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Pi Monitor System Frontend Documentation


The frontend of the Pi Monitor System consists of HTML pages and JavaScript code that runs on the clients (Raspberry Pis) and in the administrative GUI. This document provides an in-depth explanation of monitor.html and monitor_update.html, including how the JavaScript manages the DOM through classes, functions, and event handlers.

Table of Contents


The frontend comprises two main interfaces:

  1. Monitor Interface (monitor.html): Displayed on the monitors connected to Raspberry Pis, showing dynamic content such as images, videos, announcements, and informational displays.

  2. Monitor Update GUI (monitor_update.html): An administrative interface for updating monitor configurations via a web form.

Both interfaces rely on JavaScript for dynamic functionality and DOM manipulation.

Monitor Interface (monitor.html)


HTML File: monitor.html

Key Elements:

  • <main id="main"></main>: Main content area.

  • <footer id="footer"></footer>: Footer section.

  • <div id="sidebar"></div>: Sidebar section.

  • <script src=""></script>: Loads the YouTube IFrame API.

  • <script src="/static/js/monitor.js"></script>: Main JavaScript file for the monitor.

CSS File: /static/css/monitor.css

  • Defines a grid layout to position the main, footer, and sidebar sections.
  • Sets background properties and dimensions for the body and sections.

JavaScript Components

Main Script: /static/js/monitor.js (compiled from /static/js/monitor.ts)

TypeScript Compilation

  • Source File: /static/js/monitor.ts
  • Compiled File: /static/js/monitor.js
  • Compilation Command: Can be handled by the build script, or manually.

Classes and Functions

The JavaScript code is organized using ES6 classes to represent different content sections and types.

  1. Section (Base Class):

    • Purpose: Represents a generic section on the monitor (main, footer, sidebar).

    • Properties:

      • elementId: The ID of the DOM element.
      • element: The DOM element itself.
    • Constructor:

      • Initializes elementId and retrieves the DOM element using document.getElementById.
  2. ImageSection (Extends Section):

    • Purpose: Handles displaying a cycle of images.

    • Properties:

      • images: Array of image filenames.
      • imageInterval: Time interval between images (in seconds).
      • imageIndex: Current index in the images array.
    • Methods:

      • getCSSImageUrl(): Generates a CSS background-image URL.
      • nextImage(): Advances to the next image and updates the DOM.
      • init(): Initializes the image cycle and sets up intervals.
    • DOM Manipulation:

      • Updates the style.backgroundImage property of the section's DOM element.
  3. YouTubeSection (Extends Section):

    • Purpose: Embeds YouTube videos or playlists.

    • Properties:

      • resourceId: ID of the YouTube video or playlist.
      • type: Content type (youtube_video or youtube_playlist).
    • Methods:

      • init(): Sets up the YouTube player using the IFrame API.
    • DOM Manipulation:

      • Creates a <div> container for the YouTube player and appends it to the section.
      • Initializes the YouTube player with appropriate parameters.
  4. AnnouncementsSection (Extends Section):

    • Purpose: Displays announcements fetched from the server.

    • Properties:

      • announcements: Array of announcements.
      • announcementsIndex: Current index in the announcements array.
      • textElement: DOM element for displaying text.
      • fetchInterval: Interval for fetching new announcements (in milliseconds).
      • originalWidth, originalHeight: Original dimensions of the container for font size calculations.
    • Methods:

      • updateAnnouncements(): Fetches announcements from /announcements.
      • setTextSize(fontSize): Adjusts font size recursively to fit the container.
      • setAnnouncement(text): Updates the announcement text.
      • nextAnnouncement(): Advances to the next announcement.
      • init(): Initializes the announcements display and sets up intervals.
    • DOM Manipulation:

      • Creates a <p> element (textElement) for displaying announcements.
      • Appends textElement to the section's DOM element.
      • Adjusts the fontSize style property to ensure text fits within the container.
  5. InfoSection (Extends Section):

    • Purpose: Displays time, date, and weather information.

    • Properties:

      • latitude, longitude: Coordinates for weather data (school location).
      • data: Object containing weather data.
      • fetchInterval: Interval for fetching weather data (in milliseconds).
      • originalWidth, originalHeight: Original dimensions for font size calculations.
    • Methods:

      • getAPIUrl(): Constructs the Open-Meteo API URL.
      • updateData(): Fetches weather data from the API.
      • addStat(ul, key, name, unit): Adds a statistic to the display list.
      • setTextSize(fontSize): Adjusts font size to fit the container.
      • updateDisplay(): Updates the display with current time, date, and weather data.
      • init(): Initializes the info display and sets up intervals.
    • DOM Manipulation:

      • Creates an unordered list (<ul>) to display information.
      • Appends list items (<li>) for each piece of data.
      • Adjusts font size to ensure content fits.
  6. Monitor Class:

    • Purpose: Manages all sections and initializes the monitor interface.

    • Properties:

      • sections: Array of Section instances.
    • Methods:

      • getConfig(): Fetches the configuration from /config.
      • init(): Initializes sections based on the configuration.
    • Initialization Flow:

      • Fetches configuration from the server.
      • Iterates over configured sections (main, footer, sidebar).
      • Instantiates the appropriate section class based on the content type.

Event Handling

  • YouTube API Ready:

    • Function onYouTubePlayerAPIReady() is called when the YouTube IFrame API is ready.

    • This function creates a new Monitor instance and calls monitor.init().

  • Intervals and Timeouts:

    • Image Cycle: Uses setInterval to change images based on imageInterval.

    • Announcements: Uses setTimeout and setInterval to cycle through announcements and fetch updates.

    • Info Display: Uses setInterval to update weather data and display every second.

Content Types

Image Cycle

  • Configuration:

    • Type: image_cycle
    • Properties:
      • images: Array of image filenames.
      • image_interval: Time interval between images (seconds).
  • Functionality:

    • Displays images in a loop by updating the background-image style property.
    • Uses the ImageSection class to manage the image cycle.
    • Adjusts the image index to loop through the array.

YouTube Video/Playlist

  • Configuration:

    • Type: youtube_video or youtube_playlist
    • Properties:
      • resource_id: Video or playlist ID.
  • Functionality:

    • Embeds YouTube content using the IFrame API.
    • Uses the YouTubeSection class.
    • Sets player variables like autoplay, mute, controls, and looping.
    • Handles video playback and error events.


  • Configuration:

    • Type: announcements
  • Functionality:

    • Fetches announcements from the server via GET /announcements.
    • Uses the AnnouncementsSection class.
    • Displays announcements one at a time with dynamic timing based on text length.
    • Adjusts font size to ensure the announcement fits the container.

Info Display

  • Configuration:

    • Type: info
  • Functionality:

    • Fetches weather data from the Open-Meteo API.
    • Uses the InfoSection class.
    • Displays current time, date, and weather statistics.
    • Updates data and display at regular intervals.

Monitor Update GUI (monitor_update.html)


HTML File: monitor_update.html

Key Elements:

  • <form method="POST" action="/api/update" enctype="multipart/form-data">: Form for submitting updates.

  • <select id="section" name="section">: Dropdown to select the monitor section (A: Main, B: Footer, C: Sidebar).

  • <select id="type" name="type">: Dropdown to select the content type.

  • <section id="image_cycle">: Contains fields for image cycle configuration.

  • <section id="youtube_video">: Contains fields for YouTube video configuration.

  • <section id="youtube_playlist">: Contains fields for YouTube playlist configuration.

  • Current Settings Display:

    • <ul id="current-main"></ul>: Displays current settings for the main section.

    • <ul id="current-footer"></ul>: Displays current settings for the footer section.

    • <ul id="current-sidebar"></ul>: Displays current settings for the sidebar section.

  • <script src="/static/js/monitor_update.js"></script>: JavaScript file for handling form logic and DOM updates.

CSS Styling:

  • Inline styles are used to show/hide configuration sections based on content type selection.

JavaScript Components

Main Script: /static/js/monitor_update.js

Event Handling

  • Type Selection Change:

    • Event listener on the #type select element (sectionType variable).
    • When the content type changes, the script:
      • Shows or hides the relevant <section> elements.
      • Updates the required attribute and name properties of input fields.
      • Ensures only relevant fields are submitted based on the selected content type.
    sectionType.onchange = event => {
      // Logic to show/hide sections and update input fields
  • Parsing and Displaying Current Configuration:

    • Function parseCurrent(section, config) displays current settings for each section.

    • Fetches the current configuration from /config using fetch.

    • Updates the DOM elements (#current-main, #current-footer, #current-sidebar) to show current settings.

    async function initCurrent() {
      const raw = await fetch("/config");
      const globalConfig = await raw.json();
      ["main", "footer", "sidebar"].forEach(
        section => parseCurrent(section, globalConfig[section])

Form Submission

  • Action: Form submits data to POST /api/update.

  • Data Handling:

    • Fields include:
      • section: Selected monitor section (a, b, or c).
      • type: Selected content type.
      • Additional fields based on content type:
        • image_interval, image_files for image_cycle.
        • youtube_url for YouTube content.
    • Input fields are dynamically required or optional based on content type selection.
  • File Uploads:

    • For image_cycle, users can upload one or more image files via the image_files input.
  • Server Processing:

    • The server validates the input, updates config/monitor.json, and handles file uploads.

    • On success, the server redirects back to /update.