Exploring a Screenless alternative to learn through play by using video capture as input and sound as output. Are screns the only way to consume tech? Build fun engaging games that also get you moving.
- QR Codes
- Object recognition
- Gesture recognition
- Microphone
- Physical buttons
- Smart home speaker
- Raspberry PI speaker
- Google Assistant Service
- Open CV
- T2S Service
- S2T Service
- API based image requests (pexel)
- API based audio request (freesound, Google Assistant)
Some ideas:
Flash Cards
- card with image as input, its corresponding sound as output
- basic arithmetic with cards (numbers and operators)
- flags, know more about the country (name, anthem?)
- translate it! word is shown, respone in translation in another language
Raise the "right" arm
- gesture recognition based game to learn right from left
What's that sound?
- sound is played, object recognition of answer
What's the flag?
- reverse flags (question is auditary, answer is flag carg - could be object recognition or qr code based)