The Pokemon KMP Demo App is a Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) project designed to showcase the capabilities of modern cross-platform development. This app fetches data from an API, saves it locally, provides search functionality, and allows users to view detailed information about selected Pokémon.
- Fetch Data from API: Retrieve Pokémon data from a remote API.
- Local Storage: Save fetched data locally for offline access.
- Search Functionality: Easily search for Pokémon by name.
- View Details: Detailed information about each Pokémon, including stats and images.
- Kotlin Multiplatform: Share code between Android and iOS.
- Compose Multiplatform: Build native UI for multiple platforms.
- Modularization: Organized codebase into modules for better scalability and maintainability.
- Animation: Smooth and interactive UI animations.
- Navigation: Seamless navigation between different screens.
- Adaptive Layout: Responsive design for different screen sizes.
- Ktor: Networking library for API calls.
- Room: Local database for storing data.
- Koin DI: Dependency injection for managing dependencies.
- Paging: Efficiently load large data sets.
- Horizontal Pager: Swipe through images horizontally.
- Shimmer Effect: Beautiful loading animations to enhance user experience.
- Android Studio
- Xcode (for iOS development)
- Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Plugin
Clone the repository:
git clone cd pokemon-kmp-demo
Open the project in Android Studio.
Build and run the project on your preferred platform (Android or iOS).