This is a maven archetype for generating Java projects for Flink on Cloudera.
Cloudera does not release maven archetypes to the Maven Central Repository thus the archetype should be installed locally on your host before usage.
git clone
cd flink-quickstart-archetype
mvn install
cd ..
When complete an entry is added to your local archetype catalog:
cat ~/.m2/repository/archetype-catalog.xml
Once the archetype is installed you can generate project skeletons by running
mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupId=com.cloudera.flink \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=flink-quickstart-archetype \
You must provide some basic information about your new project when prompted. (By hitting 'Enter' you can accept default values)
Define value for property 'groupId': com.cloudera.flink
Define value for property 'artifactId': sample-project
Define value for property 'version' 1.0-SNAPSHOT: :
Define value for property 'package' com.cloudera.flink: :
Confirm properties configuration:
groupId: com.cloudera.flink
artifactId: sample-project
version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
package: com.cloudera.flink
Y: :
The generated project structure will look like the following:
├── pom.xml
└── src
└── main
├── java
│ └── com
│ └── cloudera
│ └── flink
│ └──
└── resources