- tessellation atlas generator
- using web workers
- symmetry-aware using permutation indices on control mesh patches
- try pre-computed tessellation meshes
- tried this and found that the meshes were just too big... using workers to generate tessellations is faster and more bandwidth-efficient
- basic tessellation example
- fallback support for browsers without WebGL2 draft extensions
- mobile support
- simple "terrain" example
- quaternion Bezier surface patch example
- compute LODs + control point transformations on GPU
- proof of concept
- draggable control points and weights
- manual moebius transformation input w/normalization
- draw both original and transformed patches
- basic matcap shading
- compute LODs + control point transformations on GPU
- tessellation atlas optimizations
- faster generation for high LODs
- better compression
- blog post
- matcap-based spherical reflection example
- draggable reflection sphere control widget
- glTF scene geometry loader
- scene graph integrating general Moebius transformations
- refactor/modularize
- documentation
- more fully featured glTF loader