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1. Install dependencies


Pixi is a package management tool for developers. It allows the developer to install libraries and applications in a reproducible way. Use pixi cross-platform, on Windows, Mac and Linux.


curl -fsSL | bash

Then logout and login and you can then install Python with:

pixi global install python==3.11


pyenv is a more conventional alternative to pixi. It installs slower but it's more tested. Use it if pixi doesn't work for you.

On Linux

In order to manage python versions, you can use the pyenv installer.

Installing pyenv would be something like:

curl | bash

Then log off and log back on, in order to ensure that the ~/.local/bin directory (used by pip) is available in your session's $PATH, as well as the pyenv shims directory.

On Mac OS

On Mac, pyenv can be installed with Brew

brew install pyenv

If you get an error configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables, you may not have recent development tools. Run the following:

sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
sudo xcode-select --install

You should verify that a new terminal session has added the pyenv shims directory to your $PATH, then continue in that new terminal session from now on.

2. Install the Python packages needed by the repo

Linux dependencies

pyenv will install a clean Python for you. This installation will insist on a few important libraries which you should have on your system before it installs our chosen Python development version.

sudo apt install -y libncurses-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev \
  libssl-dev make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev \
  libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm \
  libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libxml2-dev libxmlsec1-dev \
  libffi-dev liblzma-dev

Note: if the list of dependencies above changes, update the [docker/Dockerfile] file accordingly, so CI stays in sync with local development environments.

poetry installation

Run the following from the repo root:

# change into the directory of the repo
# cd ~/src/release
pyenv install 3.11.6  # installs Python 3.11.6 via pyenv
pyenv local 3.11.6    # tells pyenv to use 3.11.6 for this repo
pip3 install poetry   # installs poetry to your 3.11.6
poetry env use $(which python)  # instructs poetry to use 3.11.6
poetry install        # installs all our dependencies to 3.11.6

Follow the instructions onscreen. Once the install is done, close and open your shell window, or run bash again. When you change into the release directory (this repo), typing poetry env info should show that the current folder is associated with a 3.11-based virtualenv.

You can see the full path to your virtualenv's Python interpreter with the command poetry env info -p. This is the interpreter you should use in your IDE and in day-to-day commands with regards to the Python programs in this repo. To activate the use of this interpreter on the shell:

source "$(poetry env info -p)/bin/activate"

3. Install pre-commit

Install and enable pre-commit. It's highly recommended in order to prevent pushing code to github that will surely cause failures.

# cd ~/src/release
# source "$(poetry env info -p)/bin/activate"
pip3 install --user pre-commit
pre-commit install

More detailed instructions at .

4.a Install cargo (optional)

If you build with cargo, and not with bazel, you need an installation of rustup and cargo. You can follow the instructions from This is typically as simple as running

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

On Linux

command -v apt && sudo apt install -y clang mold protobuf-compiler || true

On Mac OS

No need to install Clang for Mac OS user since it comes with Xcode.

brew install mold protobuff

Make sure you add $HOME/.cargo/bin to your PATH, as written in the page above.

In the Rust development environment, all tools are installed to the ~/.cargo/bin directory, and this is where you will find the Rust toolchain, including rustc, cargo, and rustup.

Check the Rust / Cargo installation

To check if your Rust tooling is set up correctly, you can go to the repo root and then

cd rs
cargo check

This should succeed.

4.b Install bazel

To install bazel, do not use the version provided by your OS package manager. Please make sure you use bazelisk.

5. Install nvm, node, yarn

1. Install nvm

2. Install node

nvm install 14
nvm use 14

3. Install yarn

npm install --global yarn

"No disk space left" when building with Bazel on Linux?

sudo sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_watches=1048576

Bazel eats up a lot of inotify user watches.

IC Network Internal Dashboard


1. Install cargo-watch

cargo install cargo-watch

2. Install yarn dependencies

cd dashboard
yarn install


To start the release dashboard locally, run the following from dashboard folder

yarn dev

To use the dre CLI tool with the local dashboard instance run it with --dev flag.


dre --dev subnet --id <id> replace -o1