Google Cloud platform is an optimal choice right now because it provides 300$ free credits for an year , which could be beneficial in case of scaling up an app as the user increases.
Sugarizer can be deployed to GCP manually by creating a vm instance and firewall or using the ansible package which simplifies the process and automatically does most of the steps for you.
This file describes the manual method. Deployment method using ansible can be found here
Step 1: Create a google account if you not have one and login into GCP.
Step 2: Click on Console button at the top , then click on “Select a Project”.
Step 3: Create New Project. Then select the created project.
Step 4 : Create new vm instance.
Enable billing for the VM. Create Instance and allow HTTP and HTTPS. You can choose the machine type as per the number of users.
Step 5 : SSH into the VM and paste these command into the opened ssh window.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y git
git clone
git clone
curl -fsSL | sh
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
cd sugarizer-server
sudo docker-compose up -d
Step 6 : Ingress Firewall Rule.
To allow incoming http requests to our vm , we need to add a firewall rule. Click on 3 dashes in the top-left corner. Scroll down the list and hover on “VPC network” and then click “Firewall rules”. click on “create firewall rule” and make settings same as the screenshots below.
Step 7 : Copy the External IP of the vm (Suppose , Sugarizer will be accessible at