Collaborative theorem discoverer.
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[ Is the name a problem? Will physicists / enginners look at it and think its too formal? I can't think of a better name, and it does help with the mathematical part of physics / engineering, not any other parts. ]
Mathematician's Assistant will help help physicists, mathematicians and engineers explore mathematical spaces and generate outlines of possible proofs: a series of conjectures that each seem likely to be true, and if so would prove the desired result.
Given some axioms or assumptions that define a space, it can also generate examples of mathematical objects in that space and start to characterize the space.
Mathematician's Assisant is not a proof assistant. It doesn't ensure that each step in its outlines are formally provable. Instead, it is attempting the same goal as the working mathematician, theoretical physicist or engineer. It makes educated guesses about the structure of a space or outline of a proof. Of course, the conjectures could be given to an existing automatic theorm prover or proof assistant to fill in the details (if they are provable), or provide feedback (if it proves them false.)
Perhaps the best way to think about Mathematician's Assistant is as automating the Master's Thesis[1]. When a new technique or other mathematical space opens up, there are often many problems that are worth exploring. Mathematician's Assistant can try straight forward steps on many of them, notice patterns in examples that succeed or fail, generate hypotheses from those patterns, and set out to prove or disprove the hypotheses (if that's easy), prove them in a restricted domain, and / or provide evidence such as classes of examples for which the technique works or doesn't.
It is not designed to work on its own or be used by someone who is not knowledgeable in the field. Rather, if the sorts of examples it generates are too simple, or hypetheses it generates are obviosly wrong, a field expert will need to step in and direct it, e.g. by defining a class of examples that are considered too easy, and if convenient, providing a proof that they satisfy the proposition. MA could then learn from the proof, e.g. trying to generalize it, or examining the steps that it deemed not worth pursuing and adding them as training examples, to make it more likely to try them in the future.
[1] I am indebted to Ian Horswill for this description of a different project, my Ph.D. thesis.
Talk about the interplay between theorm proving and guessing / outlines: much like a working academic, when MA generates hypotheses, it then attempts to prove or disprove them. It does this both because it can have certainty in what it has proved, but also so that it can learn from them, adjusting its internal weights / heuristics on what is likely to succeed and what isn't.
So why do we use a theorm prover? To generate examples we can learn from. We can also use it to automatically prove the easier steps, of course.
Using machine learning to learn properties of expressions that make them worth attempting Integration by parts. Note that this is just "worth attempting." It may not work, and there will be expressions that are attackable by integration by parts that the classifier will incorrectly say aren't worth trying.
Some examples of rules / heuristics and how they combine to solve simple problems.
Talk about the differences between mathematicians and physicists approaches to math: physicists are happy to be guided by physical intuition, e.g. assuming that everyting is analytic. [I wish I could find that quote by Feynman about how people who are mathematicians don't do well at physics. Is it because they get caught up in what's formally provable? Oh well.]