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File metadata and controls

164 lines (126 loc) · 5.95 KB


yak process management tool reads one configuration file: system.cfg. Detailed format description can be found in Enterprise Components 3.0 Developers' Documentation.

Note: In order to avoid unexpected behaviour, single configuration file has to be used in conjunction with the same status file.

Top-level elements of system.cfg are groups. Each group wraps some number of components instances. Instance names are built from namespace identifier and instance id. Configured components can be later referred using group name, namespace, or full instance name.

Example group configuration:


And some sample yak commands with different contexts used:

$ yak start emea          # Start 'emea' group only
$ yak start asia          # Start 'asia' group only
$ yak stop core.tickEmea  # Start 'core.tickEmea' only
$ yak restart input       # Restart all instances in 'input' namespace (all groups)
$ yak stop '*'            # Stop everything (every instance in all groups)

Component types

Each component has to define a type fields containing one of following types:

  • generic command-line component (cmd)
  • q component (q) – q based process, deployed instance of component
  • batch component (b) – batch job
  • external component (c) – these components are just for information purposes – yak does not support any actions for them

Type definition has to be followed by a colon and a component type. Component type is process specific and is required for the configuration of q processes.

Configuration parameters – generic component (runs any command)

Parameter Description
requires list of required component ids command
command command to be executed
type here: always cmd
cpuAffinity list of cores for affinity configuration
startWait period to wait for component startup
binPath working directory
dataPath data directory
logPath directory for standard output and standard error redirections
timestampMode defines whether timestamping while performing start/stop commands occurs in UTC or local time. valid options: utc, local

Configuration parameters – q component

In addition to parameters defined for generic component, following parameters can be defined for q/kdb+-based component(s):

Parameter Description
requires list of required component ids
command command to be executed
type here: always q
cpuAffinity list of cores for affinity configuration
startWait period to wait for component startup
port port to use
libs list of additional libraries to be load on start up
mulithreaded multithreaded input queue mode for q process (negative port value)
uOpt authorization file mode for q process (u/U options))
uFile authorization file for q process
binPath working directory
dataPath data directory
logPath directory for standard output and standard error redirections
qPath location of the q interpreter (used to determinate between multiple q environments)
qHome location of the QHOME (used to determinate between multiple q environments)

Environmental variables

yak adds a number of environmental variables to the process environment. List of such variables is defined in system.cfg:

eventDest = LOG, MONITOR
eventMemHistSize = 10000
eventPath = /data/shared/events/

etcPath = $BIN_ROOT/etc_shared/, /app/etc/$EC_COMPONENT
libPath = /q/lib, $BIN_ROOT/bin/$EC_COMPONENT

export = etcPath, libPath, eventDest, eventPath, eventMemHistSize

Variable names are converted to UPPPER_UNDERSCORE_CONVENTION and prefixed with EC_ prefix, e.g.: libPath is exported as EC_LIB_PATH. Configuration entry as above would make yak add all global variables listed in the export key to the execution environment (for newly created processes).


While starting a component, yak saves all the environmental variables in the file: [COMPONENT_ID]_[TIMESTAMP].stdenv located in the directory configured via logPath key in the configuration.

Sample configuration file (without global variables definitions)

basePort = 14000

Q32_HOME = /opt/q32/
Q32_PATH = /opt/q32/l32

[group:core]                          # group declaration
  cpuAffinity = 0, 1
  startWait = 3

  [[core.hdb]]                        # definition of process hdb in namespace kdb
  type = q:hdb/hdb                    # type of process:component package/schema file
  port = $basePort + 10               # port definition
  command = "q hdb.q"

  type = q:rdb/rdb
  requires = core.hdb                 # use process name with namespace here
  port = 16000                        # explicit port definition
  command = "q rdb.q"

  [[core.monitor]]                    # sample non-q component definition
  type = cmd:python                   # type of process (part after : is ignored)
  requires = core.hdb, core.rdb
  command = "python"

  # define u/U options and user file to use for the group
  uOpt = U
  uFile = $KDB_ROOT_PATH/data/shared/streams.txt

  # use 32 bit q version
  qPath = Q32_PATH
  qHome = Q32_HOME

  type = q:stream/stream
  requires = core.rdb
  command = "q stream.q"
  port = $basePort + 1

  type = q:stream/stream
  requires = core.rdb
  command = "q stream.q"
  port = $basePort + 2

[group:external]              # settings for 'external' systems
  [[prod2.rdb]]               # component definition of type rdb on production2:2012
  type = c:rdb/rdb            # such configuration might be usefull for eodMng
  port = 2012
  host = production2