diff --git a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/4/index.md b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/4/index.md index 42e5004a3f08718..f71d2e55d16cb18 100644 --- a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/4/index.md +++ b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/4/index.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ The following changes were made to the {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D")}} i - `canvas2dcontext.lineCap` and `canvas2dcontext.lineJoin` no longer throw an exception when set to an unrecognized value. - `canvas2dcontext.globalCompositeOperation` no longer throws an exception when set to an unrecognized value, and no longer supports the non-standard `darker` value. - Support for the obsolete `` element, which was absent in all other browsers, has been removed. -- The {{HTMLElement("isindex")}} element, when created by calling {{domxref("document.createElement()")}}, is now created as a simple element with no properties or methods. +- The `` element, when created by calling {{domxref("document.createElement()")}}, is now created as a simple element with no properties or methods. - Gecko now supports calling `click()` on {{HTMLElement("input")}} elements to open the file picker. See the [example](/en-US/docs/Web/API/File_API/Using_files_from_web_applications#using_hidden_file_input_elements_using_the_click_method) in the article [Using files from web applications](/en-US/docs/Web/API/File_API/Using_files_from_web_applications). - The {{HTMLElement("input")}} element supports a new `mozactionhint` attribute, which lets you specify the label for the enter key on virtual keyboards. - {{HTMLElement("script")}} elements inside {{HTMLElement("iframe")}}, {{HTMLElement("noembed")}}, and {{HTMLElement("noframes")}} elements now get executed, which they weren't in previous versions of Firefox. This is in compliance with the specification, and matches the behavior of other browsers. diff --git a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/5/index.md b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/5/index.md index 376abf1a6b49181..09317ea6d9015be 100644 --- a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/5/index.md +++ b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/5/index.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Firefox 5, based on Gecko 5.0, was released on June 21, 2011. This article provi ### HTML -- All HTML elements now have the {{ domxref("HTMLElement/accessKey", "accessKey") }} attribute, as well as the {{ domxref("element.blur()", "blur()") }}, {{ domxref("element.click()", "click()") }}, and {{ domxref("element.focus()", "focus()") }} methods. These are specified in the {{ domxref("HTMLElement") }} interface. +- All HTML elements now have the {{ domxref("HTMLElement.accessKey", "accessKey") }} attribute, as well as the {{ domxref("HTMLElement.blur()", "blur()") }}, {{ domxref("HTMLElement.click()", "click()") }}, and {{ domxref("HTMLElement.focus()", "focus()") }} methods. These are specified in the {{ domxref("HTMLElement") }} interface. - In order to comply with the HTML5 specification, support for the UTF-7 and UTF-32 [character sets](/en-US/docs/Character_Sets_Supported_by_Gecko) has been removed. - When in quirks mode, empty {{ HTMLElement("map") }}s are no longer skipped over in favor of non-empty ones when matching. See the [Gecko notes](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/map#gecko_notes) on the {{ HTMLElement("map") }} element for details. - Firefox mobile on Android now supports WOFF fonts for {{ cssxref("@font-face") }}. @@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ Firefox 5, based on Gecko 5.0, was released on June 21, 2011. This article provi - Similarly, the {{ domxref("setInterval()") }} method now clamps to no more than one interval per second in inactive tabs. - [`XMLHttpRequest`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest) now [supports the `loadend` event](/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest_API/Using_XMLHttpRequest#detecting_any_load_end_condition) for progress listeners. This is sent after any transfer is finished (that is, after the `abort`, `error`, or `load` event). You can use this to handle any tasks that need to be performed regardless of success or failure of a transfer. - The {{ domxref("Blob") }} and, by extension, the {{ domxref("File") }} objects' `slice()` method has been removed and replaced with a new, proposed syntax that makes it more consistent with [`Array.slice()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/slice) and [`String.slice()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/slice) methods in JavaScript. This method is named `mozSlice()` for now. -- The value of {{ domxref("window.navigator.language") }} is now determined by looking at the value of the `Accept-Language` [HTTP header](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers). +- The value of {{ domxref("Navigator.language") }} is now determined by looking at the value of the `Accept-Language` [HTTP header](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers). - The {{ domxref("Element.prefix") }} property is now read only, as required by the DOM specification. - The {{ domxref("HTMLVideoElement") }} now supports experimental properties to get information about video paint statistics like frame rates. ### JavaScript -- Regular expressions are no longer callable as if they were functions; this change has been made in concert with the WebKit team to ensure compatibility (see [Webkit bug 28285](https://webkit.org/b/28285). This feature had existed for a long time but was never documented (at least, not here on MDC). -- The [`Function.prototype.isGenerator()`](/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/isGenerator) method is now supported; this lets you determine if a function is a [generator](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Iterators_and_generators#generator_functions). +- Regular expressions are no longer callable as if they were functions; this change has been made in concert with the WebKit team to ensure compatibility (see [Webkit bug 28285](https://webkit.org/b/28285)). This feature had existed for a long time but was never documented (at least, not here on MDC). +- The `Function.prototype.isGenerator()` method is now supported; this lets you determine if a function is a [generator](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Iterators_and_generators#generator_functions). - The following [reserved words](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Lexical_grammar#keywords) were previously only treated as reserved when in strict mode; now they're always treated as reserved: `class`, `enum`, `export`, `extends`, `import`, and `super`. - DOM documents created in chrome code may no longer be exposed to sandboxed scripts. - The JSON parser has been re-written for improved speed and compliance. This includes a fix for [Firefox bug 572279](https://bugzil.la/572279). @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Firefox 5, based on Gecko 5.0, was released on June 21, 2011. This article provi ## Changes for Mozilla and add-on developers -For a guide to updating your add-on for Firefox 5, please see [Updating add-ons for Firefox 5](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Updating_add-ons_for_Firefox_5). +For a guide to updating your add-on for Firefox 5, please see [Updating add-ons for Firefox 5](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Updating_add-ons). > [!NOTE] > Firefox 5 requires that binary components be recompiled, as do all major releases of Firefox. See [Binary Interfaces](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Developer_guide/Interface_Compatibility#binary_interfaces) for details. diff --git a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/51/index.md b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/51/index.md index 4f03887da3ab0de..e3837ab394ca764 100644 --- a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/51/index.md +++ b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/51/index.md @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Firefox 51 was released on January 24, 2017. This article lists key changes that - The {{jsxref("Intl/DateTimeFormat/formatToParts", "DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatToParts()")}} method is now available ([Firefox bug 1289340](https://bugzil.la/1289340)). - {{jsxref("Statements/const", "const")}} and {{jsxref("Statements/let", "let")}} are now fully ES2015-compliant ([Firefox bug 950547](https://bugzil.la/950547)). - Using {{jsxref("Statements/const", "const")}} in [`for...of`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for...of) loops now has a fresh binding for each iteration and no longer throws a {{jsxref("SyntaxError")}} ([Firefox bug 1101653](https://bugzil.la/1101653)). -- The deprecated [for each...in](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for_each...in) loop now presents a [warning in the console](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/For-each-in_loops_are_deprecated) ([Firefox bug 1293205](https://bugzil.la/1293205)). Please migrate your code to use the standardized [`for...of`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for...of) loop. +- The deprecated [`for each...in`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features#statements_2) loop now presents a warning in the console ([Firefox bug 1293205](https://bugzil.la/1293205)). Please migrate your code to use the standardized [`for...of`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for...of) loop. - [Generator functions](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/function*) can't have a [label](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/label) anymore and "`let`" as a label name is disallowed now ([Firefox bug 1288459](https://bugzil.la/1288459)). - Deprecated [legacy generator functions](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features) will now throw when used in [method definitions](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Method_definitions) ([Firefox bug 1199296](https://bugzil.la/1199296)). - The `next()` method of the [iterator protocol](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#the_iterator_protocol) will now throw a {{jsxref("TypeError")}} if the returned value is not an object ([Firefox bug 1016936](https://bugzil.la/1016936)). @@ -87,14 +87,14 @@ Firefox 51 was released on January 24, 2017. This article lists key changes that ### Web Workers -- The non-standard and obsolete {{domxref("DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.close")}} event handler and {{domxref("Worker")}} use of the `close` event have been removed from Firefox. +- The non-standard and obsolete `onclose` event handler and {{domxref("Worker")}} use of the `close` event have been removed from Firefox. ### Networking -- Scripts served with an `image/*`, `video/*`, `audio/*` or `text/csv` MIME type are now blocked and are not loaded or executed. This happen when they are declared using {{HTMLElement("script")}}, or loaded via {{domxref("Worker.importScripts()")}}, {{domxref("Worker.Worker","Worker()")}}, {{domxref("SharedWorker.SharedWorker", "SharedWorker()")}} ([Firefox bug 1229267](https://bugzil.la/1229267) and [Firefox bug 1288361](https://bugzil.la/1288361)). +- Scripts served with an `image/*`, `video/*`, `audio/*` or `text/csv` MIME type are now blocked and are not loaded or executed. This happen when they are declared using {{HTMLElement("script")}}, or loaded via {{domxref("WorkerGlobalScope.importScripts()")}}, {{domxref("Worker.Worker","Worker()")}}, {{domxref("SharedWorker.SharedWorker", "SharedWorker()")}} ([Firefox bug 1229267](https://bugzil.la/1229267) and [Firefox bug 1288361](https://bugzil.la/1288361)). - Support for SHA-1 certificates from publicly-trusted certificate authorities has been removed ([Firefox bug 1302140](https://bugzil.la/1302140)). See also [Phasing Out SHA-1 on the Public Web](https://blog.mozilla.org/security/2016/10/18/phasing-out-sha-1-on-the-public-web/) for more information. - New WoSign and StartCom certificates will no longer be accepted ([Firefox bug 1309707](https://bugzil.la/1309707)), see [Distrusting New WoSign and StartCom Certificates](https://blog.mozilla.org/security/2016/10/24/distrusting-new-wosign-and-startcom-certificates/) for more information. -- The [PAC]() `FindProxyForURL(url, host)` function now strips paths and queries from https\:// URLs to avoid information leakage (see [Firefox bug 1255474](https://bugzil.la/1255474) and [CVE-2017-5384](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2017-5384)). +- The [PAC](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/Necko/Proxy_Auto-Configuration_(PAC)_file) `FindProxyForURL(url, host)` function now strips paths and queries from https\:// URLs to avoid information leakage (see [Firefox bug 1255474](https://bugzil.la/1255474) and [CVE-2017-5384](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2017-5384)). ### XHR @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Firefox 51 was released on January 24, 2017. This article lists key changes that ### Events -- Firefox now supports the {{domxref("Element.onanimationstart", "onanimationstart")}}, {{domxref("Element.onanimationiteration", "onanimationiteration")}}, and {{domxref("Element.onanimationstart", "onanimationstart")}} event handlers, in addition to supporting the corresponding events using {{domxref("EventTarget.addEventListener", "addEventListener()")}} ([Firefox bug 911987](https://bugzil.la/911987)). +- Firefox now supports the {{domxref("Element/animationstart_event", "onanimationstart")}}, {{domxref("Element/animationiteration_event", "onanimationiteration")}}, and {{domxref("Element/animationend_event", "onanimationend")}} event handlers, in addition to supporting the corresponding events using {{domxref("EventTarget.addEventListener", "addEventListener()")}} ([Firefox bug 911987](https://bugzil.la/911987)). - Firefox now supports the {{domxref("Element.transitionend_event", "ontransitionend")}} event handler ([Firefox bug 911987](https://bugzil.la/911987)). ### Security diff --git a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/56/index.md b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/56/index.md index 2b2adcab9c0763d..54cb1ded705b783 100644 --- a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/56/index.md +++ b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/56/index.md @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ _No changes._ #### DOM events -- `onwheel` is now available on {{domxref("HTMLElement.onwheel", "HTMLElement")}} — it wasn't before ([Firefox bug 1370550](https://bugzil.la/1370550)). +- {{domxref("HTMLElement/wheel_event", "onwheel")}} is now available on {{domxref("HTMLElement")}} — it wasn't before ([Firefox bug 1370550](https://bugzil.la/1370550)). #### Media and WebRTC @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ _No changes._ ### HTML -- The {{htmlelement("isindex")}} element has been removed from the HTML parser, and from form submission ([Firefox bug 1266495](https://bugzil.la/1266495)). +- The `` element has been removed from the HTML parser, and from form submission ([Firefox bug 1266495](https://bugzil.la/1266495)). - The `` element has been removed ([Firefox bug 1279218](https://bugzil.la/1279218)). ### APIs diff --git a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/57/index.md b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/57/index.md index 57e72eaa960f1ab..e06af840170ed98 100644 --- a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/57/index.md +++ b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/57/index.md @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ _No changes._ ### JavaScript -- The non-standard {{JSxRef("Statements/for_each...in", "for each...in")}} loop, originally part of EcmaScript for XML (E4X), has been removed. Please use {{JSxRef("Statements/for...of", "for...of")}} instead and see [Warning: JavaScript 1.6's for-each-in loops are deprecated](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/For-each-in_loops_are_deprecated) for migration help. ([Firefox bug 1083470](https://bugzil.la/1083470)). +- The non-standard [`for each...in`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features#statements_2) loop, originally part of EcmaScript for XML (E4X), has been removed. Please use {{JSxRef("Statements/for...of", "for...of")}} instead and see [Warning: JavaScript 1.6's for-each-in loops are deprecated](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/For-each-in_loops_are_deprecated) for migration help. ([Firefox bug 1083470](https://bugzil.la/1083470)). - The {{JSxRef("Object.prototype.watch()")}} and {{JSxRef("Object.unwatch", "unwatch()")}} methods are deprecated, will now throw a warning when used, and will be removed soon ([Firefox bug 934669](https://bugzil.la/934669)). - The non-standard {{JSxRef("Iterator")}} and {{JSxRef("StopIteration")}} objects as well as the legacy iteration protocol have been removed ([Firefox bug 1098412](https://bugzil.la/1098412)). - Async generator is now enabled ([Firefox bug 1352312](https://bugzil.la/1352312)). diff --git a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/58/index.md b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/58/index.md index 43db2dbf60c792a..52bc8328f7245c0 100644 --- a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/58/index.md +++ b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/58/index.md @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ _No changes._ - The non-standard [`Date.prototype.toLocaleFormat()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features#date_2) method has been removed ([Firefox bug 818634](https://bugzil.la/818634)). - The non-standard and deprecated {{jsxref("Object.prototype.watch()")}} and {{jsxref("Object.prototype.unwatch", "unwatch()")}} methods have been removed and will no longer work ([Firefox bug 638054](https://bugzil.la/638054)). Consider using [setters and getters](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Working_with_objects#defining_getters_and_setters) or [proxies](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Proxy) instead. -- The [legacy Iterator protocol](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features#legacy_generator_and_iterator), the [`StopIteration`](/en-US/docs/Archive/Web/StopIteration) object, the [legacy generator functions](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features) and the non-standard {{jsxref("Function.prototype.isGenerator()")}} method have been removed. Use the ES2015 [iteration protocols](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols) and standards-compliant [iterators and generators](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Iterators_and_generators) instead ([Firefox bug 1083482](https://bugzil.la/1083482), [Firefox bug 1413867](https://bugzil.la/1413867), [Firefox bug 1119777](https://bugzil.la/1119777)). +- The [legacy Iterator protocol](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features#legacy_generator_and_iterator), the [`StopIteration`](/en-US/docs/Archive/Web/StopIteration) object, the [legacy generator functions](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features) and the non-standard `Function.prototype.isGenerator()` method have been removed. Use the ES2015 [iteration protocols](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols) and standards-compliant [iterators and generators](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Iterators_and_generators) instead ([Firefox bug 1083482](https://bugzil.la/1083482), [Firefox bug 1413867](https://bugzil.la/1413867), [Firefox bug 1119777](https://bugzil.la/1119777)). - The non-standard [Array comprehensions](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features) and [Generator comprehensions](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features) have been removed ([Firefox bug 1414340](https://bugzil.la/1414340)). ### APIs