We appreciate all pull requests. However, before working on an enhancement/feature, you should:
- Search to see if there's already a discussion on the Issue Tracker. If not, you should start a new discussion
- Let us know you're working on the issue, so that we can (1) help fill in any gaps in the requirements, and (2) avoid having multiple contributors do redundant work
Table of Contents
- Setting up your development environment
- Code style and testing
- Translating Open Synthesis to another language
- Acknowledgements and list of contributors
To perform local development, you'll need Python 3.6, pip, and virtualenv, node, and npm. To create your own deployment, you may also want the Heroku Toolbelt.
Clone the repository and switch to the project directory:
git clone https://github.com/twschiller/open-synthesis.git
cd open-synthesis
Create a project-specific package environment using virtualenv:
virtualenv venv
Switch to the virtualenv. On Windows, run this command:
On Mac/Linux, run this command:
source venv/bin/activate
Install the project requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install
Create a local environment configuration by copying the defaults in env.sample
cp env.sample .env
Package the static files for the project:
webpack --config webpack.config.js
python manage.py collectstatic
Run the test suite to ensure your environment is properly configured:
python manage.py test
Create the database schema, and load the initial application data:
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py loaddata source_tags
To run the Django development server, which automatically reloads modules when you edit a file:
python manage.py runserver
To serve the Django application using Gunicorn:
gunicorn -c conf.py openintel.wsgi --log-file -
If you are using Heroku, you can also run the Gunicorn server with:
heroku local web
If you have a local instance of Redis, you can configure Celery to use
it as broker/result store by setting REDIS_URL
in the .env
Then run the Celery worker:
celery worker --app=openintel.celery.app
If you are using Heroku, you can also run the worker with:
heroku local worker
Before submitting a pull request, please review the quality control wiki.
If you want to help translate Open Synthesis but don't want to set up local development environment, let us know and we'll assist you.
First, if you haven't already, follow the instructions above to set up your local development environment. Next, install GNU gettext. If you're using Homebrew, the following commands install and link gettext:
brew install gettext
brew link --force gettext
Create a translation file for your locale with the makemessages command. A list of language codes is available here. For example, to create a British English translation, use the following command:
python manage.py makemessages --locale=en_GB
This will create a folder for the locale in the locale
directory with a messages file django.po
. Translate the
messages by filling in the msgstr
fields in the messages file.
Compile the translations with the compilemessages command:
python manage.py compilemessages
Add your translation to the openintel/settings.py
file. Note that the language corresponding to the locale is lower
case and uses a hyphen -
instead of an underscore _
. So locale en_GB
becomes en-gb
('en', _('English (United States)')),
('en-gb', _('English (British)')),
Your translation should now be available when you restart your server. If you're still seeing English, double-check that your browser is requesting the page in the language you created.
- Deepak Kushwaha: source metadata
- Emin Mastizada: internationalization
- Surya Prashanth: board search
We gratefully acknowledge this project's third-party libraries and their contributors. See here and here. Additionally, we'd like to acknowledge the following:
- SSL/TLS certificate generated with Let's Encrypt
- Project hosting provided by GitHub
- Continuous Integration provided by Travis CI
- Code Coverage Reporting provided by Coveralls
- Code Lint Reporting provided by Code Climate, Codacy, and Landscape.io
- Responsible Disclosure Policy adapted from Bugcrowd's Open Source Responsible Disclosure Framework under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
- FavIcon designed by Freepik from Flaticon and licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0.
- Dispute icon designed by Icomoon from Flaticon and licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0.