Feature: Online sales
Scenario Outline: Selling an item
Given I have a(n) <Item>
When I sell the <Item>
Then I should get $<Amount>
| Item | Amount |
| Autographed Neil deGrasse Tyson book | 100 |
| Rick Astley t-shirt | 22 |
| An idea to replace EVERYTHING with blockchains | $0 |
import { defineFeature, loadFeature } from 'jest-cucumber';
import { OnlineSales} from '../OnlineSales';
const feature = loadFeature('./features/OnlineSales.feature');
defineFeature(feature, test => {
let onlineSales;
let salesPrice;
beforeEach(() => {
onlineSales = new OnlineSales();
test('Selling an item', ({ given, when, then }) => {
given(/^I have a\(n\) (.*)$/, itemName => {
when(/^I sell the (.*)$/, itemName, => {
salesPrise = onlineSales.sell(itemName);
then(/^I should get \$(\d+)$/, amount => {