All the proposals that do not involve a modification of the source code go under this type. For example, an opinion poll would use a proposal of type TextProposal.
panacead tx gov submit-proposal --proposal "path/to/proposal.json" --from {key or address} --chain-id {chain_id} --node
"title": "Text Proposal",
"description": "My awesome proposal",
"type": "Text",
"deposit": "10000000000umed"
details a proposal for use of community funds, together with how many coins are proposed to be spent, and to which recipient account.
panacead tx gov submit-proposal community-pool-spend "path/to/proposal.json" --from {key or address} --chain-id {chain_id} --node
"title": "Community Pool Spend",
"description": "Pay me some MEDs!",
"recipient": "panacea1a6yrdxnchps05xd4jmd5dgunkcx4tgkgz4zwm3",
"amount": "100000000umed",
"deposit": "500000000umed"
defines a proposal to change one or more parameters. If accepted, the requested parameter change is updated automatically by the proposal handler upon conclusion of the voting period.
panacead tx gov submit-proposal param-change "path/to/proposal.json" --from {key or address} --chain-id {chain_id} --node
"title": "Activate the community pool and Lower the minimum proposal deposit",
"description": "description",
"changes": [
"subspace": "distribution",
"key": "communitytax",
"value": "0.020000000000000000"
"subspace": "gov",
"key": "depositparams",
"value": {
"min_deposit": [
"denom": "umed",
"amount": "10000000000"
"deposit": "100000000000umed"
If this software upgrade proposal passes, it will be upgraded to the version registered in the proposal. Once the proposal is passed, the state machine of all nodes are interrupted at the specified block height or time. Then, all node operators must stop the daemon, replace the binary with the new version specified in the proposal, and start it.
is a gov Content type for cancelling a software upgrade.