IntegrationTestBaseKit is a library designed to facilitate the creation and management of Docker containers for integration testing purposes. It provides a set of tools to start, stop, and check the readiness of Docker containers in a thread-safe manner.
- Start and stop Docker containers asynchronously.
- Check container readiness using customizable wait strategies.
- Event-driven notifications for container lifecycle events (starting, started, stopping, stopped).
To install the library, use the following command:
dotnet add package ManagedCode.IntegrationTestBaseKit
for xUnit integration use the following command:
dotnet add package ManagedCode.ManagedCode.IntegrationTestBaseKit.XUnit
Creating a Test Application
Define a TestApp class that inherits from BaseXUnitTestApp<TestBlazorApp.Program>
, add ICollectionFixture<TestApp>
using DotNet.Testcontainers.Containers;
using Testcontainers.Azurite;
using Testcontainers.PostgreSql;
using Xunit;
namespace ManagedCode.IntegrationTestBaseKit.Tests
public class TestApp : BaseXUnitTestApp<TestBlazorApp.Program>, ICollectionFixture<TestApp>
protected override async Task ConfigureTestContainers()
AddContainer(new AzuriteBuilder().Build());
AddContainer("postgree", new PostgreSqlBuilder().Build());
Use the TestApp class in your tests to manage Docker containers.
using DotNet.Testcontainers.Containers;
using FluentAssertions;
using Testcontainers.Azurite;
using Testcontainers.PostgreSql;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace ManagedCode.IntegrationTestBaseKit.Tests;
public class HealthTests(ITestOutputHelper log, TestApp testApplication)
public async Task HealthTest()
var client = testApplication.CreateHttpClient();
var response = await client.GetAsync("/health");
public async Task BrowserHealthTest()
var page = await testApplication.OpenNewPage("/health");
var content = await page.ContentAsync();
public async Task HealthTest()
var client = testApplication.CreateSignalRClient("/healthHub");
await client.StartAsync();
var result = await client.InvokeAsync<string>("Health");