drag and drop not working
external file drag and drop
delete accept + enter belep a folderbe ha az kovetkezik
switchable texture smoothing for preview
kurzor valtozzon at column move eseten
play button active amikor mnme kene
hold gesture to image scroller also
first drag and drop doesn't work
drag and drop from clipboard
CTRL + drag from clipboard - move
save autoplay state
file list ordering head click
store table states
left right arrow scroll in scroll views
get dimensions before image,pdf, video load, resize preview
slow click rename
test scaling
copy/paste text from wayland clipboard
text file load/seek, hexa view, fix meretu chunkokat olvasson
linelist component, text fileoknak es hexa viewnak
pause/play felvillano ikon over preview
visualization level gombok, kep, oszcilloszkop, binaris
search bar
shortcutok config fileba vagy kulon fileba
listen for folder change event
HEIF/HEVC/mpts play error
korusos videok nem jatszodnak le
video on github page
tech video, automated ui/full test, logban meg a leakek is lathatoak
show raw html/css switch without any code
legalso elem ne legyen felig takarva cursor down eseten
input text scroll or wrap
dirty rect drawing for debugging
time based animations
unified css for all applications to make global styling easier
Extracts all stream and metadata info from multimedia files, also shows the raw hexa/ASCII bytes of the file if needed
Works without a window manager for super hackers
Frequency and scope analyzer visualizers for audio conent
KineticUI is a UI renderer / UI component framework I created to bring MacOS level UI and UX to UNIX-like operating systems. It does kinetic scrolling, hold on two finger touch, edge bounce, zoom on pinch, glyph animations and much more. But one of it's most important feature is deterministic session recording and replaying to automate UI and functional testing. If you create screenshots during session recording with the built-in screenshot tool, those screenshots will be re-created during session replay and you can compare them for changes. If there is no random, time-bound or backgrounud thread-bound information in the screemshots then they should be identical on pixel-level. Check out MultiMedia File Manager ( www.github.com/milgra/mmfm ), Visual Music Player ( www.github.com/milgra/vmp ) , Sway Overview ( www.github.com/milgra/sov ) or Wayland Control Panel (www.github.com/milgra/wcp ) to see KineticUI in action!