This is an implementation of Medidata Authentication Client Signer to sign the Http requests
MAuth uses Typesafe Config. Create
on your classpath with the following content. The sign_versions option can be set to sign outgoing requests with Comma-separated protocol versions to sign requests. the default is v1. If the both v1 and v2 specified, the client sign requests with both x-mws-xxxxx and mcc-xxxxx headers
app { uuid: "aaaa-bbbbb-ccccc-ddddd-eeeee" private_key: "avasdfasdfadf" } mauth { sign_versions: "v1,v2" }
Signing Requests
To sign requests using Apache HttpClient interceptors, please see com.mdsol.mauth.MauthRequestInterceptorSignerExample
To sign requests manually, please see com.mdsol.mauth.ManualSignerExample