py3.6 pytorch tensorrt v7 onnx onnxsim pycuda
pip install pycuda
pip install onnx
pip install onnx-simplifier
Notably, the trt version should be compatible with the py version:
- Downloading tensorrt in ''
- tar xzvf xxx & cd TensorRT-7.x.x.x/python & pip install tensorrt-7.x.x.x-cpxx-none-linux_x86_64.whl
convert pth to onnx: changing config file in modifying the function of load_model pth2onnx/
python pth2onnx/ python pth2onnx/
testing the onnx
python pth2onnx/
convert onnx to trt: changing config file in modifying the function of load_model onnx2trt/
python onnx2trt/ python onnx2trt/
testing the trt
python onnx2trt/