Semantic Kernel (SK) is a lightweight foundation that lets you easily mix conventional programming languages with the latest in Large Language Model (LLM) AI "prompts" with templating, chaining, and planning capabilities out-of-the-box.
To learn more about Microsoft Semantic Kernel, visit the Microsoft Semantic Kernel documentation.
The Microsoft Semantic Kernel for Java is a library that implements the key concepts and foundations of Microsoft Semantic Kernel. It is designed to be used in Java applications in both client (desktop, mobile, CLIs) and server environments in an idiomatic way, and to be easily integrated with other Java libraries and frameworks.
To get an idea of how to use the Semantic Kernel for Java, you can check the syntax-examples folder for examples of common AI-enabled scenarios.
To run the LLM prompts and semantic functions in this kernel, make sure you have an Open AI API Key or Azure Open AI service key.
To build the Semantic Kernel for Java, you will need:
- Required:
- OpenJDK 17 or newer
Clone this repository
git clone
Build the project with the Maven Wrapper
cd semantic-kernel ./mvnw install
(Optional) To run a FULL build including static analysis and end-to-end tests that might require a valid OpenAI key, run the following command:
./mvnw clean install -Prelease,bug-check,with-samples
The library is organized in a set of dependencies published to Maven Central. For a list of the Maven dependencies and how to use each of them, see
Alternatively, check the samples
folder for examples of common AI-enabled scenarios implemented with Semantic Kernel
for Java.
Join the Microsoft Semantic Kernel Discord community to discuss the Semantic Kernel
and get help from the community. We have a #java
channel for Java-specific questions.
The project may contain end-to-end tests that require an OpenAI key to run. To run these tests locally, you will need to set the following environment variable:
- the OpenAI API key.
If you are using Azure OpenAI, you will also need to set the following environment variables:
- the Azure OpenAI endpoint found in Keys * Endpoint section of the Azure OpenAI service.AZURE_CLIENT_KEY
- the Azure OpenAI API key found in Keys * Endpoint section of the Azure OpenAI service.MODEL_ID
- the custom name you chose for your deployment when you deployed a model. It can be found under Resource Management > Deployments in the Azure Portal.
For more information, see the Azure OpenAI documentation on how to get your Azure OpenAI credentials.
To run the unit tests only, run the following command:
./mvnw package
To run all tests, including integration tests that require an OpenAI key, run the following command:
./mvnw verify -Prelease,bug-check,with-samples
Before submitting a pull request, please make sure that you have run the project with the command:
./mvnw clean package -Pbug-check
The bug-check profile will detect some static analysis issues that will prevent merging as well as apply formatting requirements to the code base.
Also ensure that:
- All new code is covered by unit tests
- All new code is covered by integration tests
Once your proposal is ready, submit a pull request. The pull request will be reviewed by the project maintainers.
Make sure your pull request has an objective title and a clear description explaining the problem and solution.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct.