layout | title |
landing |
Mathesar |
{% include latest-blog-post.html %}
{% capture hero_content %} Mathesar is an open source and web-based interface that works on top of your database.
You can enter and slice and filter and structure your data… in minutes.
No technical skills required. {% endcapture %}
{% capture hero_actions %} {% include homepage-actions.html %} {% endcapture %}
{% include hero.html title='Quickly enter and analyze your data – in one open source interface' section='Open Source Database Interface' content=hero_content image='assets/books-table.png' actions=hero_actions %}
{% include ribbon.html %}
{%include bullet_list.html%}
{% capture content %}
Using a self-hostable and accessible interface.
{% endcapture %}
{%include screenshot.html theme="light" content=content image="assets/author-record.png" %}
{%include usecases.html %}
{%include feature_list.html %}
{%capture cta_content %} Mathesar’s Alpha release is coming very soon. Please leave your details here to stay updated: {% endcapture %}
{% include cta.html %}