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Stacey Park edited this page Feb 11, 2020 · 3 revisions


The entities below are responsible for proctoring and administering the PLDR process and the CP.


  1. Principal Investigator (PI) –
    • Can act as a moderator.
    • Provides overall direction and guidance to Workgroup Leads.
    • Reviews inputs from the CP and determines priorities for action within the workgroups.
    • Responds directly to inquiries by members of the CP as necessary to maintain dialogue and promote inclusiveness.
    • Provides guidance regarding the continued membership of members in the CP, should behavioral issues emerge that are inconsistent with the Guidelines for the Community of Practice.
  2. Platform Manager – Is the CP Moderator:
    • Ensures issues communicated from the Sim UI to the Team PSD Project issue_tracker are included in the agenda of the twice-weekly Workgroup Leads Meetings.
    • Identifies serious issues right away to relevant parties and the PI.


  1. Sim UI – Is the CP Moderator alternate who will monitor the CP concurrently.
    • With the Platform Manager, monitors discussion threads and content postings within the CP and the wiki. Notifies Platform Manager if there is a reported abuse issue.
    • Reviews the content in the Sim UI PLDR Administrative page to enter in messages to notify members of the CP that their attention is needed on an issue (see News Flash Procedure).
    • Reviews and communicates email addresses gathered within the Sim UI for issue reports. Provides a monthly summary report so Platform Manager can cross reference issues with the identity of reporters.
    • Coordinates coverage of the forum with the Platform Manager.
  2. All Workgroup Leads -
    • Review incoming issues from the PLDR process and determine if they have any corrective action, inputs or dependencies related to the issue.
    • Participate in Workgroup Leads meetings as required in the Team PSD issue_tracker Pull Request Policy and Procedure.
    • At least once every two weeks, review issues in the online CP. Respond to inquiries if notified in the discussion thread.
    • Review information contained in the wiki related to the Workgroup content areas, for quality and correctness.
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