语法: captures, err = ngx.re.match(subject, regex, options?, ctx?, res_table?)
环境: init_worker_by_lua*, set_by_lua*, rewrite_by_lua*, access_by_lua*, content_by_lua*, header_filter_by_lua*, body_filter_by_lua*, log_by_lua*, ngx.timer.*
使用 Perl 兼容正则表达式 regex
匹配字符串 subject
,并使用可选的参数 options
仅返回第一个匹配结果,无结果时返回 nil
。当出错时,例如正则表达式出错或者超出 PCRE 堆栈限制,将返回 nil
当匹配成功时,返回一个 Lua 表 captures
,其中 captures[0]
local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, 1234", "[0-9]+")
if m then
-- m[0] == "1234"
if err then
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "error: ", err)
ngx.say("match not found")
local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, 1234", "([0-9])[0-9]+")
-- m[0] == "1234"
-- m[1] == "1"
自 v0.7.14
版本后,本模块支持正则表达式命名捕获(Named capture),结果以键值对的方式与数字编号的结果在同一个 Lua 表中返回。
local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, 1234", "([0-9])(?<remaining>[0-9]+)")
-- m[0] == "1234"
-- m[1] == "1"
-- m[2] == "234"
-- m["remaining"] == "234"
在 captures
表中,不匹配的子模板将返回 nil
local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, world", "(world)|(hello)|(?<named>howdy)")
-- m[0] == "hello"
-- m[1] == nil
-- m[2] == "hello"
-- m[3] == nil
-- m["named"] == nil
通过指定 options
a 锚定模式 (仅从目标字符串开始位置匹配)
d 启用 DFA 模式(又名最长令牌匹配语义)。
此选项需要 PCRE 6.0 以上版本,否则将抛出 Lua 异常。
此选项最早出现在 ngx_lua v0.3.1rc30 版本中。
D 启用重复命名模板支持。子模板命名可以重复,在结果中以数组方式返回。例如:
local m = ngx.re.match("hello, world",
"(?<named>\w+), (?<named>\w+)",
-- m["named"] == {"hello", "world"}
此选项最早出现在 v0.7.14 版本中,需要 PCRE 8.12 以上版本支持.
i 大小写不敏感模式 (类似 Perl 的 /i 修饰符)
j 启用 PCRE JIT 编译,此功能需要 PCRE 8.21 以上版本以 --enable-jit 选项编译。
为达到最佳性能,此选项应与 'o' 选项同时使用。
此选项最早出现在 ngx_lua v0.3.1rc30 版本中。
J 启用 PCRE Javascript 兼容模式。
此选项最早出现在 v0.7.14 版本中,需要 PCRE 8.12 以上版本支持.
m 多行模式 (类似 Perl 的 /m 修饰符)
o 仅编译一次模式 (类似 Perl 的 /o 修饰符)
启用 worker 进程级正则表达式编译缓存。
s 单行模式 (类似 Perl 的 /s 修饰符)
u UTF-8 模式。此选项需要 PCRE 以 --enable-utf8 选项编译,否则将抛出 Lua 异常。
U 类似 "u" 模式,但禁用了 PCRE 对目标字符串的 UTF-8 合法性检查。
此选项最早出现在 ngx_lua v0.8.1 版本中。
x 扩展模式 (类似 Perl 的 /x 修饰符)
local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, world", "HEL LO", "ix")
-- m[0] == "hello"
local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, 美好生活", "HELLO, (.{2})", "iu")
-- m[0] == "hello, 美好"
-- m[1] == "美好"
选项非常有用,因为正则表达式模板将仅仅被编译一次,之后缓存在 worker 级的缓存中,并被此 nginx worker 处理的所有请求共享。缓存数量上限可以通过 lua_regex_cache_max_entries 指令调整。
可选的第四个参数 ctx
是一个 Lua 表,包含可选的 pos
域。当 ctx
表的 pos
将从该位置起执行匹配(位置下标从 1 开始)。不论 ctx
表中是否已经有 pos
将在正则表达式被成功匹配后,设置 pos
域值为完整匹配子字符串 之后 的位置。当匹配失败时,ctx
local ctx = {}
local m, err = ngx.re.match("1234, hello", "[0-9]+", "", ctx)
-- m[0] = "1234"
-- ctx.pos == 5
local ctx = { pos = 2 }
local m, err = ngx.re.match("1234, hello", "[0-9]+", "", ctx)
-- m[0] = "34"
-- ctx.pos == 5
参数 ctx
表与正则表达式修饰符 a
组合使用,可以用来建立一个基于 ngx.re.match
注意,当指定参数 ctx
时,参数 options
不能空缺,当不需要使用 options
来指定正则表达式选项时,必须使用 Lua 空字符串 (""
) 作为占位符。
这个方法需要在 Nginx 中启用 PCRE 库。 (Known Issue With Special Escaping Sequences).
要想确认 PCRE JIT 是否已经启用,需要在 Nginx 或 ngx_openresty 的 ./configure
配置脚本中,添加 --with-debug
选项激活 Nginx 的调试日志。然后,在 error_log
指令中启用 error
错误日志级别。当 PCRE JIT 启用时,将出现下述信息:
pcre JIT compiling result: 1
自 0.9.4
,让调用者可以自己指定存储所有匹配结果的 Lua 表。自 0.9.6
版本开始,调用者需要自己确保这个表是空的。这个功能对表预分配、重用以及节省 Lua 回收机制 (GC) 非常有用。
这个功能最早出现在 v0.2.1rc11
English Source
syntax: captures, err = ngx.re.match(subject, regex, options?, ctx?, res_table?)
context: init_worker_by_lua*, set_by_lua*, rewrite_by_lua*, access_by_lua*, content_by_lua*, header_filter_by_lua*, body_filter_by_lua*, log_by_lua*, ngx.timer.*
Matches the subject
string using the Perl compatible regular expression regex
with the optional options
Only the first occurrence of the match is returned, or nil
if no match is found. In case of errors, like seeing a bad regular expression or exceeding the PCRE stack limit, nil
and a string describing the error will be returned.
When a match is found, a Lua table captures
is returned, where captures[0]
holds the whole substring being matched, and captures[1]
holds the first parenthesized sub-pattern's capturing, captures[2]
the second, and so on.
local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, 1234", "[0-9]+")
if m then
-- m[0] == "1234"
if err then
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "error: ", err)
ngx.say("match not found")
local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, 1234", "([0-9])[0-9]+")
-- m[0] == "1234"
-- m[1] == "1"
Named captures are also supported since the v0.7.14
and are returned in the same Lua table as key-value pairs as the numbered captures.
local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, 1234", "([0-9])(?<remaining>[0-9]+)")
-- m[0] == "1234"
-- m[1] == "1"
-- m[2] == "234"
-- m["remaining"] == "234"
Unmatched subpatterns will have nil
values in their captures
table fields.
local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, world", "(world)|(hello)|(?<named>howdy)")
-- m[0] == "hello"
-- m[1] == nil
-- m[2] == "hello"
-- m[3] == nil
-- m["named"] == nil
Specify options
to control how the match operation will be performed. The following option characters are supported:
a anchored mode (only match from the beginning)
d enable the DFA mode (or the longest token match semantics).
this requires PCRE 6.0+ or else a Lua exception will be thrown.
first introduced in ngx_lua v0.3.1rc30.
D enable duplicate named pattern support. This allows named
subpattern names to be repeated, returning the captures in
an array-like Lua table. for example,
local m = ngx.re.match("hello, world",
"(?<named>\w+), (?<named>\w+)",
-- m["named"] == {"hello", "world"}
this option was first introduced in the v0.7.14 release.
this option requires at least PCRE 8.12.
i case insensitive mode (similar to Perl's /i modifier)
j enable PCRE JIT compilation, this requires PCRE 8.21+ which
must be built with the --enable-jit option. for optimum performance,
this option should always be used together with the 'o' option.
first introduced in ngx_lua v0.3.1rc30.
J enable the PCRE Javascript compatible mode. this option was
first introduced in the v0.7.14 release. this option requires
at least PCRE 8.12.
m multi-line mode (similar to Perl's /m modifier)
o compile-once mode (similar to Perl's /o modifier),
to enable the worker-process-level compiled-regex cache
s single-line mode (similar to Perl's /s modifier)
u UTF-8 mode. this requires PCRE to be built with
the --enable-utf8 option or else a Lua exception will be thrown.
U similar to "u" but disables PCRE's UTF-8 validity check on
the subject string. first introduced in ngx_lua v0.8.1.
x extended mode (similar to Perl's /x modifier)
These options can be combined:
local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, world", "HEL LO", "ix")
-- m[0] == "hello"
local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, 美好生活", "HELLO, (.{2})", "iu")
-- m[0] == "hello, 美好"
-- m[1] == "美好"
The o
option is useful for performance tuning, because the regex pattern in question will only be compiled once, cached in the worker-process level, and shared among all requests in the current Nginx worker process. The upper limit of the regex cache can be tuned via the lua_regex_cache_max_entries directive.
The optional fourth argument, ctx
, can be a Lua table holding an optional pos
field. When the pos
field in the ctx
table argument is specified, ngx.re.match
will start matching from that offset (starting from 1). Regardless of the presence of the pos
field in the ctx
table, ngx.re.match
will always set this pos
field to the position after the substring matched by the whole pattern in case of a successful match. When match fails, the ctx
table will be left intact.
local ctx = {}
local m, err = ngx.re.match("1234, hello", "[0-9]+", "", ctx)
-- m[0] = "1234"
-- ctx.pos == 5
local ctx = { pos = 2 }
local m, err = ngx.re.match("1234, hello", "[0-9]+", "", ctx)
-- m[0] = "34"
-- ctx.pos == 5
The ctx
table argument combined with the a
regex modifier can be used to construct a lexer atop ngx.re.match
Note that, the options
argument is not optional when the ctx
argument is specified and that the empty Lua string (""
) must be used as placeholder for options
if no meaningful regex options are required.
This method requires the PCRE library enabled in Nginx. (Known Issue With Special Escaping Sequences).
To confirm that PCRE JIT is enabled, activate the Nginx debug log by adding the --with-debug
option to Nginx or ngx_openresty's ./configure
script. Then, enable the "debug" error log level in error_log
directive. The following message will be generated if PCRE JIT is enabled:
pcre JIT compiling result: 1
Starting from the 0.9.4
release, this function also accepts a 5th argument, res_table
, for letting the caller supply the Lua table used to hold all the capturing results. Starting from 0.9.6
, it is the caller's responsibility to ensure this table is empty. This is very useful for recycling Lua tables and saving GC and table allocation overhead.
This feature was introduced in the v0.2.1rc11