- health module: add health app (1d58948e)
- auth module: add auth implementation (abc50dcb)
- redid module: refactor code (52679fad)
- monorepo: refator monorepo libs routes (8885d66d)
- redis module: add more methods (ae329dea)
- libs module: fix import name (5adc93e4)
- monorepo: remove internal "@mikemajesty/monorepo-nestjs-cli": "^0.0.7", (c5bcbcd7)
- //github.com/mikemajesty/nestjs-monorepo into main (de68929e)
- //github.com/mikemajesty/nestjs-monorepo into main (68ecd3f1)
- libs modules: refactor libs modules (f6bbed9b)
- monorepo:
- redis module: update cache module name (350fdbc8)
- libs moule: update redis hSet (75587d0a)
- user module: add repository test (6fccf9c1)
- readme: improve docs (76cd32ab)
- monorepo:
- redis module: add redis module (d4a33f33)
- devops: fix build version (f425858b)
- release: update monerepo version: 'v0.0.18' (a8d8f11a)
- devops: fix build version (f425858b)
- env: add comments env (5907d7a2)
- monorepo: add a cute text in CONTRIBUTIING.md (58e057ac)
- health: change health text (4b0b8519)
- release:
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.4' (49913b77)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.3' (22e75d0d)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.2' (9cb96aa9)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.8' (91654d63)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.7' (05213979)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.5' (c915ec5a)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.3' (983bf7d7)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.17' (7189bf46)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.15' (a1242576)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.13' (cc7d9852)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.11' (f02b104d)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.9' (78847c24)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.7' (0a0f589b)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.5' (c09efeff)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.8' (616b413c)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.35' (98a6ca54)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.28' (443ff136)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.27' (c9103eed)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.26' (ab6c7476)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.25' (513c00f8)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.24' (43b2e495)
- module libs: update nestjs-convert-to-curl (4d49ac0a)
- monorepo tests: improve debug app (e1270ef7)
- database module: refactor database implementation (af9d1585)
- http module: remove htto module of health module (4db495c0)
- main modules: fix import name (37253e1e)
- //github.com/mikemajesty/nestjs-monorepo into main (ff34bc7a)
- interceptors utils: refactor interceptor logger (6ecfbbca)
- libs module: refactor dabatase name (00ac2cbc)
- libs: improve secrets class name (8888c2a8)
- http module: fix tests (6e2e30e0)
- env: add comments env (5907d7a2)
- monorepo: add a cute text in CONTRIBUTIING.md (58e057ac)
- health: change health text (4b0b8519)
- release:
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.4' (49913b77)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.3' (22e75d0d)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.2' (9cb96aa9)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.8' (91654d63)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.7' (05213979)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.5' (c915ec5a)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.3' (983bf7d7)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.17' (7189bf46)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.15' (a1242576)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.13' (cc7d9852)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.11' (f02b104d)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.9' (78847c24)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.7' (0a0f589b)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.5' (c09efeff)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.8' (616b413c)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.35' (98a6ca54)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.28' (443ff136)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.27' (c9103eed)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.26' (ab6c7476)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.25' (513c00f8)
- update monerepo version: 'v0.0.24' (43b2e495)
- module libs: update nestjs-convert-to-curl (4d49ac0a)
- monorepo tests: improve debug app (e1270ef7)
- database module: refactor database implementation (af9d1585)
- http module: remove htto module of health module (4db495c0)
- main modules: fix import name (37253e1e)
- //github.com/mikemajesty/nestjs-monorepo into main (ff34bc7a)
- interceptors utils: refactor interceptor logger (6ecfbbca)
- libs module: refactor dabatase name (00ac2cbc)
- libs: improve secrets class name (8888c2a8)
- http module: fix tests (6e2e30e0)
- monorepo: remove redis (1c00a717)
- jest initialization: refactor envs and mocks (b3dbcff8)
- monorepo: improve configuration (5a938042)
- http module: add axios config support (2e0d6170)
- redis: add redis functions (de99fd97)
- libs: add redis module (29181bf0)
- database: fix repository implementation (8cab1f54)
- monorepo:
- global module: refactor global module (4071a889)
- tests: refactor tests initialization (36af9f14)
- cats-api: refactor cats module (da26f4a7)
- dabatase module: add index and pre save support (2b64f1ff)
- validator: add class validator pipe (af35b94e)
- database module: add MongooseModuleOptions parameter support (ad49c05f)
- readme:
- swagger: fix swagger status (b344a35a)
- logger service: add identitication to curl message (dc510ac4)
- database: add generic repository (08446dff)
- mongo: add mongo connection (dc725c64)
- secrets module: refactor (f5005f19)
- jest.config: add test exclude (d9804d5d)
- database: refactor connection (23fe51cd)
- cats: refactor database and modules cats (51efe37c)
- cats-api:
- repository: add tests (03be9989)
- error handler: add unhandledRejection support (db46d5de)
- interceptor: add performance interceptors (80067763)
- axios: covert axios error to curl (9940ee03)
- tests: refactor tests depedencies (32bb8863)
- jest.config: improve tests files (c21b2f55)
- libs: refactor libs modules (314c14b0)
- loggerservice: refactor error messages (04c20ad7)
- tests: improve tests (bb8efc64)
- interceptors: fiz mock position (aded1bac)
- http-performance.interceptor: add unit tests (d2788221)
- loggerservice: remove unit test (d5175883)
- monorepo: fix env files (ad8aea13)
- dockerignore: add dockerignore (ca980ed9)
- dockerfiles: improve build (4e609e38)
- dockerfile: fix docker file libs folder (921e99c3)
- build:
- deploy:
- libs: add modules info (886ea8c5)
- swaggger: remove description required (7ca4489b)
- eslint: improve eslint config (121735a0)
- eslint: fix eslint (059daffa)
- //github.com/mikemajesty/nestjs-monorepo into main (3de1e319)
- //github.com/mikemajesty/nestjs-monorepo into main (79f62eff)
- libs: refactor libs (fe9f410f)
- tests:
- monorepo:
- logger service:
- filters: add timezone support (b62a6c82)
- readme: improve docs (5f54c713)
- other-api: add new module (807238fa)
- monorepo: improve monorepo config (d6483a37)
- other-api: add unit tests (9e197c1a)
- readme: improve docs (13b3fdba)
- httpmodule: add http module (2da6f232)
- release: add production version 'nestjs-monorepo-prd-0.0.8-backend-final' (f72b964f)
- readme:
- monorepo: refactor project structure (4d759aaf)
- tag-create: fix tag create bug (ef348261)
- monorepo: add final backend implementation (60b3f940)
- release: add production version 'nestjs-monorepo-prd-0.0.4' (4fc3f1b0)
- monorepo: add new release (62d7b685)
- eslint: add eslint to all subprojects (564db93e)
- monorepo: add new release (62d7b685)
- lint: improve project lint (418722e0)
- husky: add pre commit (52a23750)
- tsconfig: add path utils lib support (2c1acfb5)
- monorepo:
- cats-api:
- .dockerignore: add informatation (895c41e4)
- libs:
- core: add index file (99d48280)
- backend: remove module (d0996be2)
- secrets: improve secrets (092d50ea)
- env: change env name (c918f92b)
- package: add uuid dependencies (f71b72e7)
- monorepo:
- shared: remove utils path support (8c2a81c7)
- jest:
- secrets: refactor all files (82cdd9ee)
- libs: remove backend folder (65e832f8)
- package: add project description (8dac636d)
- libs:
- monorepo: improve jest config (1918d069)
- jest: change file extension (d67a941a)
- libs: add tests to common secrets (870cf7df)
- main: rename main api tests (c1c7fa8a)
- dockerfile: fix docker file deploy (6d862577)
- settings: remove test folder (209ea90d)
- docker-compose: change container name (a3351c90)
- settings: add dist exclude (67455271)
- package:
- main:
- libs:
- tsconfig: add lib module path (3ccf544d)
- monorepo: add lib module config (bc94da49)
- gitignore: add node_modules to subprojects (fb7a4ad6)
- shared: fix name on health route (5295ead6)
- readme: remove all information (83d27632)
- jest: remove jest workspace (26e8e2d5)
- main: fix libs path (0d1284ff)
- shared:
- libs: add module libs (30467c27)
- settings: add format on save to main and shared (7b739ce7)
- main: fix shared live update (9c4d5298)
- nest-cli: add global eslint (4763217d)
- main: refactor libs path (e758827f)
- libs:
- monorepo: refactor modules path (57b36cdb)
- health: fix service test (37b2e56b)
- config.jest: add package (4c8bc5bf)
- settings: change path (ce647ef5)
- package:
- jest.config: add jest config file (85afb683)
- settings: remove bin exclude property (1d6015cd)
- swagger: remove swaggger log (87b4aacb)
- eslint:
- main.health: add health modules on cats-api (e5c943d1)
- shared:
- setting: improve vscode setting (d80322bc)
- package: change project name (418198dd)
- docker: add docker build (7637365d)
- main: add logs (40c710b2)
- app: add project structure (8a931dd7)
- husky: fix commit lint (9f7ba37d)
- main:
- config.jest: add config file (6524e571)
- main/shared: remove files (75faa946)
- jest-init: change location (1aa0aa2b)
- jest.init: remove config folder (93bf2e04)
- package: organize dependencies (f97ae0aa)
- eslintrc: change eslint config path (7ea9735a)
- jest.config: change extension (527a6dd0)
- jest-e2e: add to root (a4b28987)
- app.module: change name to MainModule (349ee848)
- lib.shared: change http-status location (9b8b0778)