All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[v0.3.1] 2024-10-23
- Check for cache directory before synchronizing the local repos.
[v0.3] 2024-10-15
- Flag unmask action
- License unmask action
- C wrapper to gentoolkit to get packages' dependencies in the less hacky way
- Add repo required by a package action
- Update server's url
- Adding a repo while installing a package, where this action masks all packages from the new repo to avoid dependencies conflicts
- Reverse package listing
options resetting
[v0.2] 2023-03-06
- SQLite local database to store local repos and ebuilds
- Ebuild's description
- restructured actions' execution path
- color output, added a wrapper that sets output's color, style, and background
[v0.1.1] - 2023-02-18
- finding a package with a different letters casing than the original package name
- package selection prompt appears when no packages are found
- duplicate packages search results
- synchronizing repos
[v0.1] - 2023-02-01
- added a changelog :)
- changed the structure of the overlay model to represent some data more elegantly
- fixed overlay source type when adding a new overlay repo