This repo contains the Swift Playground labs from Apple's App Development with Swift curriculum (the Xcode 10 edition).
You can download these resources and the project files for the other chapters from Apple here:
This repo is intended as an aide to the online App Development with Swift courses you'll be attending, as a way of helping you go through the material before our final catch-up.
If you are taking the App Development with Swift course, you should fork this repo by tapping on the Fork button above.
Then, in on your Mac, cd
into the directory in which you keep your projects, then run git clone<your username>/AppDevelopmentWithSwiftResources.git
The repo contains all the labs with Swift Playground exercises from the App Development with Swift curriculum, available from Books as a free download.
Read through the lessons and follow along wherever possible. At the end of each lesson there is a lab. Complete the associated Swift Playground.
When you've completed all the labs, git add
, git commit
, and git push origin master
your code back up to Github. On the page for your fork of the repo ( username>/AppDevelopmentWithSwiftResources) you'll push the button to create a new pull request:
Make sure the base repository is mhanlon/AppDevelopmentWithSwiftResources
and the base is master
, like so:
Create the pull request, and I'll be able to review your changes to the playgrounds and we can discuss your code in the final catch-up.
You may also want to take a look at the AppDevResources repository. This has some useful pointers that others taking the App Development with Swift class have found useful.
Happy coding!