Part 1: From Scheme to C Part 2: From JavaScript to Scheme
// what is Scheme? // polymorphism // higher order // call/cc // garbage collection
a FL
strict, polymorphic
based on a small core
a "dynamically typed ML"
gave birth to JS
- Many implementations
- Guile (url...)
- Racket (url...)
- Gambit (url...)
- Bigloo (url...)
- ...
A weird syntax (but it's only syntax)
- As close as possible to the untyped lambda-calculus
- abstraction: \x . M
- (lambda (x) M) // function(x) { M } // x => M
- application: (M N)
- (M N) // M(N)
- alpha conversion: \x. M[x] == \y. M[y]
- beta conversion: ((\x . M) E) == (M[x:= E])
- eta-conversion: \x . M x === M if x free in M
- abstraction: \x . M
Church numbers
0 := λf.λx.x
= (lambda (f) (lambda (x) x))
// f => x => x
1 := λf.λx.f x
= (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f x)))
// f => x => f(x)
2 := λf.λx.f (f x)
= (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f (f x))))
// f => x => f(f(x))
3 := λf.λx.f (f (f x))
= (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f (f (f (x))))))
// f => x => f(f(f(x)))
- Expression based
- no statments, everything is an expression == everything has a value
5 essential forms
- variable
- abstraction
(lambda (x y) x)
// (x, y) => x
- application
((lambda (f x y) (f x y)) + 3 4)
// (((f, x, y) => f(x, y))((a, b) => (a, b), 3, 4))
- conditional
(if E E E)
// if(E) S else S
// E ? E : E
- quote
The (pure) beauty of Scheme
programs equal data
- list is _the_ data structure
// (array is _the_ data structure)
- empty list: (quote ()) === '()
// []
- (cons 1 '()) == '(1)
// [].push(1)
- (cons 1 (cons 2 '())) == '(1 2) == (list 1 2)
// [].push(2).push(1)
- '(lambda (x) x) == (list 'lambda (list 'x) 'x)
// ["lambda" ["x"] "x"]
- (car '(1 2)) => 1
// [1, 2][0]
- (cdr '(1 2)) => '(2)
// --[1, 2].slice(1)--
More syntactic sugar
((lambda (tmp) (+ tmp tmp)) (* 3 4)) // (tmp => tmp + tmp)(3 * 4) ==> (let ((tmp (* 3 4))) (+ tmp tmp)) // {let tmp = 3 * 4; tmp + tmp }
((lambda () (print "end")) (print "begin")) // ( -> console.log("end"))(console.log("begin")) ==> (begin (print "begin") (print "end"))
(define f (lambda (tmp) (+ tmp tmp))) (define (f tmp) (+ tmp tmp)) // let f = tmp => tmp + tmp function f(tmp) { return tmp + tmp }
(if x (print "x") (if y (print "y") (print "z"))) // if (x) { console.log(x) } else if (y) { console.log(y); } else { console.log(z); } ==> (cond (x (print "x")) (y (print "y")) (else (print "z")))
- Apply (let ((f (lambda (x y z) (+ x y z)))) (f 1 2 3)) // { let f = (x, y, z) => x + y +z; f(1, 2, 3); } ==> (let ((f (lambda (x y z) (+ x y z)))) (apply f (list 1 2 3))) // { let f = (x, y, z) => x + y +z; f.apply(undefined, new Array(1, 2, 3)); } ==> (let ((f (lambda (x y z) (+ x y z)))) (apply f '(1 2 3))) // --{ let f = (x, y, z) => x + y +z; f.apply(undefined, [1, 2, 3]); }--
How to write a compiler in Scheme?
=> (define (comp n)
(list 'lambda '(x) (list '+ 'x n)))
(define (comp n)
`(lambda (x) (+ x ,n)))
// const comp = n => `x => x + ${n}`;
- Eval evil (define add5 (eval (comp 5))) // const add5 = eval(comp(5))
(define-macro (comp n) `(lambda (x) (+ x ,n)))
(define add5 (comp 5))
(add5 10)
(define add5 (lambda (x) (+ x 5))) (add5 10) ~~ 15
(define (f)
(let loop ((i 0))
(if (< i 10)
(print "i=" i)
(call/cc (lambda (k) (loop (+))
(loop (+ i 1))))))))
(let ((k (f)))
(k 10)
(k 20))
- minimalist core language
- beauty of the core concepts
- very few design flaws
- its syntax
- its untypedness
- polymorphism (lambda (x) x) // x => x
- higher order (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (+ x y))) // x => y => x + y
- (let for ((i 0)) (if (< i 10) (begin (print i) (for (+ 1 i))))) // for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { console.log(i); }
- garbage collection
How to compile (lambda (x) x)?
long id(long x) { return x; }
void *id(void *x) { return x; }
#define id(x) x
code alone is not enough
code + encoding
basic schema: generalized boxing
- all values are boxed
typedef struct box *obj_t;
struct box {
long header;
val_t val;
typeof union val {
long fixnum;
double flonum;
struct _pair {
obj_t car;
obj_t pair;
} pair;
struct _function {
} function;
enum types { FIXNUM, FLONUM, PAIR, FUNCTION, ... };
obj_t make_fx(long n) {
obj_t num = GC_MALLOC(sizeof(struct _pair));
num->header = FIXNUM;
num->val.fixnum = n;
return num;
int fxp(obj_t n) {
n->header == FIXNUM;
long fx_val(obj_t n) {
return n->val.fixnum;
obj_t add(obj_t n, obj_t m) {
if (!fxp(n) || !fxp(m)) {
throw("add: bad number");
} else {
long res;
if (__builtin_saddl_overflow(fx_val(n), fx_val(m), &res)) {
return make_bx(fx_to_bx(fx_val(n)), fx_to_bx(fx_val(m)));
} else {
return make_fx(res);
obj_t id(obj_t x) {
return x;
- type checking
- overflow
- function calls
- extra read ops
- extra write ops
- allocation
- unsafe, unbounded arithmetic +, +fx, +bx, +fl, ... -, -fx, -bx, -fl, ...
- usage C macros to avoid function calls
- use tagging
#define MAKE_FX(long n) (n << 3)
#define FXP(o) ((o & 7) == 0)
#define ADDFX(n, m) (n+m)
#define FLONUMP(o) (((o & 7) == 1) && o->header == FLONUM)
- Boxing/unboxing
- Storage Usage Analysis
- Julia
How to compile?
(define adder (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (+ x y))))
;; const adder = x => y => x + y
(define add5 (adder 5))
;; const add5 = adder(5)
obj_t adder(obj_t x) {
return ???;
add5 = adder(MAKE_FX(5));
struct _function {
long arity;
obj_t (*entry)();
obj_t env0;
obj_t make_closure(obj_t (*entry)(), long arity, long size) {
obj_t c = GC_MALLOC(sizeof(struct _function) + sizeof(obj_t) * (size - 1));
c->header = FUNCTION;
c->val.function.arity = arity;
c->val.function.entry = entry;
return c;
obj_t adder(obj_t x) {
obj_t c = make_closure(&lambda0, 1, 1);
((obj_t *)&(c->val.function.env0))[0] = x;
return x;
obj_t lambda0(obj_t clo, obj_t y) {
obj_t x = clo->val.funcion.env0((obj_t *)&(c->val.function.env0))[0];
return add(x, y);
#define CLOSURE_ENV(clo, i) ((obj_t *)&(c->val.function.env0))[i]
When is a full-fledged closures required?
- when a function is used as a value
(define (sum o)
(define (sum-vec)
(let loop ((i (-fx (vector-length o) 1))
(s 0))
(if (<fx i 0)
(loop (-fx i 1) (+fx (vector-ref o i) s)))))
(define (sum-pair)
(let loop ((o o)
(s 0))
(if (null? o)
(loop (cdr o) (+fx (car o) s)))))
(if (vector? o)
obj_t sum(obj_t o) {
if (VECTORP(o)) {
goto sum_vec;
} else {
goto sum_pair;
sum_vec: {
long i = VECTOR_LENGTH(o);
obj_t s = MAKE_FX(0);
if (LTFX(i, MAKE_FX(0))) {
return s;
} else {
i = SUBFX(i, MAKE_FX(1));
s = ADDFX(VECTOR_REF(o, i), s);
goto sum_vec_loop;
What about this one?
(define (copy o)
(define (copy-vec)
(let ((r (make-vector (vector-length o))))
(let loop ((i (-fx (vector-length o) 1)))
(if (<fx i 0)
(vector-set! r i (vector-ref o i))
(loop (-f xi 1)))))))
(define (copy-pair)
(let loop ((o o))
(if (null? o)
(cons (car o) (loop (cdr o))))))
(if (vector? o)
Because of the non-tail calls, a stack is needed and functions cannot be compiled as loop.
obj_t copy(obj_t o) {
if (VECTORP(o)) {
goto copy_vec;
} else {
goto copy_pair;
return copy_pair_loop(o);
obj_t copy_pair_loop(obj_t o) {
if (nullp(o)) {
return o;
} else {
return cons(CAR(o), copy_pair_loop(CDR(o)));
(define (F n m)
(define (a)
(define ()
(+fx (a) m))
(G b))
obj_t F(obj_t n, obj_t m) {
obj_t b = make_closure(&lambdaB, 0, 2);
CLOSURE_ENV(b, 0) = n;
CLOSURE_ENV(b, 1) = m;
return b;
obj_t lambdaB(obj_t env) {
return a(CLOSURE_ENV(env, 0)) + CLOSURE_ENV(env, 1);
obj_t functionA(obj_t n) {
return n;
(define (F n m)
(define (a)
(set! n (+fx n 1))
(define (b)
(+fx (a) m))
(G b))
obj_t F(obj_t n, obj_t m) {
obj_t b = make_closure(&lambdaB, 0, 2);
CLOSURE_ENV(b, 0) = make_cell(n);
CLOSURE_ENV(b, 1) = m;
return b;
obj_t lambdaB(obj_t env) {
return a(CLOSURE_ENV(env, 0)) + CLOSURE_ENV(env, 1);
obj_t functionA(obj_t n) {
CELL_SET(n, add(CELL_REF(n), MAKE_FX(1)));
return CELL_REF(n);
Allocations are implicit => Garbage cllection
Two main techniques: stop©, mark&sweep
- Two semi-spaces
- bump allocation
- when the first semi-space is full
- stop the word
- copy the live objects into the second semi-space starting from the roots
- swap the spaces
- complexity proportional of the life objects
- compacting
- wast half of the memory
- free lists allocation (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ...)
- when one free list is empty
- mark the live objects from the roots
- sweep the unmarked objects and move them in to the free lists
- complexity proportional of the allocated objects
- use the whole space
- one small space (size of the cache) + a large main heap
- bump allocationon the small space
- when the generation is full
- stop the world
- copy the live objects into the main heap
- when the main heap is full
- mark&sweep the main heap
- fit the cache
- complexity proportional of the live objects
- use the whole space
- backpointers
- The roots
- the global variable
- the activation frames
- the registers
- How to distinguish integers from pointers?
=> do not distinguish => ambiguous roots
- contraints by
- alignment
- bit patterns
- free lists ranges
- conservative => no copy => mark&sweep => may retain memory too long => dependent of C compiler optimizations
- contraints by
// a crazy language // local variables // hidden classes // occurrence typing, hint typing // arithmetic // range analysis // speculation, specialized compilation // generator // language extension, sealed classes
- Created in 10 days in 1995 at Mozilla
- According to B. Eich, JS = Scheme + Self + C syntax
- ECMALanguage
- (in)formal specification
- One version per year
cf slides AOT
function f(v) {
var l = v.length;
return l;
(define (f this v)
(let ((l js-undefined))
((js-get console "log") js-undefined "here")
(set! l (js-get v "length"))
function f(v) {
var fs = [];
var l = v.length;
for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
fs.push(() => i + v[i]);
return => g());
f([1,1,1]) => [1, 2, 3]
(define (f v)
(let ((fs (js-new Array 0))
(l (js-get v "length")))
(let ((i' 0))
(let for ()
(if (js-lt i' l)
(let ((i i'))
((js-get fs "push") (lambda (_) (js-plus i (js-get v i))))
(set! (js-inc i))
(set! i' i)
- saner semantics
- deadzone access
1 symbol resolution 2 multiple variable 3 scope narrowing 4 let fusion 5 let fun 6 let opt 7 var -> let 8 uninitialized variables
4 KLOC ~ 5.6% of the compiler
CC dynamic + CC proxy
Reprendre les slides
Reprendre les slides AOT
Reprendre les slides sur la range analysis
La compilation d'arguments
- sloppy mode
- strict mode
- strong mode
- hopscript mode
- A call/cc version
- CPS conversion
Reprendre les slides d'Ecoop