module "sample-user-managed-module" {
source = "./modules/personal-user-managed-notebook"
notebook_users_list = ["<USER>@<DOMAIN>"]
dataproc_yaml_template_file_name = "<YAML_FILE_IN_LOCAL_MASTER_TEMPLATES_PATH>"
personal_dataproc_notebooks_bucket_name = "<BUCKET_NAME>"
user_managed_instance_prefix = "<PREFIX_STRING>"
generated_templates_path_name = "<PATH_IN_BUCKET>"
master_templates_path_name = "<PATH_IN_BUCKET_AND_THIS_PROJECT>"
project_id = "<PROJECT_ID>"
no_public_ip = <true/false>
networking_tags = [ "default-allow-internal", "default-allow-internal-egress"]
name | description | type | required | default |
project_id | Project ID where all the resources will be created. We assume this project already exists. | string |
✓ | |
notebook_users_list | Set of notebook users, for each user a notebook instance will be created. | set(string) |
✓ | |
user_managed_instance_prefix | Prefix to be used to create the name of the user managed notebook instances. | string |
user-managed-instance |
personal_dataproc_notebooks_bucket_name | GCS bucket to be created for: 1. To upload the master dataproc templates you define in local folder: dataproc_master_templates. 2. To write the generated dataproc templates for each end-user. 3. To upload notebook and dataproc initialization scripts. | string |
personal_dataproc_notebooks |
master_templates_path_name | Path name in local project to be replicated in GCS bucket storing Dataproc Yaml template files. | string |
dataproc_master_templates |
dataproc_yaml_template_file_name | Template name to be used as the available template for users to create their Dataproc clusters. Should be located in master_templates_path_name. | string |
per-auth-cluster.yaml |
generated_templates_path_name | SubNetwork name to deploy notebook instances to. | string |
dataproc_generated_templates |
machine_type | A reference to a machine type which defines notebooks VM kind. | string |
e2-medium |
zone | Zone where the resources will be created. | string |
us-central1-a |
region | Region where the resources will be created. | string |
us-central1 |
no_public_ip | To restrict or not public IP on notebook instances. | string |
false |
networking_tags | Networking tags to be used by notebook instances. | set(string) |
[] |
service_acct_roles | Roles for Service account on the notebooks VMs to call Google Cloud APIs. Needs at least this role | set(string) |
["roles/compute.admin", "roles/dataproc.hubAgent", "roles/storage.objectAdmin"] |
network_name | Network name to deploy notebook instances to. | string |
default |
sub_network_name | SubNetwork name to deploy notebook instances to. | string |
default |
name | description | sensitive |
bucket_self_link | Bucket created to store Dataproc templates (master and generated), and cluster and notebooks instances Initialization scripts | |
notebook_instances | User Managed notebook instances created. |