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File metadata and controls

310 lines (278 loc) · 11.4 KB
Number Category Status Author Organization Created
Standards Track
Jinyang Jiang
Nervos Foundation

Transaction valid since


This RFC suggests adding a new consensus rule to prevent a cell to be spent before a certain block timestamp or a block number.


Transaction input adds a new u64 (unsigned 64-bit integer) type field since, which prevents the transaction to be mined before an absolute or relative time.

The highest 8 bits of since is flags, the remain 56 bits represent value, flags allow us to determine behaviours:

  • flags & (1 << 7) represent relative_flag.
  • flags & (1 << 6) and flags & (1 << 5) together represent metric_flag.
    • since use a block based lock-time if metric_flag is 00, value can be explained as a block number or a relative block number.
    • since use a epoch based lock-time if metric_flag is 01, value can be explained as a epoch number or a relative epoch number.
    • since use a time based lock-time if metric_flag is 10, value can be explained as a block timestamp(unix time) or a relative seconds.
    • metric_flag 11 is invalid.
  • other 6 flags bits remain for other use.

The consensus to validate this field described as follow:

  • iterate inputs, and validate each input by following rules.
  • ignore this validate rule if all 64 bits of since are 0.
  • check metric_flag flag:
    • the lower 56 bits of since represent block number if metric_flag is 00.
    • the lower 56 bits of since represent epoch number if metric_flag is 01.
    • the lower 56 bits of since represent block timestamp if metric_flag is 10.
  • check relative_flag:
    • consider field as absolute lock time if relative_flag is 0:
      • fail the validation if tip's block number or epoch number or block timestamp is less than since field.
    • consider field as relative lock time if relative_flag is 1:
      • find the block which produced the input cell, get the block timestamp or block number or epoch number based on metric_flag flag.
      • fail the validation if tip's number or epoch number or timestamp minus block's number or epoch number or timestamp is less than since field.
  • Otherwise, the validation SHOULD continue.

A cell lock script can check the since field of an input and return invalid when since not satisfied condition, to indirectly prevent cell to be spent.

This provides the ability to implement time-based fund lock scripts:

# absolute time lock
# cell only can be spent when block number greater than 10000.
def unlock?
  input = CKB.load_current_input
  # fail if it is relative lock
  return false if input.since[63] == 1
  # fail if metric_flag is not block_number
  return false (input.since & 0x6000_0000_0000_0000) != (0b0000_0000 << 56)
  input.since > 10000
# relative time lock
# cell only can be spent after 3 days after block that produced this cell get confirmed
def unlock?
  input = CKB.load_current_input
  # fail if it is absolute lock
  return false if input.since[63].zero?
  # fail if metric_flag is not timestamp
  return false (input.since & 0x6000_0000_0000_0000) != (0b0100_0000 << 56)
  # extract lower 56 bits and convert to seconds
  time = since & 0x00ffffffffffffff
  # check time must greater than 3 days
  time > 3 * 24 * 3600
# relative time lock with epoch number
# cell only can be spent in next epoch
def unlock?
  input = CKB.load_current_input
  # fail if it is absolute lock
  return false if input.since[63].zero?
  # fail if metric_flag is not epoch number
  return false (input.since & 0x6000_0000_0000_0000) != (0b0010_0000 << 56)
  # extract lower 56 bits and convert to value
  epoch_number = since & 0x00ffffffffffffff
  # enforce only can unlock in next or further epochs
  epoch_number >= 1

Detailed Specification

since SHOULD be validated with the median timestamp of the past 11 blocks to instead the block timestamp when metric flag is 10, this prevents miner lie on the timestamp for earning more fees by including more transactions that immature.

The median block time calculated from the past 11 blocks timestamp (from block's parent), we pick the older timestamp as median if blocks number is not enough and is odd, the details behavior defined as the following code:

pub trait BlockMedianTimeContext {
    fn median_block_count(&self) -> u64;
    /// block timestamp
    fn timestamp(&self, block_number: BlockNumber) -> Option<u64>;
    /// ancestor timestamps from a block
    fn ancestor_timestamps(&self, block_number: BlockNumber) -> Vec<u64> {
        let count = self.median_block_count();
            .filter_map(|n| self.timestamp(n))

    /// get block median time
    fn block_median_time(&self, block_number: BlockNumber) -> Option<u64> {
        let mut timestamps: Vec<u64> = self.ancestor_timestamps(block_number);
        timestamps.sort_by(|a, b| a.cmp(b));
        // return greater one if count is even.
        timestamps.get(timestamps.len() / 2).cloned()

Validation of transaction since defined as follow code:

const LOCK_TYPE_FLAG: u64 = 1 << 63;
const METRIC_TYPE_FLAG_MASK: u64 = 0x6000_0000_0000_0000;
const VALUE_MASK: u64 = 0x00ff_ffff_ffff_ffff;
const REMAIN_FLAGS_BITS: u64 = 0x1f00_0000_0000_0000;

enum SinceMetric {

/// RFC 0017
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
struct Since(u64);

impl Since {
    pub fn is_absolute(self) -> bool {
        self.0 & LOCK_TYPE_FLAG == 0

    pub fn is_relative(self) -> bool {

    pub fn flags_is_valid(self) -> bool {
        (self.0 & REMAIN_FLAGS_BITS == 0)
            && ((self.0 & METRIC_TYPE_FLAG_MASK) != (0b0110_0000 << 56))

    fn extract_metric(self) -> Option<SinceMetric> {
        let value = self.0 & VALUE_MASK;
        match self.0 & METRIC_TYPE_FLAG_MASK {
            0x0000_0000_0000_0000 => Some(SinceMetric::BlockNumber(value)),
            0x2000_0000_0000_0000 => Some(SinceMetric::EpochNumber(value)),
            0x4000_0000_0000_0000 => Some(SinceMetric::Timestamp(value * 1000)),
            _ => None,

pub struct SinceVerifier<'a, M> {
    rtx: &'a ResolvedTransaction<'a>,
    block_median_time_context: &'a M,
    tip_number: BlockNumber,
    tip_epoch_number: EpochNumber,
    median_timestamps_cache: RefCell<LruCache<BlockNumber, Option<u64>>>,

impl<'a, M> SinceVerifier<'a, M>
    M: BlockMedianTimeContext,
    pub fn new(
        rtx: &'a ResolvedTransaction,
        block_median_time_context: &'a M,
        tip_number: BlockNumber,
        tip_epoch_number: BlockNumber,
    ) -> Self {
        let median_timestamps_cache = RefCell::new(LruCache::new(rtx.resolved_inputs.len()));
        SinceVerifier {

    fn block_median_time(&self, n: BlockNumber) -> Option<u64> {
        let result = self.median_timestamps_cache.borrow().get(&n).cloned();
        match result {
            Some(r) => r,
            None => {
                let timestamp = self.block_median_time_context.block_median_time(n);
                    .insert(n, timestamp);

    fn verify_absolute_lock(&self, since: Since) -> Result<(), TransactionError> {
        if since.is_absolute() {
            match since.extract_metric() {
                Some(SinceMetric::BlockNumber(block_number)) => {
                    if self.tip_number < block_number {
                        return Err(TransactionError::Immature);
                Some(SinceMetric::EpochNumber(epoch_number)) => {
                    if self.tip_epoch_number < epoch_number {
                        return Err(TransactionError::Immature);
                Some(SinceMetric::Timestamp(timestamp)) => {
                    let tip_timestamp = self
                        .unwrap_or_else(|| 0);
                    if tip_timestamp < timestamp {
                        return Err(TransactionError::Immature);
                None => {
                    return Err(TransactionError::InvalidSince);
    fn verify_relative_lock(
        since: Since,
        cell_meta: &CellMeta,
    ) -> Result<(), TransactionError> {
        if since.is_relative() {
            // cell still in tx_pool
            let (cell_block_number, cell_epoch_number) = match cell_meta.block_info {
                Some(ref block_info) => (block_info.number, block_info.epoch),
                None => return Err(TransactionError::Immature),
            match since.extract_metric() {
                Some(SinceMetric::BlockNumber(block_number)) => {
                    if self.tip_number < cell_block_number + block_number {
                        return Err(TransactionError::Immature);
                Some(SinceMetric::EpochNumber(epoch_number)) => {
                    if self.tip_epoch_number < cell_epoch_number + epoch_number {
                        return Err(TransactionError::Immature);
                Some(SinceMetric::Timestamp(timestamp)) => {
                    let tip_timestamp = self
                        .unwrap_or_else(|| 0);
                    let median_timestamp = self
                        .unwrap_or_else(|| 0);
                    if tip_timestamp < median_timestamp + timestamp {
                        return Err(TransactionError::Immature);
                None => {
                    return Err(TransactionError::InvalidSince);

    pub fn verify(&self) -> Result<(), TransactionError> {
        for (resolved_out_point, input) in self
            if resolved_out_point.cell().is_none() {
            let cell_meta = resolved_out_point.cell().unwrap();
            // ignore empty since
            if input.since == 0 {
            let since = Since(input.since);
            // check remain flags
            if !since.flags_is_valid() {
                return Err(TransactionError::InvalidSince);

            // verify time lock
            self.verify_relative_lock(since, cell_meta)?;