React Include allows you to embed React container components inside an AngularJS application, synchronizing them through a Redux store. You can think of it as a lightweight alternative to ng-react, that avoids all the integration quirks by connecting the components through redux (that's framework agnostic), instead of transforming AngularJS bindings to React props.
It is built on top of the most widely adopted redux-frameworks for both libraries, ng-redux and react-redux, and follows the best practices that are also widely adopted in the javascript community regarding Redux integration with each framework.
Install via yarn:
yarn add @m/angular-include-react
or via npm:
npm i --save @m/angular-include-react
Add angularIncludeReact as a dependency to your angular application
import angular from 'angular';
import angularIncludeReact from '@m/angular-include-react';
const ngModule = angular.module('app', [
// Add angular include react angular module as a dependency
Register some react container components via the includeReact angular service, with an arbitrary name
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
const ReactContainerComponent = connect(/* ... */);
ngModule.run(function(includeReact) {
includeReact.registerComponent('my-react-component', ReactContainerComponent);
And finally, include the components into your angular template with the include-react directive
<include-react component="my-react-component"></include-react>
To start the development server, just run:
npm install
npm start
npm run build
npm run build:demo
npm run serve
npm test
npm run lint
npm run lint:fix
This software is copyrighted 2017 by Medallia, Inc. and released under the MIT License.