Just a basic secondary hosts lookup. Can be helpful in docker where /etc/hosts cannot be renamed(safely modified).
- optional: configure secondary hosts file path in Makefile (FILE_HOSTS=/etc/hosts2), default: /etc/hosts2
# make && make install
- locate the line starting with hosts: in
, add "hosts2" after files
- remove hosts2 from
# make uninstall
user@host:~/libnss-hosts2$ make
gcc -D FILE_HOSTS=\"/etc/hosts2\" -shared -fPIC -o libnss_hosts2.so.2 -Wl,-soname,libnss_hosts2.so.2 libnss_hosts2.c
user@host:~/libnss-hosts2$ sudo su
root@host:~/libnss-hosts2# make install
cp libnss_hosts2.so.2 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnss_hosts2.so.2
# after the install add it in the /etc/nsswitch.conf
# look for the line, starting with hosts: just add it after the files or at the end of the line
root@host:~/libnss-hosts2# editor /etc/nsswitch.conf
root@host:~/libnss-hosts2# #just an example:
root@host:~/libnss-hosts2# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf|grep hosts2
hosts: files hosts2 mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname
root@host:~/libnss-hosts2# echo test.asdf >> /etc/hosts2
user@host:~/libnss-hosts2$ perl -MSocket -e 'my $x = gethostbyname("test.asdf"); printf("test: %s\n", defined($x) ? inet_ntoa($x) : "-");'
user@host:~/libnss-hosts2$ perl -MSocket -e 'my $x = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton(""), AF_INET); printf("test: %s\n", defined($x) ? $x : "-");'
test: test.asdf