diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_bg.arb b/lib/l10n/app_bg.arb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6bc7a9b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/l10n/app_bg.arb @@ -0,0 +1,951 @@ +{ + "@@locale": "bg", + "bottomNavbar_mawaqit": "MAWAQIT", + "@bottomNavbar_mawaqit": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "bottomNavbar_favorites": "Favorites", + "@bottomNavbar_favorites": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "bottomNavbar_qibla": "Qibla", + "@bottomNavbar_qibla": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "bottomNavbar_search": "Search", + "@bottomNavbar_search": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "bottomNavbar_settings": "Settings", + "@bottomNavbar_settings": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_ThemeAuto": "Auto", + "@settings_ThemeAuto": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_ThemeDark": "Dark", + "@settings_ThemeDark": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_ThemeLight": "Light", + "@settings_ThemeLight": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_TimeFormat": "Time format", + "@settings_TimeFormat": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_LanguageSelection": "Language selection", + "@settings_LanguageSelection": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_Language": "Language", + "@settings_Language": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_Theme": "Theme", + "@settings_Theme": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_TimeFormat12H": "12H", + "@settings_TimeFormat12H": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_TimeFormat24H": "24H", + "@settings_TimeFormat24H": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_PrayerNotifications": "Prayer Notifications", + "settings_PrayerPreNotifications": "Pre-Prayer notification", + "settings_ShuruqPreNotifications": "Pre-Shuruq notification", + "settings_Calculations": "Calculations", + "settings_RateOurApp": "Rate our app", + "@settings_RateOurApp": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_WhatsNew": "What's new", + "settings_SupportMawaqit": "Support Mawaqit", + "settings_News": "News", + "settings_MakeADonation": "Make a donation", + "bismillah": "Bismillah", + "settings_DonateToMawaqit": "Donate to MAWAQIT", + "@settings_DonateToMawaqit": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_CheckForUpdates": "Check for updates", + "@settings_CheckForUpdates": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_Credits": "Credits", + "@settings_Credits": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_AboutUs": "About us", + "@settings_AboutUs": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_language_ar": "Arabic", + "settings_language_bn": "Bengali", + "settings_language_fr": "French", + "settings_language_nl": "Dutch", + "settings_language_de": "German", + "settings_language_es": "Spanish", + "settings_language_en": "English", + "settings_language_it": "Italian", + "settings_language_tr": "Turkish", + "settings_language_ru": "Russian", + "settings_language_id": "Indonesian", + "settings_language_ur": "Urdu", + "settings_language_pl": "Polish", + "settings_CreditsText": "Copyright © 2021 MAWAQIT for The MAWAQIT Foundation, All Rights Reserved.\n\nIntellectual property and copyrights of this application or its plug-ins, add-ons or content are owned by MAWAQIT for MAWAQIT association.\n\nThis version is licensed only for charitable distribution and is a Waqf. Any commercial use or commercial distribution is strictly prohibited.\n\nThis license does not indicate or include - by any means – the sale of any right relating to this product, any of its parts, plug-ins, add-ons or content. Rather, this license allows only charitable distribution of the application through the current platform of application store.\n\nRedistribution of the application using the source code or binary files, or using the reverse engineering with or without making any amendments, would expose the infringer or the one responsible for the this copyright infringement to legal action.\n\nNo party is entitled to redistribute the application outside the official stores of Apple or Google Play without an official written permission from the copyright holder and the owner of the application, MAWAQIT for The MAWAQIT association. Distributing this application outside these official stores would be a violation of the intellectual property protection law and exposes the one responsible for this copyright infringement to legal action.\n\nIt is not allowed to use the application name or brand or the trademark or name of the copyright holder MAWAQIT for The MAWAQIT Foundation to promote products which are similar or derived from this application or any other products without obtaining prior written permission from the copyright owner.\nThis application is licensed to be distributed by the copyright holders and shareholders \"as is\".\n\nThe developer and owner company of the application does not give any explicit or implicit warranties, including - but not limited to - advertising and promoting for the suitability of the application for a particular purpose. In any case, MAWAQIT for The MAWAQIT association, or the shareholders are not responsible for any damage, being direct, indirect, or accidental (particular, cautionary, consequential), including - but not limited to - loss of use, data or profits; or business interruption, whatever the causes and the liabilities, be these liabilities contractual, absolute or tort (including negligence or otherwise) which are incurred - in one way or another – by the use of this application.\n\nCopyrights of any third party on the application are reserved to their holder.\n\nImages and Backgrounds\n\nCopyright goes to Shutterstock\nIcons — CC BY 4.0 License\n\nCopyright goes to Flaticons\nMIT license applies to all non-font and non-icon files.\nFonts — SIL OFL 1.1 License\n\nCopyright goes to Google fonts (Roboto fonts)\nCopyright Apple, Cupertino packages\nCode, Packages and Frameworks\n\nFlutter by Google\nPackages : http, geolocator, flutter_platform_widgets, shared_preferences, provider, flutter_local_notifications, audioplayers, toggle_switch, cupertino_icons, marquee_widget, intl, flutter_switch, json_annotation", + "@settings_CreditsText": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_AboutUsText": "This application is developed by the MAWAQIT association.\n\nThe MAWAQIT association is a non-profit organization created in 2021 in France.\nOur objective is the development of innovative solutions related to IT and digital technology such as software and websites; teach and train in digital solutions and IT tools.\n\nThe MAWAQIT Ecosystem is our flagship product and its story began in 2016, with an application on large screens dedicated to mosques, then a mobile app, a home-assistant add-on and an alexa skill, etc.\n\nMAWAQIT offers you a new way to track and manage prayer times, in fact we offer an end-to-end system that offers mosque managers an online tool available 24 / 24h allowing them to manage timetables, news of the mosque and many other features. The faithful, for their part, benefit from a mobile application which allows them to consult the exact and not approximate timetables of their favorite mosque, as well as the news and other functionalities such as the search for a mosque by geolocation, the adhan, the qibla. ... etc. We have made reliability and quality our main values. Our ambition is clear: to build the best service for our mosques thanks to technology and design.\n\nIf you liked this application, please give your opinion on the store.", + "@settings_AboutUsText": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "fajr": "Fajr", + "@fajr": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "shuruq": "Sunrise", + "@shuruq": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "duhr": "Duhr", + "@duhr": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "asr": "Asr", + "@asr": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "maghrib": "Maghrib", + "@maghrib": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "isha": "Isha", + "@isha": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "sabah": "Sabah", + "settings_PrayerNotification_NoNotification": "You have currently set up not to be notified for this prayer.", + "@settings_PrayerNotification_NoNotification": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_PrayerNotification_Bip": "Beep ringtone application upon notification.", + "@settings_PrayerNotification_Bip": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "adhan": "Adhan", + "@adhan": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "adhan_Makkah_fajr": "Makkah (Fajr)", + "@adhan_Makkah_fajr": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "adhan_Madinah": "Madinah", + "@adhan_Madinah": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "adhan_Qods": "Qods", + "@adhan_Qods": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "adhan_AlAfassy": "Al Afassy", + "@adhan_AlAfassy": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "adhan_AlAfassy_fajr": "Al Afassy (Fajr)", + "@adhan_AlAfassy_fajr": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "adhan_Muhammad_jazy": "Muhammad Jazy", + "@adhan_AlAfadhan_Muhammad_jazyassy_fajr": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "adhan_AbdAlBassat": "Abdul Bassit", + "@adhan_AbdAlBassat": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "adhan_type": "Choose a type of adhan. This choice will be applied in every prayer that has the adhan notification.", + "@adhan_type": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "settings_prayer_Notification_None": "None", + "@settings_prayer_Notification_None": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "prayer_Notification_NoNotification": "You have not set any notification for this Prayer.", + "@prayer_Notification_NoNotification": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "prayer_PreNotification_Description": "This setting allows you to define a notification before the prayer.", + "@prayer_PreNotification_Description": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "search_TryParis": "Try Paris, Essalam etc.", + "search_ByGPS": "Search by GPS", + "search_HelpText": "You may search a mosque by writing:\n- The mosque name\n- The association name\n- The city, address, country...etc.\n\nOr you may hit the locating button to find surrounding mosques.", + "search_MaxFavMosquesReached": "You have reached the maximum of the favorite mosques.", + "search_iOs14_message": "Searching using GPS may take some time on iOS 14, please wait.", + "search_error": "Oops an internal error has occurred'", + "search_your_location": "Your location", + "search_location_disabled": "Please look up for a mosque by name or city, or allow location manually in your settings.", + "search_settings": "Settings", + "no_services_text": "Mosques didn't provided this info", + "welcome": "Welcome to", + "mawaqit": "MAWAQIT", + "connecting": "Connecting Muslims", + "to_mosques": "To Mosques", + "get_started": "Get started", + "get_prayer_notifications_for": "Get prayer notifications for", + "turn_on_notifications": "Turn on prayer notifications", + "no_thanks": "No thank's", + "notification_denied": "You have denied notification permissions, so you won't receive any notifications.", + "at_least_one_mosque": "Add at least one mosque to continue", + "set_up_your_prayer": "Set up your prayer", + "notifications": "Notifications", + "mosques_around_you": "Mosques around you", + "mosques_in_the_selected_area": "Mosques in the selected area", + "mosques_with": "Mosques with", + "allow_mawaqit_to_access_my_location": "Allow Mawaqit to access my location.", + "enable_location_service_from_app_settings": "Enable location service from app settings.", + "the_request_timeout": "The request timed out", + "no_internet_connection": "No Internet Connection", + "try_again": "Try again", + "virtual_mosque": "Virtual Mosque", + "no_mosque_in_selected_area": "Couldn't find any mosques in the selected area", + "no_mosque_with": "Couldn't find any mosques with", + "retry": "Retry", + "search_here": "Search Here", + "enter_at_least_3_char": "Enter at-least 3 characters to search", + "jumua1": "Jum'a 1", + "prayer_times": "Prayer times", + "remove_this_city": "Remove this city", + "add_this_city": "Add this city", + "add_this_mosque": "Add this mosque", + "remove_this_mosque": "Remove this mosque", + "services": "Services", + "share": "Share", + "itinerary": "Itinerary", + "call": "Call", + "dnd": "Do Not Disturb", + "battery_optimize": "Battery Optimization", + "power_saver": "Power Saver", + "permission_message1": "We detected a delayed notification, Please turn off", + "permission_message2": "to receive the notification on time.", + "notifications_delay_detected": "Notifications delay detected", + "open_setting": "Open settings", + "noJumua": "No jum'a", + "@noJumua": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "jumua": "Jum'a", + "@jumua": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "qibla_sensor": "The sensor in your device that MAWAQIT uses to determine the Qibla is not working as expected, which is affecting our ability to display the Qibla direction.", + "connection_not_found": "Compass Calibration setting is disabled. Please ensure your connection is turned on and try again by changing the direction.", + "currently_located_at": "Currently located at", + "facing_makkah": "You're facing Makkah", + "not_facing_Makkah": "You're not facing Makkah", + "qibla_Error_retry": "Retry", + "@qibla_Error_retry": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "qibla_Error_LocationDenied": "Location service permission denied", + "@qibla_Error_LocationDenied": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "qibla_Error_LocationDeniedForever": "Location service Denied Forever !", + "@qibla_Error_LocationDeniedForever": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "qibla_Error_PleaseEnable": "Please enable Location service", + "@qibla_Error_PleaseEnable": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "qibla_Direction": "QIBLA \nDIRECTION", + "@qibla_Direction": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "favorites_FavoriteMosques": "Favorites mosques", + "@favorites_FavoriteMosques": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "favorites_Error": "Something went wrong...", + "@favorites_Error": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "announcement_Image": "Image", + "@announcement_Image": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "announcement_Type_Video": "Video", + "@announcement_Type_Video": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "announcement_Type_FlashInfo": "Flash Info", + "@announcement_Type_FlashInfo": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_DonateText1": "DONATE", + "@mosque_DonateText1": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_DonateText2": "TO MOSQUE", + "@mosque_DonateText2": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_Error_CouldNotLaunch": "Could not launch", + "@mosque_Error_CouldNotLaunch": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_PrayerTimes": "Prayer times", + "@mosque_PrayerTimes": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_Website": "Website", + "@mosque_Website": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_Address": "Address", + "@mosque_Address": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_Phone": "Phone", + "@mosque_Phone": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_Email": "Email", + "@mosque_Email": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_ByMawaqit": "By MAWAQIT https://mawaqit.net", + "@mosque_ByMawaqit": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_Facilities_Parking": "Parking", + "@mosque_Facilities_Parking": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_Facilities_DisabledAccess": "Disabled Access", + "@mosque_Facilities_DisabledAccess": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_Facilities_AblutionsRoom": "Ablution Room", + "@mosque_Facilities_AblutionsRoom": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_Facilities_WomanSpace": "Women Space", + "@mosque_Facilities_WomanSpace": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_Facilities_AdultsCourse": "Adults Courses", + "@mosque_Facilities_AdultsCourse": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_Facilities_ChildrenCourses": "Children Courses", + "@mosque_Facilities_ChildrenCourses": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_Facilities_SalatAlAid": "Salat Al Eid", + "@mosque_Facilities_SalatAlAid": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_Facilities_SalatAlJanaza": "Salat Al Janaza", + "@mosque_Facilities_SalatAlJanaza": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosques_Facilities_IftarRamadan": "Iftar Ramadan", + "@mosques_Facilities_IftarRamadan": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "mosque_facilities_Info": "All this information is filled in by the people in charge of the mosque", + "@mosque_facilities_Info": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "in_": "in", + "@in_": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "imsak": "Imsak", + "@imsak": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "eid": "Eid prayer at", + "@eid": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "minutes": "Minutes", + "@minutes": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "jumua2": "Jum'a 2", + "@jumua2": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "please_update": "A newer version of MAWAQIT is available, please update", + "@please_update": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "update": "Update", + "@update": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "tutorial_skip": "Skip tutorial", + "@tutorial_skip": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "tutorial_next": "Next", + "@tutorial_next": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "tutorial_title_main_mosque": "Your main mosque", + "@tutorial_title_main_mosque": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "tutorial_text_main_mosque": "Your main mosque show up here.\nYou can slide left and right to switch between your favorite mosques.", + "@tutorial_text_main_mosque": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "tutorial_title_countdown": "Next prayer indicator", + "@tutorial_title_countdown": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "tutorial_text_countdown": "This countdown shows you the time remaining before the next prayer.", + "@tutorial_text_countdown": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "tutorial_title_mosque_info": "Mosque Information", + "@tutorial_title_mosque_info": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "tutorial_text_mosque_info": "Everything about your Mosque: Facilities, Address, Phone, Mail, Donation, and more.", + "@tutorial_text_mosque_info": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "tutorial_title_announcements": "Mosque messages and announcements", + "@tutorial_title_announcements": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "tutorial_text_announcements": "Notifications about messages and announcements from your mosque will show up here.\nWhen you tap this button, you will see the full details. These announcements can be a Flash message, an Image, or even a Video.", + "@tutorial_text_announcements": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "onboarding_title_1": "Select your language", + "@onboarding_title_1": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "onboarding_text_1": "Select your preferred language from the list below", + "@onboarding_text_1": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "onboarding_title_2": "Welcome to MAWAQIT", + "@onboarding_title_2": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "onboarding_text_2": "MAWAQIT is an ecosystem that offers you a new way to track and manage prayer times, the application in your hands is part of this ecosystem, it allows you to find mosques and follow its news and prayer times", + "@onboarding_text_2": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "onboarding_title_3": "Select a Dark/Light theme", + "@onboarding_title_3": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "onboarding_text_3": "Whether you are in a low-light environment or prefer darker background colors on your phone, you can take advantage of Dark mode for improved visual comfort", + "@onboarding_text_3": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "onboarding_title_4": "Add your main Mosque", + "@onboarding_title_4": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "onboarding_text_4": "Please pick your main mosque from the list below or search for a mosque near your current location", + "@onboarding_text_4": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "loading": "Loading", + "@loading": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "loading_please_wait": "Loading... Please wait", + "@loading_please_wait": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "loading_loaded": "Loading complete", + "@loading_loaded": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "favorites_edit": "Edit Favorite Mosques", + "@favorites_edit": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "minutes_to_athan": "minutes to athan", + "@minutes_to_athan": { + "description": "minutes to athan", + "type": "text" + }, + "show_tutorial": "Review the tutorial", + "@show_tutorial": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "onboarding_chose_mosque_please": "Please choose a mosque from the search list", + "@onboarding_chose_mosque_please": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "done": "Done", + "@done": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "ok": "OK", + "@ok": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "km": "km", + "@km": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "notification_open_app_title": "Open the app", + "@notification_open_app_title": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "notification_open_app_body": "Please open the app to maintain notifications", + "@notification_open_app_body": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "tutorial_title_notification": "Select a prayer notification", + "@tutorial_title_notification": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "tutorial_text_notification": "Here you can select a type of notification, Athan, bip or silent", + "@tutorial_text_notification": { + "description": "\\", + "type": "text" + }, + "search_no_result": "Become a MAWAQIT ambassador and offer our solution to your mosque, it's free\nhttps://mawaqit.net", + "@search_no_result": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "rate_popin_title": "Rate MAWAQIT", + "@rate_popin_title": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "rate_popin_message": "If you like this app, please take a little bit of your time to review it !\nIt really helps us.", + "@rate_popin_message": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "rate_popin_rate": "RATE", + "@rate_popin_rate": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "rate_popin_no": "NO THANKS", + "@rate_popin_no": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "rate_popin_later": "MAYBE LATER", + "@rate_popin_later": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "message_see_all": "You can view all messages from this mosque by clicking on the speaker at the top of the screen.", + "@message_see_all": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "adhan_Makkah": "Makkah", + "@adhan_Makkah": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "tutorial_title_iqama": "Iqama", + "@tutorial_title_iqama": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "tutorial_text_iqama": "Here you find the duration between adhan and iqama at the mosque", + "@tutorial_text_iqama": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "calendar_tooltip_download": "Download calendar", + "@calendar_tooltip_download": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "calendar_download_permission_refused": "Download permission refused definitely, please allow download", + "@calendar_download_permission_refused": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "calendar_downloading": "Downloading calendar...", + "@calendar_downloading": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "location_service_disabled": "Location Service is disabled, please enable it.", + "@location_service_disabled": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "location_permission_denied": "Location Permission Denied, please allow it.", + "@location_permission_denied": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "location_permission_denied_forever": "Location Permission Denied Forever, please allow it in the settings page.", + "@location_permission_denied_forever": { + "description": "_", + "type": "text" + }, + "at_least_one_mosque_error": "You should have at least one mosque.", + "and": "and", + "continue_to_app": "Continue", + "add": "Add", + "mosque": "Mosque", + "on_boarding_nearest_mosque": "Lets find the nearest mosque", + "on_boarding_nearest_mosque_text": "Here are the mosques found around you according to your geolocation", + "search_no_result_for_text": "We did not find any result for", + "surah_audio_downloading": "Surah Audio Downloading...", + "msg_internet_connection": "You don't have any internet connection", + "read_quran": "Read Quran", + "ayahs": "Ayahs", + "chapter": "Surah", + "meaning": "Meaning", + "al_quran": "Al Quran", + "surah_information": "Surah Information", + "surah_number": "Surah Number", + "quran_browsing": "Browsing", + "quran_search_placeholder": "Search by name of surah, number...", + "quran_verse_search": "Verse search", + "quran_translation": "Translation", + "quran_mushaf": "Mushaf", + "quran_juzz": "Juzz", + "ayah": "Ayah", + "quran_verses": "Verses", + "surah": "Surah", + "continue_reading": "Continue Reading", + "bookmarks": "Bookmarks", + "juzz": "Juzz", + "quran_page": "Page", + "quran_turning_page": "Turning page", + "quran_from_right_to_left": "From right to left", + "quran_from_left_to_right": "From left to right", + "quran_from_top_to_bottom": "From top to bottom", + "quran_from_bottom_to_top": "From bottom to top", + "quran_pages_color": "Pages color", + "english_tr": "English", + "french_tr": "French", + "spanish_tr": "Spanish", + "muhammad_hamidullah": "Muhammad Hamidullah", + "abdullah_yusuf_ali": "Abdullah Yusuf Ali", + "sheikh_isa_garcia": "Sheikh Isa Garcia", + "reciters": "Reciters", + "favorite_reciters": "Favorite reciters", + "surahs_downloaded": "Surahs downloaded", + "surahs_chapter": "Surahs - Chapter", + "my_likes": "My Likes", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "next": "Next", + "search_surah": "Search Surah", + "not_downloaded_recitation": "You have not downloaded any recitation yet.", + "not_favorite_reciter": "You have not marked any reciter favorite yet.", + "search_reciter": "Search Reciter", + "al_quran_al_kareem": "Al Quran Al Kareem", + "surahs": "Surahs", + "chapters": "Chapters", + "calculation_info": "The settings in this section only concern the prayer times that are calculated from your geolocation, and do not concern the prayer times of mosques.", + "calculation_madhab": "Jurisprudence - Madhab", + "calculation_madhab_shafii": "Shafi’i, Hanbali and Maliki", + "calculation_madhab_shafii_countries": "Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Somalia, Eritrea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Southern Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, North Africa, West Africa, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait...", + "calculation_madhab_hanafi": "Hanafi", + "calculation_madhab_hanafi_countries": "Levant, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, Iraq, Turkey, Russia, China, Balkans...", + "calculation_methods": "Calculation methods", + "calculation_methods_france": "Muslim of France (ex UOIF)", + "calculation_methods_algeria": "Algerian Ministry of Religious Affairs and Wakfs", + "calculation_methods_morocco": "Moroccan Ministry of Wakfs and Islamic Affairs", + "calculation_methods_muslim_world": "Muslim World League", + "calculation_methods_egyptian": "Egyptian General Authority of Survey", + "calculation_methods_karachi": "University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi", + "calculation_methods_umm_al_qura": "Umm al-Qura University, Makkah", + "calculation_methods_dubai": "The Gulf Region", + "calculation_methods_moon": "Moon Sighting Committee", + "calculation_methods_north_america": "Islamic Society of North America", + "calculation_methods_kuwait": "Kuwait", + "calculation_methods_qatar": "Qatar", + "calculation_methods_singapore": "Singapore", + "calculation_methods_turkey": "Turkey", + "calculation_methods_tehran": "Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran", + "calculation_methods_russia": "Spiritual Administration of Muslims in Russia", + "calculation_methods_custom": "Custom angles", + "calculation_high_latitude": "Higher latitudes", + "calculation_high_latitude_none": "None", + "calculation_high_latitude_middle": "Middle of the night", + "calculation_high_latitude_one_seventh": "One-seventh of the night", + "calculation_high_latitude_angle_based": "Angle based method", + "calculation_adjustment": "Manual correction", + "calculation_adjustment_subtitle": "Prayer adjustment and custom angles", + "calculation_adjustment_prayers": "Prayer adjustments", + "calculation_adjustment_prayers_minutes": "minutes", + "calculation_adjustment_angles": "Custom angles", + "calculation_prayer_custom_angle": "Custom angle for", + "error_download_quran_failed": "Failed to download Quran", + "downloading_quran": "Downloading Quran...", + "processing": "Processing...", + "copied_to_clipboard": "Copied to your clipboard !", + "download_quran_popup_title": "Last touch ups", + "download_quran_popup_downloading_1": "We need to download the pages of the Quran, it will only take a few seconds. We will use your mobile data, switch to Wi-Fi if needed.", + "download_quran_popup_downloading_2": "We are preparing the Qur’an just for you, please wait a few seconds!", + "download_quran_popup_downloading_3": "Discover the Quran's beauty! Tap 'Download' to access its timeless wisdom and be inspired by its divine words.", + "download_quran_popup_confirm_cancel": "Are you sure you want to cancel the download? Without this data you won't be able to read the Quran, the pages will be unavailable.", + "download_quran_popup_cancelled": "Something went wrong, please hit the download button again!", + "download": "Download", + "continue_download": "Continue the download", + "cancel_download": "Cancel the download", + "download_completed": "Download Completed", + "download_failed": "Download Failed", + "download_pages": "Download the pages", + "notification": "Notification", + "notification_not_supported_below_7": "You could not receive Athan or prayer times notifications as your device uses Android 7 or lower.", + "battery_optimization": "Battery optimization", + "battery_optimization_subtitle": "To receive prayer notifications seamlessly, you must turn off battery optimization for MAWAQIT.", + "allow": "Allow", + "deny": "Deny", + "force_notification": "Force notifications", + "tutorial_text_foreground_service": "Tapping on it allows you to toggle the 'Foreground Service' on or off", + "enable": "ON", + "disable": "OFF", + "do_not_show_again": "Don't show it again", + "force_notification_title": "MAWAQIT is active to ensure the prayer notifications are triggered at the correct time.", + "force_notification_body": "Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours. Nisa(103)", + "force_notification_dialog1_body": "By enabling this option, the application will stay active to ensure the prayer notifications are triggered at the correct time without delay.The MAWAQIT Application will be active only for that purpose, and you can turn off that option anytime from the settings.", + "force_notification_dialog2_body": "After enabling the 'Force Notifications' swipe down the notification tray you see this notification there", + "notification_debugging": "Notification Debugging", + "notification_debugging_details": "Notification debugging is enabled. If you change the notification settings, the debugging data will be lost, and debugging will be disabled.", + "skip": "Skip", + "agree": "Agree", + "return_no_search": "Return no search", + "backend_environment_switch": "Backend environment switch", + "set_development_environment": "Set Development Environment", + "set_production_environment": "Set Production Environment", + "delay_notification": "Delay notification", + "notification_delay_debugging_is": "Notification Delay debugging is", + "banner_enable": "Banner enable", + "banner": "Banner", + "show_details": "Show Details", + "auto_detect_location": "Suggest nearest mosque", + "auto_detect_explanation": "When you are distant from your mosque, the app will automatically suggest searching for the nearest mosque based on your location.", + "auto_detect_location_title": "It seems you are distant from your mosque", + "auto_detect_location_message": "Do you want to search for the nearest mosque for accurate prayer times?", + "donation_success_toast": "Donation successfully done", + "donation_success": "Thank you for your donation, may Allah reward you", + "donation_failed": "Donation Failed", + "donate_for_good": "DONATE FOR GOOD", + "enter_amount_hint": "Enter amount", + "enter_donation_amount": "Enter donation amount", + "google_pay_not_available": "Google Pay is not available in this device", + "error_performing_donation": "There was an error while trying to perform the donation", + "recurring_pay_text": "Make this donation monthly.", + "adjust_angles": "Adjust Angles", + "silent": "Silent", + "default_": "Default", + "muazzin": "Muazzin", + "information": "Information", + "news": "News", + "calendar": "Calendar", + "system": "System", + "change_mosque_order": "Drag and drop mosques to change order and to set the main mosque", + "remove": "Remove", + "save": "Save", + "main_mosque": "Main mosque", + "mosques": "Mosques", + "no_news": "No news from the mosque", + "mawaqit_notification": "Mawaqit Notification", + "no_mawaqit_notification": "No notification from Mawaqit", + "meccan": "Meccan", + "medinan": "Medinan", + "montada_islamic_foundation": "Montada Islamic Foundation", + "rashid_maash": "Rashid Maash", + "abdul_haleem": "Abdul Haleem", + "dr_mustafa_khattab": "Dr. Mustafa Khattab", + "frank_bubenheim_and_nadeem": "Frank Bubenheim and Nadeem", + "abu_reda_muhammad_ibn_ahmad": "Abu Reda Muhammad ibn Ahmad", + "unknown_author": "Unknown Author", + "translation_settings": "Translation settings", + "reading": "Reading", + "listening": "Listening", + "font_size": "Font-size", + "font_size_arabic": "Font-size Arabic", + "horizontal": "Horizontal", + "vertical": "Vertical", + "add_page_bookmarks": "Add page to bookmarks", + "remove_page_bookmarks": "Remove the page from bookmarks", + "no_bookmarks": "No bookmarks", + "liked": "Liked", + "all_recitators": "All recitators", + "downloaded": "Downloaded", + "search_for_recitator": "Search for a recitator", + "search_for_surah": "Search for a surah", + "search_for_fav_recitator": "Search for a favorite recitator", + "listen_to_quran": "LISTEN TO QURAN", + "search_hint_text": "Search for a mosque, or a city", + "downloading": "Downloading", + "cant_download_more_than_3": "Cannot download more than 3 at the same time.", + "boost": "Boost", + "recitation_deleted_successfully": "Recitation deleted successfully", + "quran": "Quran", + "qibla": "Qibla", + "search": "Search", + "more": "More", + "download_cancelled": "Download cancelled", + "no_virtual_mosque_found": "Sorry, we don't find any mosque around you", + "no_surah_found": "No surah found", + "no_favorite_recitor_found": "No favorite recitator found", + "no_recitator_found": "No recitator found", + "empty_quran_search": "Search results will appear here", + "no_bookmark_ayah": "No bookmarks available. Please long-press on the ayah you wish to bookmark.", + "page": "Page", + "prayer_times_in": "Prayer times in", + "update_new_version": "A new version of the Quran is available for download. Tap 'Update' to access the latest enhancements and continue your journey with divine wisdom", + "@update_new_version": { + "description": "Update the new version availiable" + }, + "update_quran_zip": "A new version of the Quran is available for download. Tap 'Update' to access the latest enhancements and continue your journey with divine wisdom.", + "@update_quran_zip": { + "description": "-> update_quran_zip" + }, + "update_latest_quran_version": "A new version of the Quran is available for download. Tap 'Update' to access the latest enhancements and continue your journey with divine wisdom.", + "@update_latest_quran_version": { + "description": "-> update_latest_quran_version" + }, + "update_latest_quran": "A new version of the Quran is available for download. Tap 'Update' to access the latest enhancements and continue your journey with divine wisdom.", + "@update_latest_quran": { + "description": "-> update_latest_quran" + }, + "set_notification_for_all_parayer": "Set this for every prayer", + "@set_notification_for_all_parayer": { + "description": "-> set_notification_for_all_parayer_" + }, + "powered_by_mawaqit": "Powered by MAWAQIT", + "@powered_by_mawaqit": { + "description": "-> powered_by_mawaqit_" + } +} \ No newline at end of file