Container image is available at ghcr.io/mercedes-benz/garm-operator/garm-operator:v0.2.1
contains the operator deployment manifest with all the required RBAC rules and certificate configurations.garm_operator_crds.yaml
contains the CRDs for the operator.garm_operator_all.yaml
is the combination of the above two files.
We do not recommend this version as it can cause a high number of API-Calls towards github.
And with that, it's possible that the used API-Key will get rate-limited which prevent garm
itself from a successful runner creation
✨ Features
- 2eee088: feat: add debug info intellij and docs for local garm-server bootstrap (#57) (@rafalgalaw)
- 0021abc: feat: add lastSyncTime annotation to CRs (#49) (@rafalgalaw)
- c0b6d9b: feat: enable scaling for pools (#35) (@bavarianbidi)
- 835d118: feat: make concurrency configurable (#62) (@bavarianbidi)
- 96d5cb6: feat: refactor enterprise, org and repo controller (#46) (@H777K)
- 2ad8412: feat: refactor to single instance garm client with auto init and login (#48) (@rafalgalaw)
🐛 Bug fixes
- 5a282b6: fix: add missing scaling default value (#45) (@bavarianbidi)
- 9f11e74: fix: disable blackduck SBOM generation again (#63) (@bavarianbidi)
🌱 Others
- 2a6c09e: chore(deps): bump github.com/cloudflare/circl from 1.3.3 to 1.3.7 (#56) (@dependabot[bot])
- dbdb483: chore(deps): bump github.com/go-openapi/runtime from 0.26.0 to 0.26.2 (#55) (@dependabot[bot])
- 7ba809d: chore(deps): bump k8s.io/klog/v2 from 2.90.1 to 2.110.1 (#53) (@dependabot[bot])
- 897d950: chore(deps): bump sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime from 0.15.0 to 0.16.3 (#54) (@dependabot[bot])
- d9084dd: chore: enable blackduck scan on version build (#47) (@bavarianbidi)
- 7ae0d42: chore: enable dependabot (#50) (@bavarianbidi)
- 22f1017: chore: remove nodejs from build action (#60) (@bavarianbidi)
- a2fab2d: chore: update gomock from 0.2.0 to 0.4.0 (#59) (@bavarianbidi)