Docker image containing siege, an open source regression test and benchmark utility to perform stress tests.
Build the docker image
docker build -t siege:latest .
Go inside the docker container (an Ubuntu one) mounting the directory files into the home
docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}/files:/home siege:latest bash
Run siege, i.e.
siege -b -c 100 -i -r once -v -f stagingUrls.csv --no-parser --no-follow
This example command takes as input a csv files containing a list of urls and perform 100 concurrent calls to the urls. The output provides those metricsa
root@dfe7b9a9735e:/home# siege -b -c 100 -i -r once -v -f stagingUrls.csv --no-parser --no-follow
New configuration template added to /root/.siege
Run siege -C to view the current settings in that file
{ "transactions": 156,
"availability": 99.36,
"elapsed_time": 15.83,
"data_transferred": 1.72,
"response_time": 7.08,
"transaction_rate": 9.85,
"throughput": 0.11,
"concurrency": 69.74,
"successful_transactions": 153,
"failed_transactions": 1,
"longest_transaction": 15.26,
"shortest_transaction": 0.52