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Training datasset
- parameter
- type: Dataset type, please refer to the training configuration file for more details of supported values
- others: Please refer to the corresponding model training configuration file
Evaluation dataset
- parameter
- type: Dataset type, please refer to the training configuration file for more details of supported values
- others: Please refer to the corresponding model training configuration file
On a single card, the amount of data during each iteration of training
Training steps
Training optimizer
- parameter
- type : supports all official optimizers of PaddlePaddle
- weight_decay : L2 regularization value
- others : Please refer to Optimizer
Learning rate
- parameter
- type : learning rate type, supports 10 strategies, namely 'PolynomialDecay', 'PiecewiseDecay', 'StepDecay', 'CosineAnnealingDecay', 'ExponentialDecay', 'InverseTimeDecay', 'LinearWarmup', 'MultiStepDecay', 'NaturalExpDecay', 'NoamDecay'.
- others : Please refer to Paddle official LRScheduler document
learning_rate(this configuration is not recommended, it will be discarded in the future, we recommend to use lr_scheduler instead)
Learning rate
- parameter
- value: initial learning rate value
- decay: decay configuration
- type: attenuation type, currently only supports poly
- power: attenuation rate
- end_lr: final learning rate
Loss function
- parameter
- types: list of loss functions
- type: Loss function type, please refer to the loss function library for more details
- ignore_index : The category that needs to be ignored during the training process. The default value is the same train_datasetas ignore_index. It is recommended not to set this item . If you set this, "ignore_index" in loss and train_datasetthe must be the same.
- coef : a list of coefficients corresponding to corresponding loss functions
Model to be trained
- parameter
- type : model type, please refer to the model library for the more details
- others: Please refer to the corresponding model training configuration file
Model export configuration
- parameter
- transforms: Preprocessing operations during prediction. The transforms are the same as train_dataset, val_datasetetc. If you do not fill in this item, the data will be normalized by default.
For more details, please refer to detailed configuration file