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Releases: mat1jaczyyy/apollo-studio

Version 1.3.1

14 Dec 05:19
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  • Avalonia has fixed multiple issues which caused closed windows to stay in memory even after they're closed. This means Apollo will use much less memory over time. (#293, AvaloniaUI/Avalonia#3269)
  • Reimplemented the color picker element to fix issues and inconsistencies with mouse-click behavior and undo history.
  • Right-click dragging the color picker now locks it to either horizontal or vertical movement only. (#310, #319)
  • Static images (JPGs, BMPs, and PNGs) can now be imported into the Pattern editor.
  • Fixed a rare issue where attempting to check if a file is a MIDI file while importing it in the Pattern editor would crash.
  • It's now possible to drag the mouse across the Macro Filter device to quickly enable or disable Macro values for checking. (#316)
  • It's now possible to resize the Fade device by dragging the border between the gradient and the color picker. (#320)
  • Fixed an issue with the Copy device which caused some offsets to visually not switch between relative and absolute mode.
  • Fixed a regression introduced in version 1.1.1 where the Clear History button on the Undo History window was invisible.
  • Fixed an issue with the Apollo Connector where it would default into the muted state when created.
  • The Apollo Connector now correctly syncs with other Apollo Connectors' muted states when created.

Version 1.3.0

09 Dec 03:14
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  • Reverted Apollo's color system back to 6-bit color per channel (3F as maximum value) as it was in versions prior to 1.2.0. This is due to the Launchpad X actually only displaying 6-bit color despite receiving a 7-bit color value (notably #010101 would still be turned off). (#295, #298)
  • Apollo Studio is now compiled ahead of time, which should improve performance everywhere.
  • Implemented smoothing options (Linear, Smooth, Sharp, Slow, Fast, Hold) for the Fade device, accessible by right clicking color points. (#267, #297)
  • Newly created Fade color points now default to the color which was clicked when creating the color point. (#301)
  • Selected Devices can now be choked directly from their context menu or via CTRL+SHIFT+G(Win) or CMD+SHIFT+G(Mac). (#300)
  • Fixed an issue where it was impossible to undo or redo actions done directly to a Choke device (such as adding it in the chain, changing its target...)
  • Fixed an issue where a Group device with multiple Chains could be ungrouped via keyboard shortcuts, causing invalid and crash-prone state when undoing that action.
  • Virtual Launchpads can now be locked in the Preferences. This means the port will never disconnect, even if the Launchpad window is closed, and Apollo will recreate the virtual ports and their Launchpad windows on next startup. (#309)
  • Fixed a regression where the Center Track Contents setting in the Preferences would not refresh existing Track windows. (#294)
  • Expanded and renamed the Page system to include 4 independent Macros, independently controllable via the Switch and Macro Filter devices. This allows for easier management of concepts such as sub-pages or other effects which change slightly over time. (#263, #299)
  • In the Pattern editor, it's now possible to start playing the light effect from an arbitrary point in time. There are multiple ways to trigger this: ALT+Click(Win) or OPT+Click(Mac) middle-clicking a frame in the frame list, choosing Play/Fire here from a frame's context menu; or from the frame currently being edited via the shortcut CTRL+ENTER(Win) or CMD+ENTER(Mac). (#307)
  • Implemented Home, End, Page Up and Page Down shortcuts in the Pattern Editor. (#305)
  • The Pattern Editor now respects the Pattern's Repeats and Pinch while playing or firing the light effect. (#308)
  • The Pinch dial is now properly disabled in the Pattern Editor while the effect is playing or firing.
  • The Track window and Pattern Editor now have a larger default window size.
  • Slightly reduced memory usage when dealing with on-screen Launchpads.
  • Centered Dials now display a point when in the neutral position.
  • When using Copy in Interpolate mode, an angle of movement can now additionally be specified for each offset, allowing for movement that follows a curved shape rather than a straight line. (#302, #304)
  • Implemented Pinch, Reverse and Infinite functionality for Copy in Animate and Interpolate modes. (#312)
  • Offsets found on the Move and Copy device can now be right-clicked to toggle them into absolute positioning mode. (#253, #304)
  • Fixed Copy Random Loop never stopping the loop if the original Signal's color was not fully white (#3F3F3F).
  • Newly created windows are now properly brought to the front of the screen if created while Apollo Studio is obscured or minimized.
  • Added Separators to context menus.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking off a context menu would cause keyboard shortcuts to not register until the window is refocused. (#313)
  • Fixed context menus on Group devices sometimes incorrectly displaying the Unmute action.
  • Fixed an issue where undoing an Ungroup action would incorrectly restore the Group's muted state. (#311)
  • Significantly reduced size of Apollo's auto-updater (by removing unnecessary files).
  • The Apollo Connector v3 now properly detects when Apollo Studio has cleanly disconnected from the session.
  • The Apollo logo is now dimmed if the Connector is not connected to Apollo Studio.
  • Added a Mute button which controls whether notes will be sent to Apollo Studio. This is useful while exporting audio in Ableton Live, so as to not send lots of notes instantly to Apollo Studio. (#296)

Version 1.2.0

04 Nov 19:37
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  • Apollo Studio now properly recognizes and fully supports the new Launchpad X and Mini MK3 models. (#280, #281)
  • To properly support the new Launchpad models, the Novation USB Driver requirement for Windows has been raised to version 2.15.5.
  • Apollo Studio now offers a direct download link to the Novation USB Driver if it's missing or a lower version is installed.
  • Apollo Studio now properly detects Launchpads in bootloader mode and does not expose their ports.
  • Apollo Studio now properly detects Launchpads with old firmware, warns about performance issues and suggests updating the firmware with direct download links.
  • Color has been expanded to include 7 bits per channel instead of the previous 6. This means that the "fully lit" hex value is now 7F compared to the previous 3F. This is due to the new Launchpad models supporting 21-bit color (7 per channel), increasing Apollo's color space to a total of 2 million colors.
  • The Launchpad Grid can now have the Launchpad model customized, with the MK2, Pro, X, and a merged design with all potential Signal placements as available options.
  • The Pattern device now supports pinching. (#264)
  • Chain Signal Indicators and Device Signal Indicators can now be toggled on or off separately. (#262)
  • Implemented a new Replace context menu action (Delete+Paste). (#290)
  • Pasting, Duplicating, and Importing elements now properly sets the selection to the newly created elements.
  • On Windows, files from the explorer can now be directly opened by dropping them onto the Splash window. (#291)
  • Fixed a memory leak which would cause the Splash window to not unload properly.
  • Fixed a rare softlock/hang when closing certain windows while they're minimized. (#292)
  • Fixed a regression from version 1.1.2 which caused hex color input boxes and the BPM to not accept any input. (#282)
  • Fixed an issue where any devices inside of a Choke device would not properly stop processing effects when the Launchpads were cleared. (#283)
  • Fixed a crash when deleting a point on the Fade device while editing its position precisely.
  • Fixed a visual bug which would sometimes cause the color picker element to mistakenly indicate a color is invalid.
  • Fixed a rare crash on exit related to the Apollo Connector which would cause Apollo to mistakenly think a crash had occurred the previous session. (#289)
  • Updated patron list for November. Thank you!

Version 1.1.2

17 Oct 21:34
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  • Fixed a regression introduced in version 1.1.1 that enabled the Console on Windows. (#275)
  • Fixed a regression introduced in version 1.1.1 that caused the Fade device to fail to change the actively edited color.
  • Fixed a regression introduced in version 1.1.1 that caused crashes when selecting Frames in the Pattern editor. (#276)
  • Fixed a regression introduced in version 1.1.1 that caused UI rendering on macOS to completely break down when opening the Pattern editor. (#278)
  • Fixed a regression introduced in version 1.1.1 that disabled renaming elements. (#277)
  • Fixed a regression introduced in version 1.1.1 that caused a newly opened window to lose focus if opened via a keyboard shortcut.
  • Apollo now creates the Crashes directory if it's missing when trying to save crash backups.
  • Fixed a rare crash when attempting to safely delete the crash backup if the Crashes directory didn't exist.

Version 1.1.1

09 Oct 16:59
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Note: This release has a lot of known issues! While we're fixing those, feel free to scroll down below to use the older versions, out of which 1.1.0 is compatible with 1.1.1 savefiles.


  • Updated Avalonia to latest nightly. Should bring performance and stability improvements. (#153, #265, #270)
  • Updated .NET Core from 2.2 to 3.0, makes code easier to write for me and should bring performance and stability improvements. (#271)
  • Implemented an Update button in the top left corner of the main window rather than an annoying popup. You probably won't get to see this in effect before 1.2.0 is released. (#261)
  • Added a Pin button to the title bar of most windows, which directly controls the "Always On Top" setting in the Preferences. (#260)
  • Fixed crashes caused by executing keyboard shortcuts while drag/dropping elements on screen. (#266)
  • Fixed crashes caused interacting with hidden UI elements by using keyboard navigation via the Tab key to reach them. (#272)
  • Fixed a crash when Apollo is launched for the first time ever (without upgrading from a previous version).
  • Fixed a crash when recovering from a crash which had no project file to recover.
  • Fixed a crash when undoing Pattern Frame changes while the respective Pattern Editor isn't open. (#273)
  • Windows no longer lose focus after doing certain keyboard shortcuts. (#269)

Version 1.1.0

01 Sep 23:50
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  • Fixed a rare issue where disconnecting an MK2 unit could cause other connected Launchpads to stop working.
  • Implemented an unmanaged crash handler, which makes sure any crash is now recoverable. (#240, #259)
  • Added a Reconnect button for individual Launchpads in the Launchpad Configuration section of the Preferences.
  • Fixed a visual bug in the Preferences regarding the Theme change restart warning.
  • Implemented Signal Indicators between devices and on chains. These slightly deter performance, so they can be disabled in the Preferences. (#106, #258)
  • Added a new Layer Filter device, which allows you to filter effects by layer.
  • The Fade device now remembers which color was last edited. (#247)
  • Fixed a rare crash when receiving data from an uninitialized Apollo Connector device.
  • Text boxes for renaming and precise input now have their caret set at the end of the text.
  • Added Minimize buttons to the Splash window and Preferences.
  • Updated patron list for September. Thank you!

Version 1.0.7

28 Aug 03:15
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  • Fixed a critical issue causing the All Time Usage stat to be reset when launching Apollo.
  • Fixed the Check for Updates setting in the Preferences not applying at all.
  • Added a Locate Apollo Connector button to the Preferences.
  • The Apollo Connector device now automatically updates for future versions of Apollo. (#254)
  • Fixed a crash when changing the BPM via Apollo Connector synchronization when a Fade device was visible on-screen.
  • Added a Reconnect button to the Apollo Connector.
  • Fixed multiple crashes when closing the project related to Output and Fade device disposal.
  • The Choke device now properly chokes effects that span multiple Launchpads.
  • The color picker element now properly triggers an undo history entry when dragging the thumb directly. (#255)

Version 1.0.6

21 Aug 18:00
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  • Fixed a rare issue that caused the Preferences to never open.
  • Fixed an issue with the Apollo Connector being unable to connect to Apollo due to an execution order problem.
  • Redesigned dials related to single-choice parameters.

Version 1.0.5

16 Aug 03:00
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  • Fixed a critical issue where clearing the Ableton Connector in Apollo Studio would cause its' Apollo Connector equivalent in Live's chain to block notes.
  • The Apollo Connector now reports changes in Live's BPM to Apollo Studio. (#225)
  • Added a Launchpad Preview to the Preferences for instant feedback when changing the Fade Smoothness or the On-screen Launchpad Style.
  • Slightly improved performance on Launchpad MK2 units by not sending redundant messages corresponding to the left and bottom row.
  • Color-picking #000000 in the Pattern Editor now works correctly.
  • It's now additionally possible to rename elements using the F2 key.
  • Shortcuts which require no modifier key to be held now explicitly ensure no modifier key is held.

Note: The Apollo Connector now has a v2 version indicator, which means it contains the features and fixes added in this release. While older versions of the Connector will still work with newer versions of Apollo Studio (albeit lacking the new features), newer versions of the Connector will NOT work with older versions of Apollo Studio.

Version 1.0.4

12 Aug 17:35
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  • Disabled Server GC which should help with "CoreCLR failed to initialize" on macOS. If you receive this error again, please let me know as soon as possible.
  • Reverted Rescan message spam to the Console, as this improves stability on macOS. (#248)
  • Fixed an issue where closing Discord while Rich Presence was enabled on macOS would crash Apollo. (#250)
  • Tracks now properly preserve their Muted state when they're duplicated.
  • Redesigned the Preferences window, fixing an issue with Launchpad Configuration cutoff if a port name was too long. (#251)
  • Added a list of this month's patrons to the Preferences. Thank you!