk size in the workstation username: admin msk: cidr: # The cidr for the VPC instance_type: kafka.t3.small # Default instance type excluded_az: # The AZ to be excluded for the subnets - us-east-1e msk_connect_plugin: name: redshift-sink url: https://d1i4a15mxbxib1.cloudfront.net/api/plugins/confluentinc/kafka-connect-aws-redshift/versions/1.2.2/confluentinc-kafka-connect-aws-redshift-1.2.2.zip s3bucket: ossinsight-data s3folder: kafka/plugin aws_topo_configs: general: # debian os imageid: ami-07d02ee1eeb0c996c # Default image id for EC2 keyname: public key in the aws # Public key for workstation instance deployment keyfile: private key # Private key to access the workstation cidr: # The cidr for the VPC instance_type: m5.2xlarge # Default instance type tidb_version: v7.0.0 # TiDB version excluded_az: # The AZ to be excluded for the subnets - us-east-1e network_type: nat pd: instance_type: t2.small # Instance type for PD component count: 1 # Number of PD node to be deployed tidb: instance_type: t2.small # Instance type of tidb count: 1 # Number of TiDB node to be deployed tikv: - instance_type: t2.small # Instance type of TiKV count: 1 # Number of TiKV nodes to be deployed volumeSize: 50 # Storage size for TiKV nodes (GB) volumeType: io2 # Storage type ex. gp2(default), gp3, io2 iops: 3000 # Storage IOPS(Only for gp3, io2) ticdc: instance_type: t2.small # Instance type of ticdc count: 1 # Number of TiDB node to be deployed redshift: cidr: instance_type: dc2.large admin_user: awsadmin password: 1234Abcd cluster_type: single-node
OhMyTiUP$ ./bin/aws tidb2msk2redshift deploy tidb2redshift /tmp/tidb2msk2redshift.yaml ... ... OhMyTiUP$ ./bin/aws tidb2msk2redshift list tidb2redshift ... ... Resource Type: EC2 Component Name Component Cluster State Instance ID Instance Type Preivate IP Public IP Image ID -------------- ----------------- ----- ----------- ------------- ----------- --------- -------- pd tidb running i-0ed20c1de7a41151e t2.small ami-07d02ee1eeb0c996c ticdc tidb running i-0c8e3e99e492026e5 t2.small ami-07d02ee1eeb0c996c tidb tidb running i-003f9b93336df948b t2.small ami-07d02ee1eeb0c996c tikv tidb running i-0de3062547a73c2e7 t2.small ami-07d02ee1eeb0c996c workstation workstation running i-01efe1dea86af4605 c5.2xlarge ami-07d02ee1eeb0c996c Resource Type: REDSHIFT Endpoint Port DB Name Master User State Node Type -------- ---- ------- ----------- ----- --------- tidb2redshift.clm8j1rapquw.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com 5439 dev awsadmin Available dc2.large Resource Type: MSK Cluster Name State Cluster Type Kafka Version Number of Broker Nodes Endpoints ------------ ----- ------------ ------------- ---------------------- --------- tidb2redshift ACTIVE PROVISIONED 3.3.2 3 , ,
Every time the connect needs to be updated, the connector has to been recreated. It takes time to complete one minor change.
Because of this reason, it’s not convient to test all the data mapping migration from TiDB cloud to redshift database. https://repost.aws/questions/QUi4UW_uFpTdSeDYXR7MKr2w/is-there-a-way-to-update-connector-configuration-using-msk-connect-api
connector.class=io.confluent.connect.aws.redshift.RedshiftSinkConnector tasks.max=1 confluent.topic.bootstrap.servers=,, name=tidb2redshift topics=test_test02 aws.redshift.domain=tidb2redshift.clm8j1rapquw.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com aws.redshift.port=5439 aws.redshift.database=test aws.redshift.user=awsadmin aws.redshift.password=1234Abcd table.name.format=test02 insert.mode=insert delete.enabled=true pk.mode=record_key auto.create=true key.converter=com.amazonaws.services.schemaregistry.kafkaconnect.AWSKafkaAvroConverter key.converter.schemas.enable=false key.converter.region=us-east-1 key.converter.schemaAutoRegistrationEnabled=true key.converter.avroRecordType=GENERIC_RECORD key.converter.registry.name=tidb2es value.converter=com.amazonaws.services.schemaregistry.kafkaconnect.AWSKafkaAvroConverter value.converter.schemas.enable=false value.converter.region=us-east-1 value.converter.schemaAutoRegistrationEnabled=true value.converter.avroRecordType=GENERIC_RECORD value.converter.registry.name=tidb2es
[Unit] Description=cdc service After=syslog.target network.target remote-fs.target nss-lookup.target [Service] Environment="AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1" Environment="AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=XXXXXXXXXXXX" Environment="AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" LimitNOFILE=1000000 LimitSTACK=10485760 User=admin ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '/home/admin/tidb/tidb-deploy/cdc-8300/scripts/run_cdc.sh' Restart=always RestartSec=15s [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target